I'm Scared.... I'm going to have my afro out


New Member
Guys I need your help!

I done my big chop in Sept 09 (after a year of transitioning) and before then up till now all through my transition i hav ebeen wearin gweaves and braids. But i miss seeing my hair i am now thinking about having my hair out and giving it a break for 2 weeks before i weave it up again for my brothers wedding the beginning of May. However i just dont know what to do with it. I'm going shopping for an afro ponytail on friday which i think i will need for work as i'm scared i wont know what to do with it.

Do any of you guys have any ideas or pictures of what i can do with my hair... :wallbash::grin::nono: i'm excited and scared at the same time ihavent been natural since i was 10 and i'm 25 now also i'm used to having shoulder length hair... Its about 5 or 6 inches long now, it has really grown the weave has really helped.. but help please, am i being stupid has anyone else felt like this when they first unleashed their hair???
LOL! I'm sure a lot of people have felt like this. You can set it on some perm rods for nice curly look or even do a braid out.

I've seen them look nice on shorter hair. Can you pull it into a puff?
You should be able to do a kick-butt twist/braid out at that length.

Most people are comfortable wearing twists at that length too. Flat twists, twisted updo would also look good.

Like the poster above me mentioned, you can even rollerset your hair too.

Relax your mind and be confident!!
There is so much you can do! Get on youtube and check out some tutorials on twist outs, braids outs, twists, coils. Or maybe just a plain old wash n go. It may take some practice, but you can do it! Good luck!
you betteeeeeeeeeeeeeeer work cover girl .....you can do it one step at a time if you have to run out the house really quick and shake a but cheek real quick just to say you went outside with your afro and then run back in do it as long as your taking strides

remember :i am not my hair i am not my skin i am the sole that lives within!
Thanks girls, i guess i'm just bugging out because i aint had to deal with my natural hair since i was a child! lol

I'm taking out the weave tomorrow i'll post some pics of what i end up doing with it mwwwaaaah thanks again
Sorry to bother u guys again, but yes it can go back in one well sort of, but whats the best product to use to get a slick ponytail
Could you guys help me out what is my hair type, it was wet at this time. This was right after i did my big chop


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early in my journey I did a lot of twist outs and braid outs....here are some pics from that era :) it is a change 2 start rocking new naturals styles with shorter hair

here is a puff...my hair was hardly sl here...I used flat twist and the puff was a picked out bantu knot out


next was a twist out


side pic from the same twist out

ETA I attached a pic of me in a phony puff :)

enjoy your hair! the SL-ish length was a fun sassy period for me...I enjoyed experimenting



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You hair looks 3c in that part you pulled out. it is not unsual to have more than one texture on your head. I think almost everyone deals with that inner turmoil.... not quite sure and uncertain of what others will think as well. The best bit of advise for confidence to be you is fake it till you make it. Also after the "wedding weave" you may want to take a break and start courting your natural hair so the two of you can get to know each other better. As for slicking the hair back, my BSS fave would be ecostyler.
You hair looks 3c in that part you pulled out. it is not unsual to have more than one texture on your head. I think almost everyone deals with that inner turmoil.... not quite sure and uncertain of what others will think as well. The best bit of advise for confidence to be you is fake it till you make it. Also after the "wedding weave" you may want to take a break and start courting your natural hair so the two of you can get to know each other better. As for slicking the hair back, my BSS fave would be ecostyler.

Thanks girl, u got it down to a T :look: summed it all up nicely. Ecostyler - thats new to me i wonder if i can get that in London
early in my journey I did a lot of twist outs and braid outs....here are some pics from that era :) it is a change 2 start rocking new naturals styles with shorter hair

here is a puff...my hair was hardly sl here...I used flat twist and the puff was a picked out bantu knot out


next was a twist out


side pic from the same twist out

Thanks hun,

Your hair looks fierce... Thanks for the ideas, this is going to be my weekend of experiments
I was def going to suggest Eco styler. I just picked the olive oil one up today, and can't wait to try it on my hair tomorrow.