My God, What have they done?


New Member
Why are people doing this?

I am so upset right now I'm in tears. :nono:

What is WRONG with people and why are they trying to influence our young people.

What can we do? Is this really blasphemy against the Holy Spirit as you understand it? Isn't that the unpardonable sin that's spoken of - "THE blasphemy against the Holy Spirit" in Matthew 12:31".

Please pray about this!

The people behind the "Blasphemy Challenge"

This may be old news to some but I'm still shocked!
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Adequate, you know just as well as I do that there are people that don't believe in God or the Bible and people that just find it hard to believe because there are so many unanswered questions and doubts for them.

That is always going to be the case and even more so with the world we live in now. Many young people find it hard to "believe" in something they can not touch and feel especially with the way life is these days.

So many people who believe in the Bible and God for whatever reason, sometimes assume that everyone feels what they feel spiritually. Just like some atheist disrespect some Christians and religious folks, as if they are believing in some fairy tale.

I am personally agnostic, to my mothers disappointment (raised Christian, to believe in the Bible and God, but started to have doubts when I became and adult), but I understand and respect why people believe in the Bible and God but also why some just cannot put faith in it.

Now with so many avenues to express ourselves and our views, it is only natural that sites and groups like this will pop up. Just like some Christians, I guess people can't keep their own feelings to themselves and must "preach" it to others.

Honestly I don't think it is anything to worry about. People are going to believe in what they want, and I feel that belief in God is somewhat of an influence just like not believing in him is. Yes you can have your own views, but some of it, in many cases, comes from influence and ones environment. I "believed" in the Bible and God because my mom did and taught me as such. I learned a lot about the Bible and its Scriptures and I value that knowledge today. I really felt that I had a relationship with God. But, I thought about it differently when I was able to think freely and decide on my own. I just changed and there became too much uncertainty for me to really feel strongly about it as I had before.

Would I start a site asking others to post videos like these RSS people are doing - NO. I just don't think it is worth it to push your views and feelings down other's throats. It is pointless, to me.
Yes, I have heard of this. It is a sober reminder that satan is busy and he wants to kill, steal, and destroy. I believe that the time of Christ's return is soon and things like this remind me there is a harvest of people out there who must hear the gospel. In the end it is everyones choice on whether or not they will believe the truth, but it is our responsiblity not to sleep on our job.

No one can deny that Jesus in fact existed and walked the earth, it is up to them to decide if he is Lord, liar of lunatic (adapted from More than a Carpenter).
Adequate, you know just as well as I do that there are people that don't believe in God or the Bible and people that just find it hard to believe because there are so many unanswered questions and doubts for them.

That is always going to be the case and even more so with the world we live in now. Many young people find it hard to "believe" in something they can not touch and feel especially with the way life is these days.

So many people who believe in the Bible and God for whatever reason, sometimes assume that everyone feels what they feel spiritually. Just like some atheist disrespect some Christians and religious folks, as if they are believing in some fairy tale.

I am personally agnostic, to my mothers disappointment (raised Christian, to believe in the Bible and God, but started to have doubts when I became and adult), but I understand and respect why people believe in the Bible and God but also why some just cannot put faith in it.

Now with so many avenues to express ourselves and our views, it is only natural that sites and groups like this will pop up. Just like some Christians, I guess people can't keep their own feelings to themselves and must "preach" it to others.

Honestly I don't think it is anything to worry about. People are going to believe in what they want, and I feel that belief in God is somewhat of an influence just like not believing in him is. Yes you can have your own views, but some of it, in many cases, comes from influence and ones environment. I "believed" in the Bible and God because my mom did and taught me as such. I learned a lot about the Bible and its Scriptures and I value that knowledge today. I really felt that I had a relationship with God. But, I thought about it differently when I was able to think freely and decide on my own. I just changed and there became too much uncertainty for me to really feel strongly about it as I had before.

Would I start a site asking others to post videos like these RSS people are doing - NO. I just don't think it is worth it to push your views and feelings down other's throats. It is pointless, to me.

Thanks for your POV. I guess I'm just over-sensitive.
Why are people doing this?

I am so upset right now I'm in tears. :nono:

What is WRONG with people and why are they trying to influence our young people.

What can we do? Is this really blasphemy against the Holy Spirit as you understand it? Isn't that the unpardonable sin that's spoken of - "THE blasphemy against the Holy Spirit" in Matthew 12:31".

Please pray about this!

The people behind the "Blasphemy Challenge"

This may be old news to some but I'm still shocked!

Well just know that these people are truly blinded. Like the bible says, before someone is saved, it is like their mind is blinded to the truth. Let's just pray that they repent before they die.

Like my philosophy teacher said one day: "It is illogical to go through life living as if there isn't a God, to only find out when you die that there is."
Well just know that these people are truly blinded. Like the bible says, before someone is saved, it is like their mind is blinded to the truth. Let's just pray that they repent before they die.

Like my philosophy teacher said one day: "It is illogical to go through life living as if there isn't a God, to only find out when you die that there is."

My question is, in the Bible they talk about Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit being the one sin that is not forgivable. Would that apply in this case? Am I interpreting the verse incorrectly. I pray that I am!
Correct me if I am wrong, but the statement itself is not necessarily blasphemy, but the continued action of the rejection and denouncing of Him is actually what blasphemy means. I'm asking because thats what I heard but there are probably other interpretations.
My question is, in the Bible they talk about Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit being the one sin that is not forgivable. Would that apply in this case? Am I interpreting the verse incorrectly. I pray that I am!

Adequate, I have always heard that this is also the unforgivable sin. I really don't understand that scripture but I will pray for guidance of the holy spirit that I may understand it.

I have heard of people being possesed by spirits and them using the person's mouth to speak badly against God. I don't know if that sin would apply to them if they are possessed though.
my god, my god... i too am at the point of tears but am at work so i need to get it together. just think how many people could be lost because of that site... a lot of kids will probably do it as a joke not realizing the spiritual side of it.

...this world is coming to an end.
My question is, in the Bible they talk about Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit being the one sin that is not forgivable. Would that apply in this case? Am I interpreting the verse incorrectly. I pray that I am!

I didn't click the link. Like you, I can be rather sensitive when it comes to Jesus.

Blasephemy of the Holy Spirit is the rejection of Christ as God and your Lord and Savior.

Anyone who does not accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior is in essence, blasphemying. This is why blasphemy is the only unforgivable sin. If you reject Jesus, you are most certainly going to hell.