My hair hates glycerin


Well-Known Member
It's official .My hair hates glycerin .
anytime i use a product that has glycerin in it my hair gets poofy ,extra frizzy ,dry and loses deifnition .Dull.
:ohwell: I know it's an humectant and to use it when it's humid still's noooot working .KBB Sweet Ambrosia seems to work ok with jojoba oil added to it .
A bit of a rant .

Do you notice this in certain weather types?Have you tried an anti-humectant instead?

Although when my hair gets frizzy it means it needs a good deep condition
I suspect it might still be the weather. Dew points are more important than humidity and humectants actually do cause frizz in high dews as well as low ones.

The jojoba oil probably works because it's acting as a sealant so the glycerin isn't pulling moisture in or out of your hair.
I live in NY, so glycerin comes with a science lesson. Dew points, temperature and seasons have a lot to do with glycerin usage. In other words, if glycerin is not lowwwww on the ingredient list, it stays unpurchased. I dont have time to research the weather before using glycerin based products.
I agree. My hair basically "laughs" at me by frizzing & becoming a fly-away compacted mess as if I have no relaxer at all when I use either glycerin or aloe vera juice. My loves protein TOO much for this. Ima leave these juices, berries & sauce stuff to the "natural hair" ladies. That stuff is in my donation box for relatives who have big chops, braids etc.
My hair loves glycerin BUT only when it is bunned up. I do not you use humectants when I attempt to wear my hair in any loose styles.
I cut glycerin out once i realized it was giving me poofy cotton candy hair. In the summer my curls would have super shrinkage, loose all definition and I would have a fro. Last summer was the first time I didn't use glycerin products and my curls held up so much better. The humidity didn't affect my hair nearly as much so now glycerin is the debil for me lol. If I see a product and it has glycerin in it I put it down no matter what it is. I don't have time for using products that I can only use in certain weather.
I cut glycerin out once i realized it was giving me poofy cotton candy hair. In the summer my curls would have super shrinkage, loose all definition and I would have a fro. Last summer was the first time I didn't use glycerin products and my curls held up so much better. The humidity didn't affect my hair nearly as much so now glycerin is the debil for me lol. If I see a product and it has glycerin in it I put it down no matter what it is. I don't have time for using products that I can only use in certain weather.

Ok, this is exactly what I have discovered! Detangling my hair was brutal. My hair would shrink and knot up something fierce, with no curl definition to be found...just poofy cotton candy hair. I lost a lot of hair when detangling before I discovered it was the glycerin causing the change. I now only use glycerin free products only.
My hair is finicky with Glycerin too.

I can do all the numerical calculations, and all the research I want, but if the weather says it wants to act any old kind of way, then so be it.

I legit wanted to keep giving Glycerin a chance because there’s large bottles of it sold in stores near me for affordable prices, and I could dilute and stretch my products, but alas, I’m either left with extremely crunchy hair, or hair that’s absorbed waaaaaaaay too much moisture.
I have a love/hate relationship with Glycerin. I went to the beach this weekend and used a moisture milk with Glycerin being the 3rd ingredient and Shea butter being the 2nd ingredient, sealed with DoGro and my hair was defined, voluminous and perfect even after I came out of the water. It was hot outside but not humid, if that makes sense.
When its humid and I use a moisturizer with Glycerin as one of the main ingredients, my hair turns into a frizzy mess. I think it has a lot to do with the weather. I think glycerin draws in unwanted moisture when its humid outside.