My Hair Pictures and Hair Growth


New Member
Hey Ladieez,
Well I just started the healthy care regime in July 2002. I just measured my hair yesterday and it is 22 inches! /images/graemlins/tongue.gif It is only 5 inches from my bra strap! Unfortunately I will have to cut off about 3 inches to get rid of the overprocessed portion, but it has grown since the summer. I had my hair professionally set and everyone at work was like wow your hair has really grown. They said I cannot believe it has grown that much! You know I was cheesing. I expect by next year this time I will be at my bra strap goal!
Well I finally broke down and set up a photo album.
Here it is
Put in the name nay_nay (lower case)
The password is HEALTHYHAIR (all caps)
Nay Nay your hair looks great. I wouldn't worry about the ends not being as thick as the rest. When I look at my hair in the 2 way mirror from the back it's usually because the top isn't as long as the bottome of the hair sometimes causing that "see through" look. I like the october pic with the curls. You can definitely see the growth because even curled it looks longer than the first picture.

Keep us updated with your hair growth.
Nay Nay
Your hair looks very pretty and you have a lovely smile too! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/cool.gif. What is your hair routine and are you taking any supplement, your hair looks so glossy.
Thanks Ladies for the compliments. I added another picture. So u know what I do at work all day! /images/graemlins/tongue.gif
For all of those pictures I didn't take any vitamins. I just started taking supplements in November. My hair loves the summer and the moisture. Believe it or not it was raining the day I had my hair curly and the curls held despite the rain. I also used the Caruso steam rollers almost everyday during that period.
I used Proclaim carrot oil or Luster's Pink Oil Moisturizer Glosser (both found at Sally's)during the time. Sometimes I spray the glosser on my hair at night and wrap up my hair.
Now I take 1 Nourshair per day (not the 2 recommended), extra zinc & vitamin c (I had the sniffles /images/graemlins/crazy.gif), one Essential Fatty Acid pill with all 3 Omega acids, and calcium.
Oh and I always let my hair air dry. I have had my hair set under a dryer only 3 times since July.
Well I have a long way to go......sigh /images/graemlins/frown.gif, but at least now I have noticed a little progress!
Hi NayNay,
Your hair is really beautiful. You mentioned that you "air dry" you use the "pony tail" method? If you don't mind, could you post your "air drying" technique; how long does it take to dry? Thanks dear /images/graemlins/smile.gif.
God Bless,
girrrrrl, so nice to almost put a face with a name. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

your hair looks great! i agree with london diva. don't worry about the ends. that would be something i would correct gradually as i got closer to my goal.

your hair grew alot from the summer to now. GREAT!!

Hi Nay Nay,

Your hair looks beautiful! /images/graemlins/smile.gif I think it's even better when others notice your hair growth because somethings we tend to believe because it's our hair, it's not growing.
Thanks Ladiezz-for the kind words,
In the future I promise to actually take more pictures of the hair and length.
Peachtree, I rollerset my hair with doobie rollers and it takes about 7-8 hours to hair dry. I don't really like setting lotions so I don't use them. I am lazy and usually wash my hair late at night so I actually SLEEP in those rollers. The next day my hair is MAD curly, so I wear it in a ponytail, then at night I wrap it and then curl the ends (only 6 rollers) with the largest caruso steam rollers in the morning. Sometimes I wear my hair in a ponytail all day before wrapping to pull out the curl. I haven't really tried the ponytail drying method. When I was on an island I let my hair "attempt" to dry with the ponytail method, but with the humidity and all, it never completely dried before I got it wet again. I think I will try it this summer, but think it will take forever to dry. Before when I had it twisted at the hairdresser AFTER a relaxer it took 3 hours under the hair dryer for it to dry...NEVER again!

My hair type is 4a I believe. The natural curl pattern of my hair is a small S.
Looking good /images/graemlins/laugh.gif! The ends look fine keep up the good work. Happy Hair Growing! /images/graemlins/cool.gif
NayNay, I'm sorry for all of the questions...

"doobie rollers"....are these similiar to magnetic rollers? Are they hard / soft? (I've been air drying lately, and I'm trying to find rollers comfortable enough to sleep in. Lately, I've been experimenting with the dreaded sponge roller, yet modified....heavily covered in satin & end papers)
I tried to see your pictures. It said something about it being restricted. I typed in your name nay_nay and the pass word HEALTHYHAIR. Still no access. It said I was a non member. Do I have to join picture trail in order to see the picture? Really want to see it. Bonjour. /images/graemlins/confused.gif
NayNay, your hair is amazing. It looks like you started out with a beautiful, healthy head of hair.

Keep up the good work and you'll reach your goals in no time.
Mahalia, make sure that your caps lock isn't on by mistake. Also make sure that you're not typing the hyphen ( - ) but the underscore ( _ ). Hope that this helps!

NayNay, absolutely gorgeous hair. You must be very proud of your hard work!!
Thanks ladieez I am if you saw my head today I don't know how many compliments I would get /images/graemlins/grin.gif. It is raining in the NYC area and my hair is drinking up the moisture plus I am at 2 months with no relaxer...I am having problems with the dryness, but I am working on it! I still haven't found the right product mix!

Someone asked about my hair type...It is a 4 and I think similiar to ArmyQT-not as thick or as in as good shape, but one day..... My curl pattern is a small S pattern.

Peachtree-I use the big magnetic rollers with the holes and clips...I can sleep on anything including them /images/graemlins/tongue.gif! I usually wrap my hair then curl it with the caruso steamrollers in the morning. The satin rollers should be okay! I think places (Walmart, Sally's) sell Solar rollers that are like the old cloth ones (back in the day my Mom wore these) that are soft with a thin wire running through it. The satin should be fine on your hair.
SweetCocoa talks about the mesh rollers. I used these YEARS ago and don't see them in the stores that much. They are shaped like magnetic rollers and are made out of wire and have wire mesh in them..I still have a few (LOL) in my curler bag and u need to use a pick to push through the mesh roller to hold it place. I use to pull out the mesh in the inside because sometimes it catches on the hair.

Mahlialee4-follow KitKat's advice. I logged onto the photoalbum using the link and had no problems-but keep me informed. Again thanks for the kind words ladieez and I should be adding pictures to the album soon!
Thanx4thetip KitKat!
Your hair looks very healthy and pretty. Do you think that the steam from the Caruso contributes to this? Bonjour. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
When you say satin rollers, are you referring to the Solar rollers or are those different? Let me know becasue I've been wondering if their is anything softer than the solar rollers.

I think the Caruso rollers help a lot. During the winter I started to wear my hair up and stopped using the Caruso rollers and I started getting tiny pieces of hair breaking and I attribute it to dryness. I have just started to use it again and my hair is behaving better-but I am still combating the dryness.

The solar rollers are the softest ones and the least damaging for soft rollers that I know of! Good Luck! Fortunately I can sleep in the hard plastic I don't have to utilize my PJness there /images/graemlins/tongue.gif!