My Hair Is in a Panic!!!


Well-Known Member
.... A Manic Panic that is:grin:

And i'm LOVING it!! Yesterday i relaxed my hair and dyed it Vampire Red....been gettin compliments ALLLLL day:yep:.

I don't understand why this site won't let me upload the pics to this message:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: can always look in my Fotki...which i'm updating now:)
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you can link the pics for those of us too lazy to click

I remember the days when we posted links........

now we all want the pics in the thread :lachen:
Forgive my face in the pics ladies...i'm going through a deep depression...which is why i dyed my hair....i like good change.
Oh, so that's what Vampire Red is supposed to look like :rolleyes:
I tried it with heat for an hour and my hair stayed black!! :lachen:

Either way, it looks good on you :grin:
You know what....when i did it...i finished my relaxer...but before i deep conditioned (as i usually do after a relaxer)....i just went ahead and put the color in so that my hair absorbed it better...put on a plastic cap...and then i used my blowdryer (handheld) to heat it up a lil bit for about 10-15 minutes....i let it sit for like 30 minutes and rinsed with cold water and THEN i deep conditioned.

I love this so much!! its a keeper!
Manic Panic is great stuff....more sistahs who color need to try it. Tons of color range and it's quite gentle. Glad you loved it OP. You had me scuurrred when I saw the title! ;)
Chile....That Red is SMOKIN" RED HOT:whip:!

I Love It:drool: !

Do Yo' Thang! BEAUTIFUL! ! ! ! Excellent Decision.

Just the right Touch of Spicy-Spicy Kick!:evilbanana:
All of the lovely compliments from this thread should lift your spirits....your hair and your new color is beautiful...job well done !!!