My GNC Surge Ginea Pig...Read for Comprehension...


New Member
Hi Ladies!

I went to Greenbelt Mall {in Maryland} to the local GNC store to stock up on supplements. I began talking to this very nice, lovely Indian woman who complemented me on my hair growth. She lamented the fact that her hair has been coming out at the top. In fact, there was almost a bald spot where clearly she has been losing her hair. was an opportunity to tell her about Surge and how well it has worked for me and you lovely ladies. I told her about Surge and she went down the hall to the bss where I purchased mine. I told her that she needed to use it twice a day as directed for the next two weeks. I then told her that I would come back to check and see how she's doing.

I will update you guys on how Surge is working for her. I hope that her hair loss is not something more serious. We'll just have to wait and see...
I'm really eager to know how it worked for her. When I talked to the guy at Surge he said that it is really popular in India and China. Please keep us posted.
That was really nice LON71, I'm sure she really appreciated. It also speaks to the beauty of your hair because she wouldn't have followed you to the BSS if your hair looked a mess.