my hair wont grow

i guess i should wait just in case,just i see so much more styles with relaxed and texturised hair.but patience is a virtue i suppose.thank you
I agree with what all the ladies said so far. I would probably leave the weave alone for a little bit and just braid it or twist i up. No wash n gos or afro puffs. Also- may try protein every couple weeks or 1x a month instead of every week.
Make sure your deep conditioner is left on for at least 15 minutes. Also you may want to try using a pre poo moisturizing treatment before you shampoo- like a moisturizing conditioner on dry hair and left like that for 15 minutes.
One major thing that help me is on wash day, sectioning my hair and pre pooing, shampoo and deep condition in sections. Also I always have my wide tooth comb and detangle after deep conditioning when the conditioner is still in my hair.
Try little to no manipulation, and work with your own hair for a while and see how it is. Also-moisturize with a good quality hair cream (elasta qp mango butter neva worked for me) and seal with an oil.
Focus mositurizing even more on your ends. And absolutely no combing while your hair is dry.

Hopefully this can help u get the hair back to healthy and then you can decide whether to texturize or not. But if you just jump the gun and get a texturizer on damaged hair, you are just asking for trouble.

Good luck
thats makes prefect sense thankkyou sooo much i will let you know how i get on.xxxx
I'm sooo glad you're feeling better. I was just in lurking mode a couple of days ago and got worried when you didn't reply. Thought you gave up for a minute, sooo relieved you didn't! Happy Hair Growing!!!!
ive just found out that i have been taking medicationthat has been said to stop hair growth, this is making sense now. that why for the past 2 years my hair has broke and sease to grow. what a revelation. i am going stop taking these tablets and see how i get on. they were for the shakes but the health shops have great alternatives so im going to try those out instead. this seem like i may stand a better chance now , finally.:grin: