My hair is doing so much better thanks to LHCF!


New Member
I'm such an excited noob.

Hi everybody :) I've been lurking here for a few months, and finally got my hands on the money to buy a subscription yesterday.

I was feeling really shy and kind of scared to say anything, but I figured there's no point in being on the board if I don't talk to anyone, so I made this post to say hello.

About my hair- I've been natural all my life, but my hair care practices have always been somewhat lacking. I've always wanted long hair (I'm the queen of super long braided extensions) but never believed that my hair could grow to be long by itself. I always believed I had the hair that 'just doesn't grow'. I've been grazing shoulder length my whole life.

Since finding Long Hair Care Forum, I've learned some things my hair does and does not like, and I can't just rip a fine toothed comb from my roots to ends 5 times a day (*hangs head in shame*), almost never condition my hair, put my buns in the same place day after day, and sleep bare headed on a cotton pillowcase while still expecting my hair to grow.

Now, I sleep on a satin pillowcase (scarves won't stay on), wash 1-2 times a week with conditioner only, moisturize and seal my hair every night, and keep my hair in twists 90% of the time. I've been doing this for about 3 months, and my hair loves it! :D For the first time since I was a little girl, I can make a bun with my hair when it's not straight, and all of my hair is long enough to fit one ponytail. My hair is inching its way into the uncharted lands beyond my shoulders (lol). While I realize it's nowhere near being considered long here, it's longer than it's ever been, and it's all thanks to you ladies (and a few gentlemen, I guess...? maybe?) :)

Thanks for inspiring me. I'm sure, if my hair could talk, it would say thank you too.
Hello! It's nice to meet you! I've also just got a subscription after lurking for months and I am so pleased with this forum! I've found so much great advice and tips for taking care for my hair! I am sssoooo thankful I ran across this forum. I am also a natural. I've been for about a year and 6 months and my hair is just thriving since I've come to this forum.

I love it!! Thanks to everyone for their great advice!!! : )

And congrats...yeah if you can't save your hair from being on this forum, it is truly beyond saving. Glad your hair is starting to strive.
Welcome and congrats! I'm so glad your hair is improving based on what you've read here. It makes us all feel good, I'm sure! :)
Welcome! Before this forum I didn't think my hair could grow long either. I'm glad you found a routine that works for your hair!
Oh i am still excited too.. this is week two or three (i think!) of my subscription.

Welcome and keep up the healthy hair practices.