My hair journey from 2008 until now!


Well-Known Member
As you ladies know, I am back natural again and this month marks one year since my big chop!!!!! Okay, lets' get to it with pics:

Before I relaxed in 2008


Relaxed in October 2008

Big chopped March 2009

From the Big chop until now

Two strands

Two Strand Twistout

Evolution of the Puff!
Absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! great progress!
Did you run into challenges with your relaxed hair? It looked beautiful.
Tamping down jealousy, walking up to the mic.....Your hair is absolutely beautiful keep it growing girl.

Stepping down from mic and walking away wondering why is it some folks can grow hair twice and mine just sits there literally and grows like a crab walking to a gumbo pot?

Seriously, great progress before you know it you are going to be back down your backside once again! :yep:
So lovely!!!!!!! I was in awe when we hung out in NY:wave:

People were stopping you on the street telling you how beautiful your hair was and I was so hurt when you cut it:lachen:
1. you're effin adorable
3. it looks so soft and crunch-less.
Bubblin, I have been wondering what your hair has been up to these last few years! I must say your hair is RIDICULOUS, and mine wants to be like yours in texture, shine, and health when it grows up! You're a pretty lady and remind me too much of my bestie! My goodness it's beautiful, in ALL STAGES! Serious hair porn for me...{SIGHS} WOW, thanks for the inspiration!!

ETA: I hope I can twist with your efficiency when mine grows out, b/c I love the look of twistouts!
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OMGee...Your hair is absolutely gorgeous! I can't believe that you cut it all off! You are so brave and your hair looks fab!
Lovely progress! Keep it up! I must say I particularly love the look above. Exactly what was your reggie when you wore this style? Did the curly ends keep the braids from unraveling or did you add something else to the mix?

Ahh, those frizzy braids :lol: My reggie was to wet them daily and my ends didn't unravel at all.
man i love your hair. you are one of my inspirations. i remember when you did this bc i bc'd like a month or two after you because i had read that bglh article ITS JUST HAIR. i was like if she can do it so can i and thats how i got the courage to do it. your hair is beautiful.
wow I have followed you over your journey and cried when you relaxed then again when you BC ..but now it's back and by the end of this year you will be BSL girly.