My hair stopped breaking!!!!


New Member
Hi everyone,

I had posted awhile back about what i could do to stop the breakage. Well i ended up cutting more hair off. I love my Sis-in-law. She is a hair dresser, but not scissor happy like alot of them. She hates cutting hair. Especially mine. But i showed her how messy my freshly cleaned bathroom was after blow drying my hair so she could cut it. It looked like it had snowed hair up in there. :perplexed She talked me out of doing the BC right now. I am glad she did, cause i have some days where the kids have me worn out and i just need to be able to moisturize my hair and bun it for the day. My hair was a bit passed arm pit length. I had trimmed 2 inches off 3 weeks ago, but it was still breaking. She she cut it up to shoulder length. That was about anohter 4 inches. And when i comb my hair i barely see any hair in the floor or sick. YAY!!!!:) I like the cut though. I had alot of layers so only my back was long. So now it will grow out more even. I am going to try to stay on top of keeping my hair moisturized and deep conditioning it. I need to try clarifying it ever other week also.
Congratulations! I am glad that you were able to resolve those breaking issues. I know how frustrating that can be to see all that hair on the floor when you are doing everything you can to try and fix it.:)
Sweetcoco82 said:
Thank you everyone. I just have to stay on top of taking care of it.

Yay Sweets! I'm SO glad you didn't cut it all off...
(Now have you finished packing yet?):grin:
Sometimes it takes cutting just a bit in order for your hair to start off on a better journey. I remember when my stylist did that after my Bigen fiasco, and I was not amused...but now looking back it was the best thing I could have ever done since that product did not agree with my hair.