My Hair is Falling Out!


Well-Known Member
everytime i turn or look down or whatever, i find a loose strand of hair or i can see a loose one ready to be pulled from my head. what is going on??? i'm a shedder, but this seems excessive. (maybe its not more than 100 hairs/day?) but it seems like a lot. does this happen to anyone else? or can i do something to retain my hair?!?! i don't want any thinning.

please help!
The same thing is happening to me but my hair is definetly not thinning....its sooo thick.

Every time i wash my hair the plug in the shower is full and strands of hair is everywhere.

I don't know what to do but i've always been a shedder and my Mum is the worst but her hair is APL and natural so i guess i'll not worry too much.
Yeah like Divine said, my hair sheds more in the fall/winter. Also have you added a new treatment lately. I started using BT and saw increased shedding but I didn't freak out cause sulfur is new to my scalp. I've never even used sulfur 8 grease. Others experienced this shedding with BT so another reason I wasn't worried. It has tapered off now, not nearly as much but anyway I digress to my own issues. If nothing new as far as products and your not stressed, I wouldn't worry at least for now. give it a few weeks oh and are you heavy into low/no manipulation. If so you may have shed hairs that have built up with no manipulation (hope that makes sense)
During the summer, I get almost no hair loss other than a few sheds a day, but no breakage. However, during the Fall it seems like my hair sheds and falls out like nobody's business. It is probably normal because my hair id definitely not thinning. I sometimes think that the shedding hair is payback for not shedding much during the warmer months. It's a natural process, so not to worry.

Your hair is falling out when you look and see huge clumps in your hand or in the sink, but a few shedded hairs is normal. You're supposed to get at least 100 shedded hairs a day when you're going through the shedding cycle.

I'm much more concerned when I see breakage.:nono:
It could be seasonal or could be something that you need to change in the regimen for a while. Whatever it is, I hope you get to the bottom of it cause I know first hand how stressful it can be.
i've always been a shedder, you know when i've visited your house because there's always strands of hair on the floor or whatever...but i've never kept track of whether or not its seasonal shedding. it could be. also, perhaps i just notice it more when its straight. i've had it flat-ironed a few times in the last few weeks. (2 times in the last 2 weeks of august and once in mid-september.)

i'm freaked because i got color for the first time in late august (highlights) and i'm just worried...make that paranoid about it. i love the color. my hair doesn't feel dry. but i'm just concerned. i've always had thick hair (however, when its straightened, it doesn't feel like its as much hair as it does when its curly.) anyway, i want to know if there's something i can do to prevent it. and just make sure everything is hair-okay.
I recommend trying Pantene Relaxed Naturals. I do this and it really helps minimize the shedding. Plus there is a coupon for Pantene at Good Luck!
During the summer, I get almost no hair loss other than a few sheds a day, but no breakage. However, during the Fall it seems like my hair sheds and falls out like nobody's business. It is probably normal because my hair id definitely not thinning. I sometimes think that the shedding hair is payback for not shedding much during the warmer months. It's a natural process, so not to worry.

Your hair is falling out when you look and see huge clumps in your hand or in the sink, but a few shedded hairs is normal. You're supposed to get at least 100 shedded hairs a day when you're going through the shedding cycle.

I'm much more concerned when I see breakage.:nono:

VERY good point!!! and a point i need to remember. i'm definitely seeing more than a few shedded hairs, but i'm NOT seeing clumps in my hand. just more than i'm used to and more than i'd like to see. point taken. thank you for calming me about this. i just don't want to experience any thinning either. i'll keep an eye on it. see what it could be and monitor it over the next month. hopefully its just a seasonal change thing.
what ever the reason..get some Castor oil and do deep heat conditioning treatment for at leas 20-30 min I'm praying it stops soon :yep: