My hair color is giving me the blues


Well-Known Member
So yall know I love experimenting with bright colors. I dyed my hair black for work. :perplexed It was hard, but I did it and after a while I got use to not having any color. My hair has been black about a month or so. Anyways I have some highlights:look:. Just two small chunks on the side and under all my hair. They are like a reddish brown cocoa color. Very natural looking.

My boss pointed them out and said I thought I told you about your hair. I'm like:spinning: brown is a normal hair color and he says not for you. The thing is my hair is not naturally black. My roots are already showing. My hair is a sandy red brown color. I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't wanna be trapped in keeping up with dying my hair black. It's too much work. I do think my boss is actually trying to help me and not picking, but other women have highlights, so whats the difference. Ugh!
I would go to HR. I mean, if its not candy apple red and kind of cocoa highlights I dont see the problem. He is being ridiculous now. Power trippin or somthing.
I think I remember when you posted before. Did you post about your highlights and getting a promotion?

If your hair is naturally a brown color then let it stay as it is. If you don't want to keep coloring your hair then don't.

Is there an official company policy that you cannot dye your hair or wear highlights? If not then keep your hair the way you want. Don't let your boss intimidate you over something so minor.
I'm in the military. My hair is dyed red. I work with both offices and enlisted and the highest person in my space is a captain. Nobody has said a thing. Your boss sounds suspect.
Is your boss white? And are your co-workers with highlights also white? If so, maybe he doesn't understand that AA hair comes in many different shades of colors. I still come across people who are shocked to hear that not all AAs have black hair and they don't believe me when I say mine is dark brown.

I would dye my hair back to my original color or as close as I can get it and leave it at that. I would tell your boss "Look this is how my hair is naturally and there is not corporate policy on what color hair I am allowed to have. If you would like to discuss it further I'd be happy to sit down with you and an HR representative." He also might not know the expense in having to keep up with maintaining the black hair color so you may point that out to further drive your point home.
My bangs were blue, purple, and green. When I was hired my bangs were green. My boss is black and he said he was really just trying to help me advance. Since dying my hair black initially, I have received more praise and recognition for my work. Which I can understand.
I do look much more professional, but maintaining black hair is too much work and I just don't see myself doing it. Lots of people at my job have bright colored hair, but they are not advancing and my immediate supervisor seems very conservative. I just don't want my hair to be the most important aspect of my work.
[USER said:
leona2025;18290555[/USER]]My bangs were blue, purple, and green. When I was hired my bangs were green. My boss is black and he said he was really just trying to help me advance. Since dying my hair black initially, I have received more praise and recognition for my work. Which I can understand.
I do look much more professional, but maintaining black hair is too much work and I just don't see myself doing it. Lots of people at my job have bright colored hair, but they are not advancing and my immediate supervisor seems very conservative. I just don't want my hair to be the most important aspect of my work.

Just let your hair grow out to its original color and let it be. There should be no issue with you advancing with the natural color of your hair. If your hair is brown or reddish brown that is fine. If there is a huge color difference between your hair color and the black and you feel uncomfortable with that, dye the new growth 1 or 2 shades darker than your natural hair but lighter than the black. That will give it a gradual transition in color vs a major one.

I have about 3 different shades of brown in my hair and no one notices.
I think your boss is out of line, unless he is advising you on a friendship/personal/mentoring level. If he is just taking it upon himself to volunteer his opinion, that's inappropriate. Has he ever made any other inappropriate "advances" or comments to you about things other than hair?

Now, with that said...maybe the issue is the appearance of the highlights. Were they professionally done? Does your hair fade from one color naturally into the highlight color (like a gradient or ombre effect) or is it chunky like PB & J? I'm thinking if you spring for a professional color job, it wouldn't be such an issue. Maybe that's what he's trying to say (albeit inappropriate).

ETA: You don't have to have black hair to be professional. My hair is box color auburn and I've never had any issues. Also, a person who likes bright colored hair, your perception of natural may be a bit "skewed" (no offense intended).
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I would just let your color grow out and let it be. If it's coming from your roots, I don't see how he can have a problem with that.
I would just let your color grow out and let it be. If it's coming from your roots, I don't see how he can have a problem with that.

I agree. Let your hair grow out in it's natural color so he can SEE your hair is this color.

Then I would experiment with similar colors to my natural color.

Also, if you are in corporate america you do have to be cautious with experimenting with hair color and styles (depending on your industry).
ok, you got your roots coming in, highlights, and the rest of your hair is black? it sounds like you got a lot going on. i know you like to play with color a lot. i would suggest like others have mentioned, is to allow your color to grow out. but keep in mind, it still needs to look professional. maybe it needs to be all one color? like color it a sandy brown, so your roots are so obvious?
He is advising me on a friendly/mentor level. he said he had put in years at this job and he is trying to help me navigate workplace politics. That being said, this definitely not corporate America, but there is a lot of favoritism going on and this isn't my dream job or anything. I just want the best while I'm here.

My ideal of natural maybe a little off. I'm adding some pics so you guys can see. This is all the color I have the rest of my hair is black. My roots are barely showing and I couldn't get a good pic. The roots are not that bad. The pic in the grey shirt is the color my hair tends to be naturally. The rest of the pictures show the small section of highlights. Is it unnatural? v2-vi.jpg


I think your natural hair color is beautiful. And it is going to look beautiful growing out.

If this isn't your dream job, don't sweat this job over your hair. Unless someone really is talking about a promotion in the next 90 days, do your job and do the best you can with your hair.

As much as you like your boss, realize that sometimes people can go overboard in their trying to help you. Once you start to get too stressed over something, its not for you :nono:
He is out of his mind. Ignore him. Next time he says suggests you change hair colors, tell him you run the risk of being bald headed because of his frequent 'suggestions' with constant peroxides and/or bleaching. Will being bald help you advance? :rolleyes: