My Friends think I'm Obsessed!


New Member
My friends think I'm obessed b/c I love hair and talk about growing my hair. ONe of them says I didn't know so many people wanted to grow their hair long (as she watches me on the LHCF. Another says you are obsessed with you hair (but she is obsessed with losing weight by way of diet pills). I don't think I am that bad though!!!!!
Everyone has their own obsessions :)

She won't be saying that when you pop up with long healthy hair :lol:
I talk about my hair less and less as time goes on. I don't want anyone to know my hair growth is as important to me as it is. I think I would feel impatient if my hair wasn't growing fast enough to keep up with my mouth.
I don't mind them knowing that the health of my hair is important to me though.
my mom thinks im obsessed :/
she thinks my methods of protective styles arent going to work.
have we no faith? she'll see...
Nothing wrong with caring (or obsessing) about your hair. I think it's great that the members here (from all over the world) can share interests.
hOnii said:
my mom thinks im obsessed :/
she thinks my methods of protective styles arent going to work.
have we no faith? she'll see...
Yeap, she'll see. Then she'll start asking you for hair care tips and product recommendations. :)
Allandra said:
Nothing wrong with caring (or obsessing) about your hair. I think it's great that the members here (from all over the world) can share interests.

i agree. my fam and friends think i'm too crazy about hair too. :weird:
Do you think that it may be jealously? If so tell them to go suck a lemon. Your hair will be long and beautiful soon and they will probably join the LHCF too after they see your wonderful results:lol:
My friends think I'm obsessed too.:lol:

When I'm at home and my friend's call the first thing they say is "you're not on that hair forum again, are you?":lol:

The funny thing is that I am mostly on the forum looking for hair tips.:p

But really though, there's nothing wrong with wanting to improve your hair and overall appearance as long as you get other things done:D
Everyone has something that they are really into. For my dad it's cars, my mom is losing weight and for me it's my hair and skin. I don't I or anyone else on this forum is obsessed we just care more about our hair than do other people.
Join the club. When the whole world thinks black women have to have just a few inches of unhealthy hair on their head, who wouldn't get excited about finding a board that allows us to care for our heads of hair too? I am admittedly obsessed as I just discovered this board (and Cathy Howse) a few weeks ago and me and my two baby girls (8 mo and 3yo) have much better heads of hair already. I am definitely going to chill over time, sustained obsession might be hard and I haven't shown how obsessed I am to anyone but my husband:)

You might have to slow your roll a little bit with some people, but they'll be getting more and more excited over time themselves as they see it grow, grow, grow.