My hair journey from 2008 until now!

Your hair reminds me of 'The Professor's" beautiful!!! (It's a LHCF classic somewhere in the archives. I am sure it will be easy to find...started by "Robotxcore." I believe I wrote her handle correctly. Her professor's hair is just...WOW!)

This has probably already been asked, and if so, I will just have to go back and read later...but why did you cut off your relaxer? Your hair looked really pretty relaxed as well.

You have done a great job taking care of it whether it's relaxed or not. Great job!!! Thanks for sharing!!

Tamping down jealousy, walking up to the mic.....Your hair is absolutely beautiful keep it growing girl.

Stepping down from mic and walking away wondering why is it some folks can grow hair twice and mine just sits there literally and grows like a crab walking to a gumbo pot?

Seriously, great progress before you know it you are going to be back down your backside once again! :yep:


These pics are amazing!