My hair "closet" + more pics

Beaute Noire

New Member
Hey Loves!

So in my intro thread I stated that I'm a PJ...I think thats an understatement. SO here are a few flicks of ONE of my bathroom closets. lol this is ridiculous and sloppy I know but oh well..........and pls excuse the toilet paper. This apt is tiny so I have to literally throw things in random closets haha.


and I just wanted to throw in a pic of my china bangs as a reference to where my bang length was a few short months ago. Progress pic coming up!

Those pics are the same closet, top and you can see I Keep my flat irons on the bottom in their cute lil cases (junky though i know!).



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I have all mine thrown in a couple wicker baskets. One of these weekends maybe I'll upgrade..I see you have the same product family together...
Your closet is well-organized and your bangs are cute! :yep:

Do your flat irons do different things? Do you use them all or do you have one you like the best? I'm always wondering why people have 20 of them.
LOL! Thanks ladies!
maybe the camera is playing tricks but this ish is farrr from there are so many random products that you cant see behind the Aphogee for example. I just tried to make it look a lil bit prettier for yall right quick. And in the other closet I keep most of the things that I don't use, or things that don't work 4 me...

@ Still Sexy: yess those irons are my prized possessions.. My favs are the Sedu, Solia, and the FHI...but I also love the HairArt.....see this is why I own 12 of them and I'm in the market to get a GHD....and yes I use them all for diff things!!!!<<<when I go out of town I LOCK that closet because if my BF ever tried to act brand new and have some hoes up in our crib, at least them bishes aint gettin my irons!!! haha
you have TWELVE FLAT IRONS?!...geesh

i need to get back there. i used to be like that, but times got hard and i found staples. lol
Good heavens! 12 flat irons? I have one and want another and i'm thinking what a junky i am:lachen: All i can say is WOW! My cabinet looked something like that though, i'm thinning it out a bit, promised myself i wouldnt buy anything more till i finished some stuff so its thinning out.:drunk:
Girl, you got a cute little baby stash compared to mine.LOL :babyb:

I wanted to reduce it, but I already gave away the stuff that didn't work for me.

Stop while you're ahead girlie! :yep:

although I :love5: your products!
Hey sometimes our hair needs different things on different days. I see nothing wrong with your...collection. :) the closet is a great idea. I can't wait til I can get my product game up there too.
Don't feel bad, that closet isn't bad at all. Every PJ has their vice, for some it's conditioner, for others it's oil while for some of us it's a lil of everything. Looks like for you it's flat irons lol.
I guess I am not a PJ like I thought. I only have 9 products. I need to step my game. OP, you made my heart skip a beat when I saw your closet!
totally feel you on the pj'ism!!! i have four plastic totes filled with the stuff that Won't fit in the cabinets!! im liking the closet idea.. who needs clothes anyway when you're a pj :grin:!!!!

i heart those chinese bangs BTW :yep:
I do a "product give away" every Spring. Helps me make space for the new things I have been eyeing, and I feel good because I am actually passing off my products to someone who might need the stuff that are on my sht list. :look:
See I dont think your stash is bad at all. If I did I would have to admit my own. But that flat iron stash is off the chain.