My first Youtube video!!!!


New Member
It wasnt totally successful but i did learn how to edit videos and post them so it was nice to learn this. But this is my attempt at doin a coil out which kinda end up looking like knots because i wanted them to stay.

here is the link check it out

I will figure out how to fix the type problems because the type wasnt so hard to read when i made it. and i guess be more comfy in front of the cam. the next one i make probably wont have me actually in front of it...

i must admit it was kinda fun learning the program.
Thank you for sharing! I like your idea: putting the AVC/water mix in wine bottle. . . never would have thought to add videos to my Fotki. . .
Thank you for sharing! I like your idea: putting the AVC/water mix in wine bottle. . . never would have thought to add videos to my Fotki. . .

thanks. I actually use 1 part ACV 2 parts distilled water and 1 part aloe vera juice. ... it works well i use a nice smelling condish after which keeps my hair smelling nice
i was pretty bummed at how u cant really see the type but i realize if you watch it on high quality you can make it out... esp if its on fullscreeen

either way the next video i make i will watch out for this anyway.. :)

thanks everyone
I enjoyed your video. Your hair grew back QUICK. I remember when you cut it.

its not as long as it used to be last year but it has grown pretty fast considering in nov i was at shoulder length.
i think my hair grows about .5-.6 inches a month and since i havnt been dogging it its actually retaining alot of it.. my ends are still blunt.

thanks everyone. next video i make i will make all the ness changes :)
thanks. I actually use 1 part ACV 2 parts distilled water and 1 part aloe vera juice. ... it works well i use a nice smelling condish after which keeps my hair smelling nice

aloe vera juice you say?! ok good to know :drunk:
Thank you for the video. I love your hair! I've never used Castor Oil before (can't seem to find the Jamaican one anywhere) but I saw how shiny it made your hair and now I want to order it online.
Thank you for the video. I love your hair! I've never used Castor Oil before (can't seem to find the Jamaican one anywhere) but I saw how shiny it made your hair and now I want to order it online.

thanks... caster oil really does make my hair shiny... i have to be sure not to over do it and let it dry tho because if not it makes my hair kinda sticky.. :yep: