My Hair is Really Turning Red From Henna (I'm not sure if I like it?) Pic inside!


New Member
I feel like it has been forever since I've posted in this section :lol: Anyway, can ya'll give me your honest feedback. I've always been a big fan of jet black hair. I feel that compliments me better. But my hair thrives from henna -- it's the best protein treatment for me! A lot of people have noticed the change in my hair color :look: I'm 50/50. I don't hate it but I don't like it either.

Honest opinions plz.
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Your hair is actually a very pretty red. Mine got that way too. But there are times I wanted it black, black so I used indigo at times. Right now I am growing my henna out because I am loving my gray But I still love my to get the effects I am switching to Cassia.

You may want to get into a habit of using indigo/amla/brahmi/bringraj to start deepening the color. Use the indigo after your henna, if you want to go black, black every so often as part of your regimen. The amla and other herbs I mentioned is when you simply want to tone down the red.
I like it, which brand of henna are you using?

Thanks. Honestly.. I don't know the name of it. My mom's friend brings home loads anytime she goes Africa. So there's always tons at my house. It's just organic henna from what I can see. I don't know any more than that. Sorry!
Your hair is actually a very pretty red. Mine got that way too. But there are times I wanted it black, black so I used indigo at times. Right now I am growing my henna out because I am loving my gray But I still love my to get the effects I am switching to Cassia.

You may want to get into a habit of using indigo/amla/brahmi/bringraj to start deepening the color. Use the indigo after your henna, if you want to go black, black every so often as part of your regimen. The amla and other herbs I mentioned is when you simply want to tone down the red.

Thank you for all this helpful info! I'm so lazy to buy my own henna :lol: I always use my mother's. I guess, I should start looking into other brands etc.
Thanks. Honestly.. I don't know the name of it. My mom's friend brings home loads anytime she goes Africa. So there's always tons at my house. It's just organic henna from what I can see. I don't know any more than that. Sorry!

Quick guess. Does she go to East Africa on her trips? If so, I think I recognise that brand as it's well known for its dye release.
laylaaa Yes she does :lachen: What brand is it?

I knew it! :grin:

It comes in an unlabelled plastic bag with green powder, right? My mum buys it whenever she goes to buy sweets and my granddad uses it for his orange beard. :lachen: Some people call it 'Shukri' but anyone who loves the colour can go to a Somali/Djibouti store and ask for henna (or cilaan - pronounced eelaan). It's very cheap and so soooooo red! I'm using Jamila henna for the conditioning and normal cilaan for the colour. Love the results so far.

Seeing as you don't like the colour too much, have you tried using indigo or just switching full stop to cassia treatments?
I knew it! :grin:

It comes in an unlabelled plastic bag with green powder, right? My mum buys it whenever she goes to buy sweets and my granddad uses it for his orange beard. :lachen: Some people call it 'Shukri' but anyone who loves the colour can go to a Somali/Djibouti store and ask for henna (or cilaan - pronounced eelaan). It's very cheap and so soooooo red! I'm using Jamila henna for the conditioning and normal cilaan for the colour. Love the results so far.

Seeing as you don't like the colour too much, have you tried using indigo or just switching full stop to cassia treatments?

laylaaa loool thanks for the detailed response. It looks like a yellow powder. I'll ask my mom later on. Do you have any pictures of your reddish hair? Do we have similar hair? I enjoy sharing tips with my East African Sisters :grin:
I feel like it has been forever since I've posted in this section :lol: Anyway, can ya'll give me your honest feedback. I've always been a big fan of jet black hair. I feel that compliments me better. But my hair thrives from henna -- it's the best protein treatment for me! A lot of people have noticed the change in my hair color :look: I'm 50/50. I don't hate it but I don't like it either.

Honest opinions plz.

I love your color but only because I love red hair. I went drastic at still not seeing obvious red after so much Henning that I did an at home bleach that ended up giving me orange edges. Thankfully my hair is long enough to cover it and the rest of my hair is a nice more noticeable brownish red now.

Adding alma to the henna tones down the red. Mixing it with indigo makes it more brown, and doing indigo after will give you that black color. Of course you can always try cassia as it has all the benefits of henna with none of the color.

Feel free to send henna my way. I'm always on the lookout for a more intense red. :p
laylaaa loool thanks for the detailed response. It looks like a yellow powder. I'll ask my mom later on. Do you have any pictures of your reddish hair? Do we have similar hair? I enjoy sharing tips with my East African Sisters :grin:


This is a pic of my hair straightened after my first Jamila and 3aadi henna treatment. As you can see, there is minimal colour difference but it is much more reddish when it is curly so I will have to take another picture soon. Most of the difference came from added strength and less breakage in the shower. FYI, My natural hair is almost jet black and when I got my hair chemically coloured in a "chocolate brown" at a salon, it didn't show up at all. And my hair looks similar to yours when curly, yep!

I think a lot of E. African girls have very fine delicate hair so we need to watch it with the overmoisturising. First few weeks of my journey, I was moisturising like mad and... yeah, it wasn't a pretty sight. It was like having greek yoghurt for hair! :nono: My biggest break through so far has been using mild proteins regularly, moisturizing with oils instead of too much water, the LOC method and constantly alternating between moisture and protein. Also, I discovered ceramides today so I can't wait to try that out! HTH!
Another thing, satin pillow cases are better than satin scarves (or silk, idk the difference LOL). I found out the hard way that tying the scarf securely around my head is way too harsh on my edges and nape so I use a pillowcase and keep the cutesy scarves for my shoulders on days I wear my hair down.
Olive, that is some damn gorgeous henna color AND luscious strands!!!! OMG!

*runs off to mix up some henna*
OO that is the look I would shoot for and i've thought about trying henna a time or ten but i have no clue what to use or where to start. It looks lovely on you :yep:
If you don't like it you can always follow your henna with indigo and get your hair back to the jet black color you love.
How long did it take you to get that color? And what kind if henna did you use.

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I knew it! :grin:

It comes in an unlabelled plastic bag with green powder, right? My mum buys it whenever she goes to buy sweets and my granddad uses it for his orange beard. :lachen: Some people call it 'Shukri' but anyone who loves the colour can go to a Somali/Djibouti store and ask for henna (or cilaan - pronounced eelaan). It's very cheap and so soooooo red! I'm using Jamila henna for the conditioning and normal cilaan for the colour. Love the results so far.

Seeing as you don't like the colour too much, have you tried using indigo or just switching full stop to cassia treatments?

laylaaa Have you ever used qasil on your hair? It's mostly used for to cleanse the face but I tried it on my hair once a while back. Made my hair feel like butter. Matter of fact, I should go dig some up and try it next weekend.
I love the color, but understand it's a personal choice. If you just started using henna, that color will darken with time and regular applications. When I began using henna, the first month of applications, my hair looked like yours in that photo(my original hair color is a dirty brown). After several applications, my hair darkened to a rich burgundy brown that shows a halo of red only in sunlight. So, you could wait out the true color deposited by henna apps or add like many other posters have mentioned. Also, I have heard that indigo can be drying so really step up the dc afterwards.
I appreciate all the comments/advice ladies. Thank you!

I think a lot of E. African girls have very fine delicate hair so we need to watch it with the overmoisturising. First few weeks of my journey, I was moisturising like mad and... yeah, it wasn't a pretty sight. It was like having greek yoghurt for hair! :nono: My biggest break through so far has been using mild proteins regularly, moisturizing with oils instead of too much water, the LOC method and constantly alternating between moisture and protein. Also, I discovered ceramides today so I can't wait to try that out! HTH!

Love your pic!! Beautiful hair. GURL, I just googled the LOC method. That's exactly what I do :lol: Yh, I have fine strands too. Ppl get confused & think my hair is really thick so then I have to sit down and explain the difference between strand size and density, also I believe texture plays a role.

ITA regularly using protein defo makes a difference.

love your hair @0live0il i wish my henna got my hair red like that!!! how often do you henna? and how long have you henna'd?

TY. I henna fortnightly & I have been using henna regularly for nearly a year now. I feel that with every application my hair is getting more red :lol:

OO that is the look I would shoot for and i've thought about trying henna a time or ten but i have no clue what to use or where to start. It looks lovely on you :yep:

Where does one purchase the appropriate henna? Also is it moisturizing?

Sent from the corner pay phone

TY. The steps are pretty simple. I only keep mine on for 2 hrs. Any longer and I begin to suffer from a migraine. I have no idea how people keep it on overnight lool.

Use organic henna & mix it with some oils. I'm a lazy individual so I just mix it with one oil: Olive Oil :lachen:

No, henna is a mild protein treatment. You need to follow it up with a deep conditioner. I honestly believe this is the holy grail for fine-haired ladies. I love my results but I'm not a huge fan of the color. I guess that's just a personal preference.

How long did it take you to get that color? And what kind if henna did you use.

It gradually turned this color. Before it was only a little bit red in the sunlight. It is showing a lot more now. I've been using it close to a year. I'm not sure what brand it is but if you read previous posts, another member thinks she might know. I'll try & find out for you ladies.

I love the color, but understand it's a personal choice. If you just started using henna, that color will darken with time and regular applications. When I began using henna, the first month of applications, my hair looked like yours in that photo(my original hair color is a dirty brown). After several applications, my hair darkened to a rich burgundy brown that shows a halo of red only in sunlight. So, you could wait out the true color deposited by henna apps or add like many other posters have mentioned. Also, I have heard that indigo can be drying so really step up the dc afterwards.

The reverse has happened to me :lachen: With time it has began to show a lot more. I had no idea henna could turn your hair a rich brown. Maybe my hair needs more time? :lol: Do you have a pic? TIA
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Ooh, what's qasil? I've never heard of it before and I WANT IT! (I might be a product junkie...)

Do you mix it with henna? I want to do another henna treatment so bad but I'm 2 weeks overdue for my Aphogee 2 step. Sometimes I wish I had two heads so I could apply more things lol.

Ty :blush:

Since you've been doing henna, have you stopped doing protein treatments? I have a rotation of weekly protein treatments that I love but I don't know how to incorporate henna into my regimen without protein overload.
I love that color! The henna usually turns my hair an orangy reddish color..that I hate, so I Indigo afterwards.

I think it looks really nice against your chocolate skin..i kid :look: