Always follow your heart
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Mochalolita said:the metal clips...I don't get along with those at all!
Will do!LadyR said:Kaddy,
Can you please take a picture tonight. The techique sounds very interesting.
Well if some of them didn't dry all the way that could have caused the tangles. Another thing is that maybe you should have pinned the curls so they wouldn't move while under your bonnet. You probably could have used larger rollers because your hair is longer than mine and I use larger rollers at times but that wouldn't cause the tangles.spanishteardrops said:Ok so it was not as successful as I thought. I woke up this morning to huge tangles all over my head Ugh I so fustrated with my hair right now. Did I use big enough rollers? Not enough moisture? Is my hair doomed to live a life in a bun. I thought about wrapping it but I tried in the past and failed miserably at it. So I just put my satin bonnet over it. What went wrong?
I posted them in this thread: said:Kaddy,
Can you please take a picture tonight. The techique sounds very interesting.