my hair loves to knot


Well-Known Member
All of a sudden, my natural hair LOVES To KNOT!! and its knotting at the ends, middle of my hair and everything. By the time I gently finger comb it and then wide tooth comb it I always have a ball of hair at the end which I have to snap off:wallbash:

Any suggestions on how to keep my hair from knotting?
Do you plait, braid, or twist your hair? I would get a few every so often because I was plaiting to the ends of my hair. I noticed that on plaits where I left the very last inch or so loose and oiled, no knots. Try this and see what happens.
No I wasn't twisting it. I started twisiting it now because of all the knots ive been having. I've been leaving my hair curly and would just put it up and by the end of the week my hair is a hot mess!!! Its look good with my curly poof but my hair would have little knots all over.:nono:
No I wasn't twisting it. I started twisiting it now because of all the knots ive been having. I've been leaving my hair curly and would just put it up and by the end of the week my hair is a hot mess!!! Its look good with my curly poof but my hair would have little knots all over.:nono:

same exact thing happens to me. that and a million single strand knots
:look: I'm wanting to transition... I'm only two months post and I have knots like crazy. :( Not tangles but single strand knots.... I didn't think that could happen with relaxed hair? :perplexed:
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To echo what jamaraa said "oiling" is a HUGE KEY I had so many knots but mine oddly were from twisting and not detangling after I took them down.
All this week I've been using oil daily but it was with my scalp in mind. How about I have only maybe 4-7 knots at my ends and none in the center, verses a head full literally. I noticed oil helping even before this week but I never did it enough to figure out that was the solution.

So I'd say braid your hair in plats/twists at night not little ones
spray some conditioner/moisturizer whichever you prefer in your hands
softly slide it from mid length to ends where you should concentrate
shake your head a little if you like
then seal your ends with some oil or if you have dry scalp rub the oil over the length of your hair
If you don't like oil try a moisture locker after you moisturize, ie: devacare's moisture lock ooo and rollersetting helps a lot too.
If you do like oils doo gro is good don't know about for growth but for knot reducing and only a small amount "quarter size" is necessary they have a kind without mineral oil or petrolatum, or the oyin burnt sugar pomade.
Yes it can happen with relaxed hair, before I went natural they gave me trouble, I think due to the fact that I'd go to sleep without a scarf, never moisturize, didn't really take my time styling before bed ie: wrap, rollerset, braid etc, and held off on getting proper trims. If you're doing any of this that may be why. Rollersetting helps, oiling helps a lot, and moisturizing is like the number one key.

:look: I'm wanting to transition... I'm only two months post and I have knots like crazy. :( Not tangles but single strand knots.... I didn't think that could happen with relaxed hair? :perplexed:
I guess I belong to the same club. If I leave my hair out I get a million fairy knots, so loose styles esp. WNGs are a no go for me. I have trimmed my ends and it is protective styles for me with well moisturized and well oiled ends.
All of a sudden, my natural hair LOVES To KNOT!! and its knotting at the ends, middle of my hair and everything. By the time I gently finger comb it and then wide tooth comb it I always have a ball of hair at the end which I have to snap off:wallbash:

Any suggestions on how to keep my hair from knotting?

Honey, prepare yourself now (especially mentally) for those knots because you're going to get 'em, probably no matter what you do to your hair (if it's naturally curly/coily), that is.

Curly hair (any curl pattern...especially smaller ones) loves to curl up onto itself and it often results in knots. I doubt if there's any way to avoid them. I've heard of all sorts of "remedies" but when it came down to it, sisters eventually let me know that it's a part of being natural and it's best to just accept it mentally and do what you can to avoid them.

It also happens with texlaxed hair, too, which I've heard from some sister who are texlaxed. I had no idea, initially.

I know I sound depressing, lol, sorry for that. I just want to be real with you because nary a person was real with me when I went natural. Knots are one of the constant struggles for me and for many of my natural friends.

Btw, like yours, mine would knot when left "out"...or even when allowed to get "fuzzy" (e.g. when the hair deviates from the braid or twist). I kept my hair braided or twisted to avoid this and had to keep redoing them to keep them fresh so that they wouldn't fuzz up - but eventually I grew tired of not being able to enjoy wearing my hair out.

Hang in there and just be prepared for those things mentally...because single strand knots are a recurring theme for naturals; I just want to tell it to you straight because no one did that for me.
Do you plait, braid, or twist your hair? I would get a few every so often because I was plaiting to the ends of my hair. I noticed that on plaits where I left the very last inch or so loose and oiled, no knots. Try this and see what happens.

In addition to keeping my ends trimmed/ healthy and detangling on a regular basis with my denman(during co-washing w/ condish).Keeps knots at bay for me.

I hope that it gets better for you OP.
Oh wow thanks! Keeping it real helps a lot. Now that I know if I keep my hair in twists can cause knots too, I will be sure to retwist them when they get fuzzy. I started to remove my twists at 9AM finished near 12 in the afternoon and then washed and conditioned and was done by nearly 2:30. Its 4:30 and I still have deep con in my hair. I have to study I cannot give my entire saturday to my hair. When I finish writing my 8 page paper...I will wash my hair and put my shea butter mix and let it air dry smh. This hair thing isn't getting any easier. Don't get me wrong, I love my hair but I wish I had some help.
The only time my hair did not develop knots was when it was relaxed. While I have been natural and texlaxed, my hair continues to get knots.
Oh wow thanks! Keeping it real helps a lot. Now that I know if I keep my hair in twists can cause knots too, I will be sure to retwist them when they get fuzzy. I started to remove my twists at 9AM finished near 12 in the afternoon and then washed and conditioned and was done by nearly 2:30. Its 4:30 and I still have deep con in my hair. I have to study I cannot give my entire saturday to my hair. When I finish writing my 8 page paper...I will wash my hair and put my shea butter mix and let it air dry smh. This hair thing isn't getting any easier. Don't get me wrong, I love my hair but I wish I had some help.

I never wash my hair unless it's in twists. I think my twisting method prevents the hair from knotting up when I wash and I find I in fact have to worry about the few twists that unravel and need redoing. But washing in twists (or braids if that's what I'm wearing at the time) means that my wash time doesn't take any longer than it takes to massage shampoo, rinse, apply conditioner put on a cap and finish my shower and rinse out condish, ACV rinse. Done. I don't need to detangle and I don't get knots. And at the end of my wash, I can just style my twists and keep it moving.

I'm so lazy that if I didn't keep my hair braided or twisted, I'd be in big trouble. :nono:
I used to get a lot of knots, but now I oil my hair after I wash and moisturize it, and I have knot seen any knots in a while. I think the oil is softening my hair, so the knots and tangles fall out easily when I detangle. And I wear wash and goes mostly as well.
i really dont think that im an idiot but I'm really having trouble with the concept of oiling my hair (other than oil rinses). am i supposed to put the oil on my hair fresh out of the shower when it's slightly less than dripping wet?
I'm having this problem too. My main issue is that the nape hair twists around the single strand knot resulting in a larger knot that sometimes has to be cut. I have SS knots in the front but they dont bother me because they don't expand into these killer knots. This week I have been doing braid outs. At night I separate into sections detangle the ends, then braid the hair. In the morning I just unbraid. Also this week I haven't put much product on my hair. Before braiding I mist with water. Only once have I added coconut oil. I'm thinking that less product may mean less sticking together of strands. I'm not sure how this will work as I am experimenting, but I'll check back in come wash day to let you know.
Question: If you put oil in your hair prior to a butter, will that keep the butter from penetrating? Does oil block moisturizer?

Reason: Shea butter is my main moisturizer and it works beautifully for my hair. As long as I twist, I don't have to worry too much about SSK's, but they still come on occasion.

If oiling my eliminate them, that would be AWESOME; however, does oil block moisturizing?

Maybe I should know this by now...

This is a nice little thread, OP. Great responses, too...

I used to get a lot of knots, but now I oil my hair after I wash and moisturize it, and I have knot seen any knots in a while. I think the oil is softening my hair, so the knots and tangles fall out easily when I detangle. And I wear wash and goes mostly as well.

What is your texture, if you don't mind me asking?

Adding something like shea butter, bees wax, or petroleum jelly to the ends of the hair should help to reduce the knotting because it gives it a smoother end...

Also prior to combing or fingering your hair make sure it's properly "oiled" with the above methods.
Adding something like shea butter, bees wax, or petroleum jelly to the ends of the hair should help to reduce the knotting because it gives it a smoother end...

Also prior to combing or fingering your hair make sure it's properly "oiled" with the above methods.

Will do....just want to know if oiling "blocks" moisture, though. Should I moisturize and THEN oil the ends?

All of a sudden, my natural hair LOVES To KNOT!! and its knotting at the ends, middle of my hair and everything. By the time I gently finger comb it and then wide tooth comb it I always have a ball of hair at the end which I have to snap off:wallbash:

Any suggestions on how to keep my hair from knotting?

What Up, BK,

My hair did the same thing and I said this is crazy. I would conwash and use a very wide tooth comb and I noticed more little curls going down the drain. As soon as my hair drys its tangled. I got fed up and wasn't feeling that curly look, so I got a Mizani Relaxer on Saturday. I now know how to manage my relaxers and keep it moving. I hope that helps. I was natural for six months. It was liberating in the beginning, but it turned on me.
