My first set of twists on my TWA! What yall think?


New Member
Before I went to church, I co-washed and detangled my hair (thanks to the advice of you ladies, I did a really good job of this, and it didn't hurt my arms at all)...and I guess, this was the first time my hair had been really stretched out! I could see my true length, and took a chance that it would be long enough to do two strand twists....I half before I went to church, and the rest after...Here's the finished product!


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Thanks! OMG, it took forever! So needless to say, I'd like to be in these until Saturday, when I have to go to a wedding...How can I make them last that long?
Your hair is very pretty. To maintain your style, I recommend a satin scarf and as insurance a satin pillow-case. I don't recommend wetting the twists or they may swell. If you notice any of them getting fuzzy then you can redo them. I also recommend you keep your scalp moisturized. It is more exposed to the air so it may start to feel dry and itchy. Good luck and I hope you enjoy the wedding.
I love it!! It looks fab...and oh to maintain, just get a satin bonnet and tie it down with or a satin pillowcase and go to sleep. (I opt for the satin pillowcase, way easier).
they are adorable! I wish I looked good with short hair like that I'd wear my hair like this everyday! Good job
Really cute! Nice and thick...
Quick question: I can imagine how they will look once you take them down; will you rock that as a style as well or will you re-wash and twist again?

Thanks for the compliments ladies and the advice...Black Barbie, I was thinking about wearing them until Friday, and then Saturday (because I have a wedding to go to) take them down and rock them as a style...I gotta pick out an outfit real soon, so I can get a matching headband...

ps-OT, I know, but if you're looking for extra flyness in headband accs, RUN TO XXI...I bought three dope ones...A purple feather headband, a satin pink one with an intricate bow, and a cheetah print band...I would have bought more...but I told myself to relax and chill out...OMG, there isn't an XXI in the city I live...I had to drive 1 hr to get to I went a little crazy lol