My hair hates me!! (long rant)


Well-Known Member
I dont get my hair at all. It loves the floor better than my head. For the last three years my hair has been breaking constantly but still growing. I have to swiffer my bathroom floor everyday. In my current regimen I wash my hair once a week and have only used direct heat one time since May. I currently relax my hair every 8-10 weeks. I did a aphogee treatment two weeks after my last relaxer and use biweekly light protein. My hair felt like a brillo pad and my itchy scalp was terrible when I found this board now it has moisture and the itchies are better until I use protein or my hair dresser uses wrap foam. I dont know what else to do I am almost in tears. :wallbash: I loose at least a small handful of hair at each wash. I couldnt commit a crime if I wanted to due to all the DNA I leave everywhere I go. I have been on my current regimen since May with no sign that the breakage will stop. Any suggestions please!!!!!!!

Current regimen (Saturday)

Wash - Keracare Detangling
DP CON - Humecto or Silk2 moistec and protofoam (Alternating weeks)
Moisturizer - NTM or Mizani night time treatment seal w/ Black Castor Oil or EVOO
Airdry in ponytail and bun every day (comb only on wash day)
Aphogee 2 weeks after relaxer
WOAH! You are using waaaaayyyyy too much protein my friend :yep: You need to find a conditioner that is more moisturizing rahter than strengthening.

Where's the thread on moisture/protein balance?
gurl you're funny! as for your problem, i suggest you stop the protein treatments for a while. Protein strengthens your hair but it also dries it out. so stick to moisturizing treatments for now and you should see an improvement. also be careful when you comb your hair. always detangle then ends before combing from root to tips.
Start with a good trim. By a good trim, I think an inch would help. Are you taking any medications that would cause your hair to fall? Is your hair texture changing?

Also, your hair maybe in the phase where it comes out. Some hair loss is natural.
The only medication that I have been taking consistently for the last 3 years are BCP's. I have been off those for the last month and hope to see a difference once it is out of my system. I dont know if the protein is the issue as everyone seems to think. Please note that the aphogee has only been done twice this year. The first time was in February and the second time was on August 21st. I have only used humecto exclusively with no other protein since late May. Only in the last 3 weeks have I begun to incorporate light protein. IT is NOT the protein!!! Now that I think about it I actually loose less hair when I incorporated the protein......... The trade off with the protein is hard hair and the itchies..... BTW, i had a good trim on Aug 3rd (Relaxer Day)..... 1 inch
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I agree with the other ladies; it sounds like you have protein overload. Try backing off the protein and do some moisturizing deep conditioning treatments instead. You might also add a daily moisturizer (especially to your ends) and seal with oil.

I would also drop the wrap foam, expecially if it contains SD Alcohol. When I was using Motions Wrap Foam weekly, my hair broke almost as fast as it grew.:yep:

Hope this helps.
light protein is still protein. if everything you've tried haven't worked try cutting out ALL protein for a month or 2.
The wrap foam dried my hair out terribly...that's why I stopped using it. My hair immediately felt and behaved much better.

Your Original post says you're doing biweekly protein treatments...I'd definately cut down on those, between the alcohol in the wrap foam and the protein, your hair is crying out for more moisture. Even a light protein can be damaging if done too often.

And you may want to think about clarifying...when was the last time you did that? You may be suffering from major buildup.
In the last 3 years I have only begun to incorporate protein In Feb/ Aug 2007 and in May using the ORS mayo as a pree poo for 3 weeks and Protofoam once Sep 7th and today. For the rest of the year I have only used moisturizing conditioners ...Keracare humecto. Do you all think that is to much protein? (Forgive the blond moment) I want to make sure I am understanding......:spinning:
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clarify, moisturize, and use wrap lotions with no acohol, like BB wrap foam or Keracare wrap foam. No more protein for awhile.
I clarify monthly with the last time being today. I will cut out the protein until the end of the year and will stick to washing once or twice a week and continue to DC w/ heat on Saturday. I will also continue to moisturize and seal daily. I have also incorporated Biotin and MSM in hopes of reaching my BSL goal by December.
Oh and I hate to be all in your birth control buiness, but the hormonal imbalance could definitely be a problem, especially if you're smaller(height and weight) than average and you're not on a low dose form. When I was in high school I was on the patch and I didn't cut it down for the percentage for my height and body weight and I had horrible side effects(did I mention I'm a pharmacy major). The shedding might seem worse than better initially as well until your body gets used to the hormonal change of you stopping the bcp. ok, that's my two cents :look:
I think its the BCP's!! I work in clinical research and I know that hair loss is a side affect but I had to bite the bullet and continue. I really dont want children right now but I really like having hair. My hubby was happy I quit!! Now if the hair loss and emotional issues would subside I would be a new person!!! NO PROTEIN, NO PROTEIN, NO PROTEIN, NO PROTEIN, NO PROTEIN, NO PROTEIN, NO PROTEIN, NO PROTEIN, NO PROTEIN, NO PROTEIN, NO PROTEIN, NO PROTEIN, NO PROTEIN, NO PROTEIN, NO PROTEIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:spinning:
clarify, moisturize, and use wrap lotions with no acohol, like BB wrap foam or Keracare wrap foam. No more protein for awhile.

My stylist uses the Keracare wrap foam and my hair hates it. I normally have to wash my hair the next day due to it making my hair hard and causing terrible itchies.....
Just so i'm understanding you correctly: you ONLY do the aphogee 2 weeks after your relaxer right? IF so, i dont think thats too much at all.

I would say to skip the protofoam and the mizani (that has ceramides that may be causing drynes and breakage). As far as your deep protein conditioning schedule i think you're fine.

I also wouldnt rule out the BCP's.. that was te internal cause of my hair hell for a while.
:bighug: I am so sorry that you are going through this I have been there and I know how it is. For my itches I started using MN and Castor Oil and it helped my itches stay at bay and I have also started using the new pantene breakage defense line in the smaller tubes and it has really helped my shedding/breakage (shampoo/conditioner/hair mask) also at night when I tie my hair up instead of using Mizani H2O I have been using Sunsilk Hydra TLC the pink one and it has helped a whole lot.

BTW: When I was using the Keracare shampoo my hair was shedding and breaking a lot when I completely stopped it, it did help me.

Also I have been hearing a lot about the carrot oil helping with shedding breakage too you might try some of that.

Your hair is beautiful and you will find out what is going on with it and it will be over before you know it.
Besides the advice of the other ladies, especially ditching the foam wrap. I would consider that perhaps your hair is being exposed to hard water. Try shampooing with a chelating shampoo once a month to remove the minerals deposited in your hair. Organic Root Stimulator Aloe Shampoo or Kenra chelating shampoo.