My hair breaks off/sheds at a certain length.


Well-Known Member
I deep condition, I protective style, I moisturize...yet my hair will not grow beyond a certain point. Yes, my hair is longer than it was when I was relaxed, but it seems as if I will never get APL, BSL, etc. hair. My hair hit this length in early 2010 and hasn't budged since.

What to do, what to do...
Can you give more specifics about your hair and regimen so we can give some advice? There may be things you can tweak about your regimen to help retain length.
I wash twice a week with Aveda Damage Remedy shampoo. I DC each time, using Aveda DR Treatment once a week and another moisturizing con--Silicon Mix, Aubrey Organics, etc.--the other time. I moisturize and seal, then I twist my hair up. My hair is always either twisted or I leave it loose in a twist out.

I dyed my hair in Aug 2010 with Bigen, but my hair hit this length in late 2009/early 2010 and hasn't grown passed this length even before the dye, so I don't know if the dye is the culprit. I have about 1 1/2 inches of dyed hair left.
I would like to share with you my experience.

People are probably sick of hearing about this but here goes: I had iron defciency anemia last year. I found out about it and started correcting it in July 2010. Because of the deficiency, my hair grew out brittle and weak. Until my body started to get stronger, and started making stronger hair it would break no matter what I did, my hair would break, split and shed. It has taken a few months but things are so much better.

If you don't do so already, I would suggest cleaning up your diet, learn to deal with stress, get some sleep, drinking plenty of water, and take a good multivitamin.
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Is your hair damaged and in need of that much protein? I know Aveda DR is a great treatment, but it should only be used when needed. At what point in your regimen do you notice the most breakage? What kinds of tools do you use in your hair? Do you take a multivitamin or are on any medication that has an effect on hair?
Is your hair damaged and in need of that much protein? I know Aveda DR is a great treatment, but it should only be used when needed. At what point in your regimen do you notice the most breakage? What kinds of tools do you use in your hair? Do you take a multivitamin or are on any medication that has an effect on hair?

Hmm.. I haven't been thinking of Aveda DR as a protein. It leaves my hair incredibly moisturized. But I will stop using it every week and see if I see any changes.

The only time I notice my hair is when I'm washing it and hair goes down the drain and when I'm sweeping up and notice the curly hair.

I don't take any medication or multivitamins.

ETA: I use a wide tooth comb and a Denman regularly.
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Idk the ingredients - I could be wrong. Usually a "reconstructor" or "restructurizer" has strengthening ingredients. But a stylist at Aveda used it on me about a year ago when I had heavy breakage and shedding. She said to only use it weekly until I stopped seeing breakage and to stop. Anywho, I'll stop hijacking and hopefully others come in with help. I'm sure you'll find what you need to help. :yep:
Your reg. is very protein heavy. The Aveda Damage Remedy line is for strengthening the hair. You need moisture.
I've been taking care of my brother's 4b fro and his hair was bone dry and raining breakage because he shampooed 2x a week (let it be said that he also NEVER conditioned his hair LOL). I got him to trade one of those shampoo sessions with a co-wash and also moisturize daily with my moisturizing spritz made from 5 parts water and 1 part AO HSR condish. His hair has never been so soft.

Also, cosigning on the weekly protein treatment. I only use my protein condish once every 3 months. It's not always the case, but most naturals seem to lean towards a more moisture based regimen than protein. This goes double for color-treated hair. HTH.
Yes I agree with the others...too much protein. As for protective styling I dont know...I heard twists can lead to hair dreading up somewhat. Try braids also. The best tip I have for that got me to apl when I hadnt been there since I was younger was a weave. THe things that helps sometimes when youi are stuck is getting a long term protectivee style. Maybe weaves, or twist/braidsn with or without extensions.