My friend's hair has grown like crazy!!!!!......


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My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!......


Hi, I just recently saw a classmate of mine at the college that I'm going to right now, and her hair has grown alot. I had knew her before because we took the same class last spring and it ended like in mid-May, and I haven't seen her until now. It's been 2.5 monthes since I've seen her, the last time I saw her her hair was about a couple of inches below her shoulder (I think 2-3 inches) and right now it's about bra-strap or close to it!!
Lol, I think that is about 4 inches or so new growth, I told her that I can't believe her hair has grown so fast and she told me that it's the L-cysteine that she's taking, she's been taking it eversince she cut her hair in the winter because her sister got good result from taking it before, I think she said that she was taking 2000mg or so a day and her regular multi-vitamins. So I went out to walmart today and bought myself a 3 bottle of L-cysteine, I can't wait to get results like her. I'm soo excited. Ohh I wanna grow 3 inches before october... I think I can do it.
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!......

Wow, that's a ton of growth in such a lil time. Wishing u the best
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!......

I sure will, I can't wait to see results like her. I don't expect my hair to grow like that though, but anything like an inch a month or more will be a miracle.
Oh I forgot to mention that L-cysteine is a main ingredient in eggs, and I've read on other forums and also on this one too that many people had increased growth from eating eggs. u know I tried to eat eggs everyday but I'm getting sick of it and it's bad for the cholesterol so I'm taking L-cysteine caps instead especially now that I know for sure that it has work on someone.
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!......

i think i read somewhere that you should take a certain amount of vitamin c when taking that amino acid. be sure and research it first to make sure you're not over-doing it. good luck
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

that's for sure!!!! let us know!!!!
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

When taking L-cysteine, N-acetyl-cysteine, or glutathione, it is recommended that three times as much vitamin C should be taken at the same time to prevent these amino acids from being oxidized in the body.

L-cysteine is a conditionally essential amino acid, one of only three sulfur-containing amino acids, the others being taurine (which can be produced from L-cysteine) and L-methionine from which L-cysteine can be produced in the body by a multi-step process.

L-cysteine is a protein amino acid naturally present in the proteins of life forms. L-cysteine is a sulfur amino acid and contains a sulfhydryl group. Although most cysteine is found in proteins, small amounts of free cysteine are found in body fluids and in plants. The normal diet contributes approximately 1 gram of L-cysteine daily.

L-cysteine is considered a nonessential amino acid, meaning that, under normal physiologic conditions, sufficient amounts of this amino acid are formed from the dietary essential amino acid L-methionine and the nonessential amino acid L-serine via a transsulfuration reaction. L-cysteine is a conditionally essential amino acid under certain circumstances, for example, for preterm infants.

L-cysteine serves as a precursor for synthesis of proteins, glutathione, taurine, coenzyme A and inorganic sulfate. Glutathionine itself has a number of biochemical functions, including maintenance of normal cellular redox state. Certain conditions, e.g. an acetaminophen overdose, can deplete hepatic glutathione, and this can be life-threatening. The antidote to an acetaminophen overdose is L-cysteine, in the delivery form of N-acetylcysteine. The L-cysteine derived from N-acetylcysteine helps to restore hepatic glutathione.

L-cysteine can act as an antioxidant, may prevent liver diseases, and can help to thicken the individual diameters of existing hair if taken regularly. Following ingestion, some L-cysteine is oxidized to L-cystine, and both L-cysteine and L-cystine are absorbed from the small intestine by active-transport processes. L-cysteine absorption is largely sodium-dependent, while L-cystine is absorbed by a sodium-independent transport system. Following absorption, L-cysteine enters the portal circulation, which distributes it to the liver. There, much of it is metabolized to protein, glutathione, taurine and sulfate. L-cysteine, which does not get metabolized by the liver, enters the systemic circulation which distributes it to various tissues of the body.

Although the incidence of cystine renal stones is low, they do occur. Those who form renal stones, particularly cystine stones, should avoid L-cysteine supplements. L-cysteine, like other sulfhydryl-containing substances, could produce a false-positive result in the nitroprusside test for ketone bodies used in diabetes.

There are no reports of overdosage in those taking L-cysteine supplements. However, large doses of L-cysteine are neuroexcitotoxic in several species. Single injections of L-cysteine (0.6-1.5 g/kg) into 4-day-old pups resulted in massive damage to cortical neurons, permanent retinal dystrophy, atrophy of the brain and hyperactivity.

The usual supplemental dosage of L-cysteine is 500 milligrams to 1.5 grams daily. Those who supplement with L-cysteine should drink at least six to eight glasses of water daily in order to prevent cystine renal stones. Some studies indicate that an intake of 3 to 5 grams daily of vitamin C may prevent cystine stones. However, high-dose vitamin C itself may contribute to renal stones in some (see Vitamin C).

N-acetyl-cysteine is the acetylated form of L-cysteine which is more efficiently absorbed and used. It is also an antioxidant that is helpful against viruses. N-acetyl-cysteine has been used as a liver protectant and to break up pulmonary and bronchial mucus. N-acetyl-cysteine can boost glutathione levels in cells.

Glutathione (gamma-L-glutamyl-L-cysteinyl-glycine) is a peptide (short protein)-like molecule synthesized in the body from the three amino acids L-glutamic acid, L-cysteine, and glycine. Glutathione is one of the body’s most important and powerful antioxidants. A major function of vitamin C is to keep glutathione, L-cysteine, and N-acetyl-cysteine in reduced form so that they can continue to have their powerful free radical quenching effects.

Even though many published studies show that garlic, selenium, alpha-lipoic acid, L-cysteine and N-acetyl-cysteine can boost cellular glutathione levels, people with health problems may benefit from taking high doses of glutamine. Those with cataracts or liver disease may want to take 500 mg a day of this very potent antioxidant.
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

L-cysteine can act as an antioxidant, may prevent liver diseases, and can help to thicken the individual diameters of existing hair if taken regularly.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wonder if L-cysteine is as effective, or more effective, in thickening hair strands than panthenol/pantothenic acid? Hmmm....
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

hi, I've found some informative sites on l-cysteine and I've posted link above

Cysteine is a sulfur containing amino that detoxifies many harmful chemicals including those from cigarette smoke, pollution and alcohol as well as copper and heavy toxic metals. Cysteine can prevent hangovers and promotes healing and the immune system. Since Cysteine is a central amino in the protein keratin, it has been found to increase hair growth by as much as 100%, to increase the diameter of hair shafts and to harden the nails. Cysteine is a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to help protect the cells against X-Ray and nuclear radiation. One note of caution; Cysteine can affect insulin effectiveness so diabetics need to exercise caution when using this amino.
There is no question that Cysteine helps improve the look of the hair and the hardness of nails. Most people take between 500 mgs. and 1,000 grams of Cysteine daily. This is an amino that works very well in supplement form.

L-Cysteine can be obtained from dietary protein or synthesized from the amino acid L-methionine. It is directly depleted by cigarette smoking, the depletion of which may be partially related to the faster aging of skin in smokers.
L-Cysteine is a sulfur containing amino acid which, together with glycine & glutamic acid, forms the all-important antioxidant glutathione. L-Cysteine contributes to the formation of protein in our bodies. It plays a role in energy metabolism, both by being able to convert to glucose & be used as fuel, & by playing a part in the synthesis of fatty acids. It acts in the liver to help detoxify carcinogens & other dangerous chemicals. Cysteine is essential for T-cell proliferation & activation in your immune system. Cysteine is a major component of skin, hair, & fingernails. Studies show that cysteine supplementation can increase hair shaft diameter and hair growth density in some cases of hair loss.
Cysteine may be used to:
Help with skin health.
Stop hair loss & aid hair growth.
Aid wound healing from injuries, burns, or surgery.
Help protect us from the adverse effects of alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, & other chemicals.
Support the liver when there are liver disorders.
Enhance absorption of iron.
Ameliorate chemical sensitivity reactions.
Promote the production of red & white blood cells.
Support cartilage (as a precursor to chondroitin sulfate.)
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

I broke down and bought some Vitamin C and L-cysteine...le sigh
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

wow thats a whole lot of systein to be amino acids contain only 20mg of it...
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

I'll do some additional research on L-cysteine and try it. The benefits look great, especially better absorption of iron. I have to take iron supplements (anemic) and I've learned that the more red blood cells, the better the hair condition and growth.
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

Here is another source of info on Cysteine and hair growth...

CYSTEINE - Amino acid peptide bond constructing up to 18% of your hair that provides strength, shine and structure. Cysteine increases hair shaft diameter and hair growth density. Foods high in Cysteine include eggs, muscle protein, garlic, onions, Brussells sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, beans and milk. A minimum of 500 mg. per day is required for hair as it is not a priority of the body. Cysteine is a powerful cell defender acting as an antioxidant and also contains sulfur, known as nature's beauty mineral. A deficiency in sulfur is characterized by atrophied sebaceous glands which lubricate the scalp from the Essential Fatty Acids. Vitamin C in two and one half times the amount of Cysteine, Vitamin B-6, and co-action of all 22 amino acids provide optimum use of L-Cysteine. In order for Cysteine to be effective it must synergistically work with ALL other aminos. A missing amino acid is like a missing building block that collapses the entire structure. At least 500 mg. of this keratin-forming amino acid must be taken each day to even have an effect on hair.
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

I'm also taking a protein powder that I bought from Puritan's Pride (

It contains:

L-Alanine 750mg
l-Arginine 1320mg
L-Aspartic Acid 2000mg
L-Cysteine 220mg
L-Glutamic Acid 3300mg
L-Glycine 750mg
L-Histidine 450mg
L-Isoleucine 850mg
L-Leucine 1420mg
L-Lysine 1080mg
L-Methionine 240mg
L-Phenylalanine 910mg
L-Proline 880mg
L-Serine 910mg
L-Threonine 650mg
L-Tryptophan 220mg
L-Tyrosine 650mg
L-Valine 870mg

I take one teaspoon a day. It provides 17g of soy protein. It also has 15% of your daily phosphorous, 4% of your daily calcium, and 20% of your daily iron.
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

wow! I just bought some L-cysteine about a week and a half ago! I take 500mg's 20-30 minutes before I take a protien shake. Guess I'll stick with it , up my dose and see what happens!
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

How r things going, with the amino acids, I saw some at walmart, but I dont think their brand is good, is anyone using it, how big r the pill? and what do they taste like?
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

its interesting that it says that garlic contains it too...i was just thinking back at how fast my hair grew when I was taking Garlic supplements..maybe there is a link....
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

Hey Candey I see ur in H-town
I got some Lysine, because I thought that was the one u were talking about, but I was wrong, Now I have cysteine, I have not really started taking it has been about 4 months Karen, did u meet ur goal, and did u get about wait let see, 2.5 months about 4 inches, did u get 8 inchs or close
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

If you don't mind please share your source for the info you posted. TIA!
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

So this is why my dermatologist read me the riot act when she found out I wanted to lose some weight and I already have a problem with shedding. Her focus was on complete protein when she found out that I am a vegetarian. I think I'm going to look into Nutritional Yeast (something I've used in the past) for the beginning form for this (methionine?). Thanks so much for sharing everyone! Esp. you Happylocks for digging this up (x's 2).
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

I found a few unopen thing in my cabinet one being Spiru-tein Eggnog (soy protein pwdr w/spirulina). I think I'll use these things up 1st since they all have amino acids amounts similar to what Boadicea list in the protein she taking. With a little tweaking I'll have everything my Dr recommended but in a different form. If this regimen turns my situation around before my next 7weeks visit (which I believe it will) this will just be my little secrect if not y'all pray for me cause my Dr seems like she's the type that "don't play". She'll kick me to the curb in a heart beat. That's what happens when your Dr has a good reputation (for the boonies anyway).
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

Spagirl, I found the info on different sites. Type in "L-cysteine" in google and you should get a lot of info.
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

How did you make out with using these things. Did it work for you? Did you have any ill effects?
Re: My friend\'s hair has grown like crazy!!!!!....

Well I have been taking it for two months, and I have noticed an accelerated growth rate. I will bump this thread mid-April for an update.