my hair just wont do what i tell it to


New Member
i have always had a problem with my side is always winds up being longer than the other. i used to handle it by having my hair evened out by a hair stylist but i have stopped doing that. for some strange reason i notice more growth when i do my relaxers myself rather than having someone else do it. i may go once a year to have my hair professionally done but then i do my own relaxer at home every three months (and yes my hair does look awful towards the end of that third month). well back to my issue about my hair being uneven....i can get my hair evened by a stylist and then as the months pass i notice that one side will be longer than the other( this always happens...the same side every time). as i said i used to get it evened but i really don't want to bother with it anymore. it is even crazier how the side of my hair that appears to have the most new growth every time i relax it is the shorter side, i just don't understand it. what am i doing wrong?

When you relax, do you START your relaxer applications on the same side every time? I'm thinking that the shorter side is getting processed longer.
Well, I too have the same uneveness problem. The right half of my half gains more length than the left. However, I have been doing my own experiment with Surge by spraying only the left half and I must say that IT IS WORKING!! I cannot express to you how happy I am to have found something that is working so well and that is producing results. I go for my touch-up next Friday and am looking forward to the results. There shouldn't be any need for a major evening, just maybe a 1/2" or less throughout. I'll update.
i'm not sure if i start on the same side every time. when i relax my hair i don't relax one half and then the other. i work my way from the back to the front. so, i don't see how or why one side would be processed more than the other.