My first sermon


Well-Known Member
As some of you may know by seeing my siggy already that I will be giving my first sermon on June 5th. This has been in the making for years when GOD told me of this calling. I tried to run from it, I listened to those who said that HE would not call a woman into this, and just let life sidetrack me. Well finally, HE gave me my wake up call and I am going to do HIS will. I am not posting to start a discussion about women in ministry but asking that all my sisters in christ to pray for me. I KNOW that this is what GOD wants me to do and the events that have happened leading up to the sermon lets me know that loud and clear. The devil has tried to attack me left and right in hopes of trying to trip me up but my relationship has grown even stronger. I have an even deeper and greater understanding of the word in preparation for this sermon than I have achieved in my 8 years of being saved. It is so powerful that sometimes I can't even go to sleep because of the things that GOD has placed on my heart and mind. I feel truly blessed and honored that HE chose me. I now understand why my life was so hard and that my testimony will be a blessing to so many girls, and women who feel like they have no hope. Who have listened to the devil tell them that they were unworthy, unloved, or that GOD would not forgive them. I just ask that you pray that GOD's will be done as I go forth. I want the people to not see me, but to see HIM. I want GOD to get all the glory and for me just to be the tool that HE uses. Thanks for all those who have already encouraged and prayed for me. All I do is to please GOD and give satan a beat down!!! Take care Q
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My prayers are with you! You are taking on a difficult task; but if God be for you then who can be against you? I am excited for you, and I pray that God's blessing reigns in your life and that He will use you for His glory!

(Isa 54:17) No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.
Thanks for the encouragement everyone I am so humbled and excited to be doing GOD's work!!! Q
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