my hair is breaking. period. now what? i'm scared.


New Member
my hair is breaking. period. now what? i\'m scared.

that's all. help.
i have a plan in mind, but i'm afraid to post it. you wanna hear it, or shoudl i listen to ideas first?

Re: my hair is breaking. period. now what? i\'m scared.

Fine hair like mine:
Sit under the bonnet dryer (high heat) for an hour with Clairol Renewal 5X conditioner for dry/damaged hair on your soaking wet hair and scalp.

Coarse hair that can take serious protein:
Try a protein conditioner like GPB followed by 30-60 minutes under the dryer with a moisturizing conditioner like Rusk 60 second hair revive.
Re: my hair is breaking. period. now what? i\'m scared.

sbj, you need to find out what has caused your breakage and eliminate that cause. Next, you'll need a protein conditioner (granted that your breakage is not the result of over-doing the protein). If the breakage is really severe try Aphogee Treatment or Nexxus Emergencee. If it is not too severe, then a milder reconstructor or protein conditioner once a week until the breakage subsides will do. Do a search and you'll find a ton of recomendations.
Re: my hair is breaking. period. now what? i\'m scared.

relax my hair next week (last one was around august 20) by my stylist (who did the last one); deep condition with a reconstructor while i'm there, then get a weave (so that i don't pull my hair in a ponytail everyday).

leave it in for 6-8 weeks.
i wanna start this MSM you guys keep talking about. what is it? and maybe that surge stuff. what's that.
Re: my hair is breaking. period. now what? i\'m scared.

Hey girl,

I agree that you need to find the source of the breakage. Also, if you plan to weave anyway, why not skip the perm, do a protein conditioner, then weave for 6-8 weeks. The perm and weave on top of already weak hair just sounds like a bit much IMO. Hope this helps.
Re: my hair is breaking. period. now what? i\'m scared.

the weave sounds good,,,let your hair rest, and dont let them braid or sew it in too tight....but hey go for it!
Re: my hair is breaking. period. now what? i\'m scared.

I say leave the relaxer alone. If your hair is already breaking the chemical will only add to the problem.
Re: my hair is breaking. period. now what? i\'m scared.

shelli4018 said:
I say leave the relaxer alone. If your hair is already breaking the chemical will only add to the problem.

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DITTO! Please don't put a relaxer in yet! Find out why it's breaking and fix that first.

In the book Brown Skin, dermatologist Susan C Taylor recommends not relaxing or heat styling (roller sets and wet wraps are okay) damaged, breaking hair for at least six months. She had a client who was suffering from severe breakage. Her hair was 3” long in some sections and 6”-7” in others. Her hair was very dry and brittle. Some of her ends were split so badly that they had broken off at the top of her scalp! This woman was seriously hairjacked!
Per Taylor’s instructions, the woman had all of the damaged hair cut off. (Your hair is probably not as damaged as this woman. Even if it is, you don't have to hack it all off in one sitting--you can have the damaged hair cut off a little at a time if you don't want to lose your length.) She shampooed 1x per week after an “overnight oil treatment” (She refers to a ‘hair reconstruction oil’ a few times in the book, but I didn’t see a recipe or a product recommendation…). After rinsing she deep conditioned for 20 minutes. She cut out all heat except for a weekly wrap under the dryer. She got trims every 6-8 weeks.
And she got touch-ups only in June, August, November and February. Six to nine months later she had a new head of healthy hair.
Re: my hair is breaking. period. now what? i\'m scared.

ok, but this is why i'm so confused: my stylists and some of you guys (on other threads) claim that it's "time" for a touch-up and that's why my hair is breaking?

who do i listen to? i'm so utterly confused.
this sucks.

esp when i go home for the holidays and my mom's hair is literally to her ass. crap.
Re: my hair is breaking. period. now what? i\'m scared.

How long has it been since your last touch-up? IMO, it isn't "time" for a touch-up until you have at least 1½” of new growth. I don't care how kinky your hair is. I wish I'd known about extending relaxers.

I'm glad to know it's not chemical damage. Is your hair breaking where the new growth and relaxed hair meet? If so, you need to apply a lot of moisturizer to the area and try not to manipulate it too much. Search for some of the threads on extending relaxers and check out the tips.
Re: my hair is breaking. period. now what? i\'m scared.

If you're going to get a touch-up I wouldn't advise you get a weave immediately. If you want a weave then forego the touch-up.

@Sassy- That book Brownskin sounds interesting I just skimmed through it real briefly at Barnes and Noble but, I may have to just get it.

The 20 minute condition you listed from the book- was that under the dryer?

Re: my hair is breaking. period. now what? i\'m scared.

PrettyBrownEyes said:
The 20 minute condition you listed from the book- was that under the dryer?

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She says you can sit under the dryer or wrap a warm towel around your head (Page 261).

OT, but here is her personal regime:
Wash and condition (10 minutes) 1x per week. Touch-up every 14 weeks at a salon. Makes sure the relaxer is rinsed out at the first sign of tingling. Roller set. She sleeps in rollers or pin curls. Trims every 12 weeks or so. She gets highlights 1x-2x per year, but never right before or after a relaxer. Avoids excessive brushing and combing. When she swims she wears her hair pulled back, shampoos afterwards and leaves a little conditioner in. She says "the less done to your hair, the better it's condition will be" (Page 98). Her hair looks good on the book cover!

Re: my hair is breaking. period. now what? i\'m scared.

i'm sorry to be so annoying, but i'm new, i can't help it!

ok, so i just examined my hair closely. it does NOT look like it's breaking at the new growth. it's like breaking, on average, 2inches or so from my scalp. this is why fake ponytails don't look too fake with me, i think --> i have SO MUCH HAIR, but because it's been breaking, by the time you get to the end of the hair, it's thin or not there!

didn't know if that clarifies anything.
Re: my hair is breaking. period. now what? i\'m scared.

How much heat are you using? My hair used to thin out at the ends because of heat styling. Since I've stopped using heat my hair remains thick from root to tip.

How do you wear your hair most days? I discovered that wrapping and ponytails make my hair break if I do it too often.
Re: my hair is breaking. period. now what? i\'m scared.

i only use heat twice a month. literally. that's it. otherwise, [gulp], i must admit that i wear my hair in a ponytail every single day. by ponytail reaches below my shoulders, and is basically not as thick as it was like, 2 years ago
...i thought maybe if i got some tracks, i'd wear a ponytail less often, thus less breakage.

i'm hoping to buy that s curl stuff and GBP and surge and MSM (all you guys' recs from other posts) TOMORROW (overkill?).
Re: my hair is breaking. period. now what? i\'m scared.

What kind of heat? Rollersetting is the gentlest. And a product with a heat protectant will help.

The products you will be purchasing is not overkill since they're all for different purposes. Also make sure you have a gentle shampoo.:)
Re: my hair is breaking. period. now what? i\'m scared.

It sounds like your is breaking from lack of moisture. What do you moisturize your hair with every day? If you wear a ponytail every day, the S-Curl is a good choice, IMO. Put something on your ends, too. Or wear a bun instead of the ponytail.
Re: my hair is breaking. period. now what? i\'m scared.

You also have to vary the placement of the ponytail. Otherwise you can stress your hair out in certain places. Also, I don't really are for the ones with metal combs attached or claws.
Re: my hair is breaking. period. now what? i\'m scared.

You're reading my mind with your post.

If your hair is breaking where you generally secure it, there's a big part of your problem. What are you using to secure your hair and how tightly are you doing this?

I would hold off on a touch up until the breakage lets up some. Also, get some moisture on those strands quick! Do a search to find out different recipes.
Take care,
Re: my hair is breaking. period. now what? i\'m scared.

Wow, I just read through this entire thread and it has been a BIG help for me. Especially the advice about varying ponytail placement. I just examined my hair and I can literally see that the part where I secure my hair has major breakage!
This is totally good news in the sense that I can now develop a plan of attack, so to speak. I also invested in satin scrunchies so this may help too. This thread has been such a help to me and others too, I'm sure.

I'm going to start wearing my hair in high buns, low buns, pigtails (yes, PIGTAILS, lol) and really just change it up so as not to allow my hair to become stressed in one particular area.

Thanks again!
Re: my hair is breaking. period. now what? i\'m scared.

sbj4115 said:
relax my hair next week (last one was around august 20) by my stylist (who did the last one);

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sbj4115 said:
ok, so i just examined my hair closely. it does NOT look like it's breaking at the new growth. it's like breaking, on average, 2inches or so from my scalp.

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From the info u have given, I gather, u r in effect 13 weeks post relaxer ... ur hair is breaking about 2 inches from ur scalp.

That, IMO, is breakage due to new growth (breakage at the point where ur natural and relaxed hair textures meet.) U do need a relaxer now cause combing thru ur 2 inches of new growth and relaxed hair is now breaking off the weaker relaxed strands. Please don't reschedule ur touch-up!
Re: my hair is breaking. period. now what? i\'m scared.

I dont think the search engine works, because there have been some terms you guys have been using that I have not been able to find. But perhaps someone could explain them.- 'extending relaxers', 'bun', 'protective style', 'MSM'(my fav cos it sounds like the nicer cousin of 'SMS'- and I dont mean textSMS)
Re: my hair is breaking. period. now what? i\'m scared.

oh yeah and 'air drying' ? Please someone explain! It could save some lives on my head
Re: my hair is breaking. period. now what? i\'m scared.

you guys, i've learned so much in the past couple days. i just re-read the entire thread and came to the SAME CONCLUSION AS <b>kenyana</b> - goodness gracious!! how stupid can i be!!!

so yes, i'm gonna keep my relaxer appt. it really has been that long. where does the time go? i still want the bouncy thick hair i had 2 years ago though, so i'm still investigating.

as far as doing my hair at home, i usually, wash, condition, get out of the tub and put in a leave-in. it used to be infusium, but i'm now trying IC. then i let it air dry to a big fat fro. then i blowdry to make it more manageable. then i add moisturtizer to my hair. blwodry again to "melt it in" (or so i think) and i'm done. i don't know if this is correct or now. feel free to comment, peeps. then, i throw it in a ponytail.

and ya know what, i do ONE freakin' style all the time, you're right. sometimes i put my own hair in a bun and use a fake ponytail (that i then twist in a bun), but it's always in the same place! you're right; i need to change it up. i'm hoping the weave will get me to simply wear my hair down more. after the weave i hope to get braids for teh same reason: i have to stop pulling my hair back all the time!

once i get my weave, i'm hoping to try that keraphixx stuff cuz you guys said it's mild enough to use with a weave?

also, i clicked on someone's link and they said they use moisurizing conditioners on the regular, but protein conditiioners only once a month. should i be follwing this too?

i need so much help.