It's not much comfort but you will eventually work out a way of detangling for YOURSELF.
Personally there is no way I can wash and detangle standing in the shower I would have waterlogged, wrinkly skin....and I'm not getting in and out of the shower. I lean over the tub as my shower is detachable.
Here's how I do it.........
My hair is very fine, sheds alot and is Lo Po so it needs a constant stream of water and conditioner to detangle. Doing it dry with a some oil or condish whilst relaxing and watching a movie is pointless for me and I will get a huge amount of breakage.
I wash my hair loose and every stage is used to detangle and remove shed hair. I don't have one big detangle session per se.
When I first rinse with water i am gently pulling the shed hairs from the ends.
I then apply shampoo (I personally only apply to my scalp) and again whilst I'm rinsing that out I'm pulling out more shed hair and adding in abit of detangling by just seperating any big tangles I come across.
I apply my dc and put into about 6 big plaits. From now on I work in sections.
The product I use to deep condition with is NOT what I use to detangle. With the exception of Aussie Moist 3Minute Miracle, no deep con has enough slip and I use ALOT of condish at this point so what I use needs to be cheap but have good slip.
So I undo each braid, rinse off the dc and while I'm doing that, again, I'm pulling out shed hair and more gently detangling. I'm holding the shower over that braid for the constant stream of water. I then apply LOTS of cheapie condish ie Tresemee Moisture Rich, any VO5 and I finger detangle until I can run my fingers through that section, apply more condish and run my wide tooth comb through it. Fully rinse that section and re-braid and go onto the next.
Seems like alot but I am quite quick at it now.