My hair is gonna fall out.....


New Member
...according to some women who stopped me on the street...
minding my own business, I might add.

NaturalBeauty: La la laaa la laaaaaaa *skipping merrily to class*
Older BW: Omg my your hair! The curls are soooo beautiful! (Lol, just a regular ole bun, ladies). How do you get your hair like that?!
NB: Thank you *blushes* I just co-wa...I uhh.. run water through my hair and leave a little conditioner in and just bun to keep my hair moisturi-
BW: Oh H no, everyday?!:nono:
NB: Yes ma'am. :look: Or uhh...whenever I feel like it needs to b-
*interrupts again*
BW: O uh-uh *z formation* chile yo hair gone fall plum out yo head!!!
*NB looks at womans head and is not convinced, though she leaves her comments to herself*
NB: :look: ......Thanks for the heads up.
Then the woman lectures me.

I feeeeeeeeeeeeel liiiiiiiiiike......if i'm watching pieces of your hair break off SIMPLY because the wind is blowing, you shouldn't be scolding me for MY hair practices... Feel me?
I would have said "that's nice" smiled really big and kept on walking. ESPECIALLY if I was going to class. The nerve of some people! Its okay to have an opinion, and be wrong, but it's another thing to voice it and tell others that THEY ARE WRONG. No one asked for your opinion, keep it to yourself.
I still have trouble following this thought. I mean, I knew that if I wet my hair I would lose my style...that's it. I didn't want to wet my hair because it would no longer be straight. I never understood why anyone would make up a story like, "Your hair is going to fall out if you wet it every day." Someone had to MAKE THIS UP, and it is accepted without question by some people. I don't really understand why people think that your hair will FALL OUT if wet and conditioned. Such a strange theory...:nono:
It was funny. Unintentionally, of course. :grin:
The irony had me. I notice things like that as an English major n all.
I wasn't irritated or bugged. I get questions all the was more the fact that I was lectured that caused me to post. Really lectured. Like, "caught chewing gum by a deaconess at church while you're ushering", lectured.
I figured you lovely ladies would understand.
In a way it's sad that she believes these myths about black hair... but it's pretty obnoxious to call somebody out like that! I don't pull chicks aside in the relaxer aisle and tell them x, y, and z about chemical damage! Sheesh. Some folks need to mind their own business. No, make that: EVERYBODY needs to mind their own business.
Loving the snap in z formation! Girl, women are bold when it comes to hair! I would have given her my "Stepford wives" empty gaze and said "Oh, okay. Thanks" and walked on to class.

We all know ain't no point in arguing with them. They don't even wash their own hair!
Mighty funny no one ever says to a woman whose hair is gelled and shellacked within an inch of its life, "Oooh your style is bangin', but if you keep gelling it everyday and relaxing it every 4 weeks, it's going to fall out!" But apply water on a regular basis and you're on the road to balddom. :rolleyes:
I was co-washing and leaving conditioner in my hair before I knew it was a well known method. I remember being afraid to tell my mother I was doing that for fear of her lecturing me about it even though I was sure she never tried it.

She should have just said your hair looks nice, heard your method and kept it moving. She will probably go home and try co-washing anyway... lol.
This lady told me that one time. When I use to get sew ins I would keep them in for 3 months and take it out and relax. Needless to say I had aloooot of new growth. This one lady said something to me about it, and said oh all your hair is gonna fall out if you dont relax, Pshaaa back then I didnt even know about stretching relaxers I was just a broke college student and didnt feel like spending money at the salon. Did my alot of good, cause once I finally did my hair it was alot longer and sooooooo much thicker. Shows how much she knew.
LMAO. Funny, and very pretty OP! (Um, I mean you are, not....yeah you know what I mean). I always find it weird that people pay compliments to folks and then when they hear something they don't like suddenly you're the fool.

Weren't you the one she was drooling and chasing after because YOU had such gorgeous hair? And she's gonna tell you co-washing is death. Hah!
These stories bother me...I mean, if someone whose head looks a HAM is trying to lecture to me about my "evil" hair practices...but, yet my head looks healthy and my hair is growing...that just seems so wrong! Why must people do that? Just say, "Oooh, I like your hair" or "tell me what you do to your hair-- it is beautiful" and KIM.

That's like me going to a weight loss clinic run by a 600 lb woman...just N O T H A P P E N I N G...
I still have trouble following this thought. I mean, I knew that if I wet my hair I would lose my style...that's it. I didn't want to wet my hair because it would no longer be straight. I never understood why anyone would make up a story like, "Your hair is going to fall out if you wet it every day." Someone had to MAKE THIS UP, and it is accepted without question by some people. I don't really understand why people think that your hair will FALL OUT if wet and conditioned. Such a strange theory...:nono:

Actually, I can understand where that theory came from :look: Usually when black people think about wetting hair, they are thinking like someone who has naturally straight hair who usually don't condition or moisturize their hair after wetting it. It's true if we keep on wetting our hair without placing back the oils we strip away, our already dry air will become even more dry and tangled causing it to split, weather and eventually break off.
I can not believe that people are so bold and rude! How you gonna compliment someone, ask their reggie, then criticize?
LMAO. Funny, and very pretty OP! (Um, I mean you are, not....yeah you know what I mean). I always find it weird that people pay compliments to folks and then when they hear something they don't like suddenly you're the fool.

Weren't you the one she was drooling and chasing after because YOU had such gorgeous hair? And she's gonna tell you co-washing is death. Hah!

Thanks Love!

Ahhhh yes ladies, the endless lectures on co-washing astound me. My mother told me I shouldn't be co-washing because its not "good" for hair. I blankly stared at her and pulled one of my curls down my back.
End of that theory.:look:
There was a similar thread recently about some stranger first complimenting the head of hair, and then saying "yo hair gonna fall out"., or some mess.

I don't understand the train of logic. If someones hair is nice enough to compliment, wouldn't the obvious conclusion be that there is something that they are doing correctly in order for it to get into a compliment worthy state in the first place? Why would they think that the person would suddenly do something that would make it fall out? Strangeness.
Between this and the other thread on "talking white," I just wonder where the hayl some of yall live! Are you sure it's within the continental U.S.? And are these literate, thinking human beings? Dayum lol!

Well, I had a close friend from Ethiopia tell me "We can't wash our hair more than once in 2 weeks." I'm standing there looking like, :look: because I wash several times a week but wet nearly everyday. I don't have that hangup. And then too, looking at her hair, it's very Naomi Campbell'ish...breakage and all. I think that if people just gave up bad weaves (as opposed to good ones) and heavy grease and oil on dirty hair, they'd fare better.:rolleyes:
Between this and the other thread on "talking white," I just wonder where the hayl some of yall live! Are you sure it's within the continental U.S.? And are these literate, thinking human beings? Dayum lol!

Atl, Ga.


:ohwell: Felt like it was missing something. Guess not.

We've got some bold ones here. It started off the movie "good hair"...if that helps, lol.
Mighty funny no one ever says to a woman whose hair is gelled and shellacked within an inch of its life, "Oooh your style is bangin', but if you keep gelling it everyday and relaxing it every 4 weeks, it's going to fall out!" But apply water on a regular basis and you're on the road to balddom. :rolleyes:

People are a trip. I still can't believe you have black women out there that think water is the Devil. Too funny.
that's like me saying "ooh girl, i like your outfit. where'd you get that?" and when she says F21, i say "ooh, their clothes are SO CHEAP!"

just wrong as hell. and i disagree with all the people saying you should have smiled and nodded....she's the one who tried to offend YOU. if she didn't like your answer, SHE should have smiled and nodded.
I was talking to my mom about black hair myths just yesterday. I said it's funny that we followed them SO religiously and believed them for SO long when clearly our hair was still jacked up. When will it sink in? And then you offer advice and they REFUSE to beileve you. But why? Clearly the hair practices you've been using aren't working. I don't get it.

Ok, I'm done now LOL

That "blowing in the wind:" comment had me rolling LOL
I feeeeeeeeeeeeel liiiiiiiiiike......if i'm watching pieces of your hair break off SIMPLY because the wind is blowing, you shouldn't be scolding me for MY hair practices... Feel me?
Strange how people feel the need to lecture complete strangers. Why bother to ask you what you do with your beautiful hair when she didn't want to listen anyway? C'mon you're the one with the nice hair she should have shut up and took note. Geez.

I see you live in Atlanta, OP, sadly that makes sense. Yeah we have some bold ones down here.
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My mum used to say the same sort of thing after I found this forum and started washing my hair a bit more. She used to say that will my hair will start "dropping off" if I wash it too much. I find it really funny now cos they way she was talking was like my scalp is allergic to water or something.
Actually I think I have a pretty good idea of how the "myth" developed. In high school I had some friends who would co-wash their hair on a daily basis and leave the conditioner in. At first their hair looked good, but eventually it became overly elastic and broke off. Back then, we said that the conditioner "rotted their hair". Of course I now know that it had to do with lack of moisture protein balance. One of the same girls had an experience where she left the conditioner in her hair and went to curl her bang with the curling iron, before her hair was fully dried, there was a popping sound and some smoke and the entire curl came off on the curling iron.

In all these stories the common denominator was leaving conditioner in your hair so of course, I am now have an irrational fear of leaving a rinse out conditioner in my hair even though I know that the conditioner is not the only thing at fault. I am sure that other people have seen or experienced similar things and this is how the "myth" came into being.

Yes - I was at boarding school so I did actually witness these things first hand.