My Gift To You


New Member

I'm in the shop a few days ago, taking picts, and thinking,

'Hey I could post some info that my be able to help some sistas out that have, or know someone that has dry, itchy scalp or dandruff!"

I quickly put this special report together and deciced to give it to you.

(I was going to present the information in ebook fashion and give it to my members sometime after my site lauched at )

but I thought, why not share it with eveyone?

Now even though this is ONE technique I use, these techniques do vary from product line to product line and they can also vary depending upon HOW bad the itchy scalp/dandruff is, but what da hell, you'll get the idea!

So...soak up good game apply it and enjoy the results

Dwayne :grin:

P.S. Leave me some feedback weither or not you enjoyed speical and whoever is always giving me a one star ranking for my threads at least post something to let me know why :wallbash:

Much luv ladies,
God Bless,
Thanks for the info. I'm going to try this on my son because I have been having a difficult time getting rid of his dandruff completely. Just one question: Which shampoo are you mixing in the bowl?
ravenmerlita and fiya'slovechild- No problem, I love those that are open minded enough to accept it!

Jazala- I tried to stay clear of 'Naming Products Step by Step' in the report b/c I don't like just giving product companies props in my pdf's but if I remember correctly it's either JA medaclear (no, I take that back...that's green). I think I cocktailed this one with it's design essential's anti itch line w/some moisture retention added to it!

Don't really want to get into the details why, trust me this could have easily gone the 'light' ebook route! :grin: And I'm known for letting it all out!

For the sake of the example the one's I recommend straight up for anti-itch/dandruff, are design essentials' anti itch line, JA's medaclear. In not so severe cases Paul Mitchell's tea tree (even though I don't think they consider this a dandruff shampoo) and Kera Care's dry and itchy scalp line. All hella good!

Hope that helps,
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The copy is pretty decent. But I wasn't feeling a call to action. By the time I got to the opt in portion I'd forgotten what the benefits were.
Thanks for sharing! Also, I saw ORS scalp scrub in the BSS recently, it comes with the shampoo paste and brush..
No problem ladies,

I've noticed over the yrs that ladies with a thick texture of hair seemed to have more itchy scalp and dandruff issues. And by lifting the dandruff to the surface first and appliying the shampoo to the scalp you can directly attack the problem. So I wanted to illustrate that for you all.

Hope that helps in some kinda way
Okay, thanks I enjoyed this. Praise God I don't have dandruff problems but I know someone who does & I'm definitely going to pass this on to her. :goodone:
Super cool technique, Dwayne! Both of my daughters have dry scalps, so I'll definitely be using this method on their heads!

When you say JA's Medaclear, what does JA stand for?
ravenmerlita and fiya'slovechild- No problem, I love those that are open minded enough to accept it!

Jazala- I tried to stay clear of 'Naming Products Step by Step' in the report b/c I don't like just giving product companies props in my pdf's but if I remember correctly it's either JA medaclear (no, I take that back...that's green). I think I cocktailed this one with it's design essential's anti itch line w/some moisture retention added to it!

Don't really want to get into the details why, trust me this could have easily gone the 'light' ebook route! :grin: And I'm known for letting it all out!

For the sake of the example the one's I recommend straight up for anti-itch/dandruff, are design essentials' anti itch line, JA's medaclear. In not so severe cases Paul Mitchell's tea tree (even though I don't think they consider this a dandruff shampoo) and Kera Care's dry and itchy scalp line. All hella good!

Hope that helps,

I've always had issues with dry scalp and nothing really cures it. So i will definitely check into the JA.
Woo hoo Dwayne! Thanks for dropping those golden nuggets. I used to have a really bad problem with dandruff. Now that I shampoo/cowash more often it isn't as bad but sometimes comes and goes. I'll keep this method stored in my head in case it flares up again.
No problem ladies,

I've noticed over the yrs that ladies with a thick texture of hair seemed to have more itchy scalp and dandruff issues. And by lifting the dandruff to the surface first and appliying the shampoo to the scalp you can directly attack the problem. So I wanted to illustrate that for you all.

Hope that helps in some kinda way
I used to have dandruff issues and applying shampoo or baking soda/conditioner mix directly to the scalp is very effective at clearing it up.

Thanks for sharing, Dwayne. I'm going to use your technique with the brush in future. :up:
THank you soooo much. My mommy (yes! I still call her "mommy" so shut up:lachen:) has struggled with dandruff all her life. I believe I know the culprit but this might give me a new method to cure it.
nakialovesshoes, brownskin2, Jazala, tiffers, platinum, ajoyfuljoy, Miss*tress and bravenewgirl87 - You all are welcome! thanks for the feedback!

fiya'slovechild- Yeah, that medaclear is some good stuff!

Make sure you follow the instructions outlined to the letter for the best results.

Sometimes people immediately rinse the shampoo out instead of letting it sit or they won't bring the dandruff to the surface first and a few days later, when it does surface, they wonder why they have it again!

But yeah, def. check that out!

God Bless,
Thanks for sharing. I don't have dandruff, but from time to time I suffer from itchy scalp, next time this happens, I'll try the method that you've outlined. I have a feeling this would definitely help. Thanks again!
Hey dwayne, thanks for sharing this wealth of vital information, you really have a big heart!!! Welcome to the board, and I look forward to hearing more advice from u in the future!!
Not a problem...

Hey, you all have some cute kids! :grin: and some loooong hair. Do some of you have Indian in yo' family???? :lachen:
