My hair journey thus far (Pic Heavy)

I love love love love love love LOVE your natural hair! You are absolutely adorable! And I think my favorite look was you with your little TWA right before you relaxed again. :yep:
thanks for sharing your journey!!

BTW, I LURRRVED your hair post-bc, even though I can understand how that could have been a shock.

I think this time around you'll be twice as psyched to go back to full natural. Half the fun (and frustration) is the journey :O)
adorable.....and your is too :), love your piercings.

I loved the shorter curly hair actually, but your current length looks fab too congrats!
You are soooo cuuuute! :grin:

Great progress, and you looked nuffin like a boy after your BC. :rolleyes: Such a doll-face!
Beautiful post!

I really love your natural hair (you know I do :lol:), you've made amazing progress this year and your growth (in the 9 months post pic) is a lot!!! Enjoy the rest of your transition and hope you hold out for as long as you need to so that you'll be a 100% happy this time.

Love your hair :lick:
WOW great progress!
Your natural hair is some of the prettiest I have ever seen. Thse curls are gorgeous!
Good luck with your journey!!
Congrats on your progress... your hair was so cute when you did your BC...good luck on your transition
Beautiful job. Big chopping can be such a God send! Nourishing and caring for new growth then seeing the possibilities is wonderful.
Your curls are boing-licious in this pic!!


Congrats on making APL!!
First off, you have such a cute face, the BC NEVER made you look like a boy.
Your thread was so creative, I really enjoyed going through your hair stages.
Your natural hair is absolutely beautiful, good luck on your transition.
YOUR HAIR LOOKS GREAT! Thick and yes, you've made APL, Congrats!