My First Oil Rinsing Experience!!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm a natural 4b and I usually just finger comb. I think the last time I used a comb was probably just over 6 months ago. For the most part my hair does ok, but I do experience a little tangling, which I have to (very patiently) work out of my hair during conditioning.

On Friday night, I decided to try oil rinsing. I slathered, I mean absolutely saturated sections of my hair with coconut oil. Put a baggy and scarf over my head and went to bed.

The next morning, I had to go to work and was running out of time to wash all the oil out. I quickly slathered on some Hello Hydration, covered it up while I made something to eat, then jumped into the shower to wash it out. :blush::blush::blush::blush: You guys, like 99.99% of my tangles had just melted away!!! I finger combed each section and my hands just fell through:love::gorgeous:. HH is usually great on its own for my tangles, but this .... this was just on a whole different level.

I then twisted each section back up. Jumped out of the shower and didn't have time to moisturize and seal, so just put on my satin scarf and a cute beanie over that and ran to catch the tram!

When I got back from work 8 hours later, I thought :nono: "I bet it's all dry and tangled up again" ... but lo' and behold it was still tangle free. Dry, but not a crunchy, kamikaze suicide, breaking off and diving onto floor, dry. It was still soft to the touch. Anyway, I moisturized, sealed with oil and twisted it up :lick:.

I'll definitely be doing this again and keeping this thread updated. I just wanted to encourage others, esp my natural ladies out there struggling with tangles or want a way to reduce the amount of combing you have to do, to just give this a try. JUST TRY IT!!!

I read about oil rinsing a while ago in a thread started by Sareca - Don't Sleep on Oil-Rinses. She was so right y'all. Thanks Sareca!!! :notworthy
I have only oil rinsed in between washing and detangling and I have only used rice bran oil or peanut oil. Im in a weave now, so when I take it down next week I am definitely going to try detangling your way! I have plenty of coconut maybe by then my SheScentIt green tea and hibiscus condish will have arrived and I can detangle with that! Thank you so much for sharing!
Are you going to try different oils or stick with the coconut oil?

I think I'll stick with coconut oil for now, since it worked so well.

But I'd be happy to hear from others who have used coconut oil and other oils to see how they compare.
I tend to do this in the winter, it's very nourishing for the hair in those cold temperatures.
Thank you for posting this. I too have heard of oil rinsing, but never tried it. But thanks to your (and Sareca's) review, I will be trying this soon. I tend to have a lot of tangles.
It's crazy how well it works, right? I started doing this only about two weeks ago because of the same exact thread...I use a mix of EVCO, EVOO and castor oil. Definitely a technique I will be holding onto.
I detangle with oil by slathering on evoo and finger combing to detangle.

I tried oil rinsing before but mine didn't go so well. My hair felt very grippy -- like, when I rub my hands against it, it felt coated and my strands felt coarse and my hands didn't not run across my hair smoothly. I used evoo. I might try evco next time and HH for my mid-week cowash to see how that works for me.
Thanks for sharing, I think I'll try a modified version of this as I have a lot of olive butter to use up.

I'm thinking slather hair in olive butter and a little castor oil, sit under the steamer for 30 mins then rinse out with a cheapie.

OP - when you put the oil on was your hair dry or wet? *runs to check other thread*
I have to agree that oil rinsing is amazing. I tried it for the first time after reading your post. I used extra virgin olive oil in my tangled disaster, let it sit for about 30 minutes and then washed it out. My hair has never been so soft and untangled before. I was suddenly able to run my fingers through it with no pulling. I love it. I think I will do this every week now on detangle day.
Glad to hear it's working out for most of you ladies!! I've tried this about 3 more times after posting this thread about 2 weeks ago, and I'm really in love with this technique. Tangling and knotting has dramatically decreased.

I think I may do mine a little different from others Moodyma'am.

  • I apply the oil to dry, unshampoo'd hair. Usually leaving the oil anywhere from a few hours to overnight, although I tend to think the longer sessions give me better results.

  • I then apply conditioner over the oil... again leaving the conditioner anywhere from a few hours to overnight.

  • Then I rinse, concentrating on my scalp since I hardly shampoo. Leaving in a little bit of the conditioner helps too.

  • Moisturize and seal.

Mrs. Verde, you asked if I would use another conditioner. I hadn't intended to, but when I oil rinsed this weekend, I'd run out of HH, so I used VO5 Kiwi and Lime Squeeze Clarifying Conditioner. The detangling effect was pretty much the same! ETA: WOOPS! you asked if I'd keep using EVCO. Well now you know I used a different conditioner too lol. My bad.

Divachyk, did you give this another go?

I also found this video for those who want a visual of the technique. I think it's the more 'conventional' method, stepwise, for oil rinsing. Although, she uses glycerine in place of oil. Interesting!

I wish more people, especially the natural ladies would try this!!! Just try it ladies.
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I'm glad you like it.:yep: I tried oil rinsing with EVOO about a month ago and I love it!:grin: My hair comes out soft and tangle free!
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I am sitting under my dryer now after having done an oil rinse this weekend.
I used evoo on dry hair then spritz with water, conditioner, aloe mix to open up my cuticles.
I baggied overnight and then added conditioner to rinse out.
I shampooed because I am getting a weave installed and then steamed my hair with deep conditioner.
I rinsed and now applied Kimmay tube leave in and put 8 bantu knots to help stretch my hair. I am under the dryer now.

My hair is so soft and moisturized. It is normally rough on the ends and difficult to detangle in the crown area but the small tooth comb glided through with very little snags in my whole head.
I am in love with my hair this morning.
just did it with coconut oil last night! and co-washed with organix shea butter. i was a bit skeptical at first but it really does work
i'm so glad this worked out well for you, Urban!

i first staarted using oil rinses during a 17 week stretch earlier this year, so thank you for reminding me about this very useful tool!

i like using evoo and i think i will mix in a ceramide for the overnight baggy treatment!
Divachyk, did you give this another go?
Yes I tried it but it didn't go well. It seems that I falsely assumed all oil rinse methods were the same. I will attempt your method next time. The method I previously tried twice was -- apply oil to dry hair, rinse with hot water, apply conditioner, detangle, and rinse all conditioner out with cold water. My hair had no slip and I lost hair unnecessarily with this method. I know that evco melts away tangles so I will definitely try your combo of prods as I have both prods in my stash -- evco and HE HH.

I rinsed and now applied Kimmay tube leave in and put 8 bantu knots to help stretch my hair. I am under the dryer now.
Do you apply kim's leave-in to damp or wet hair? Her vid suggests applying it to wet hair. Just curious how others were applying it. I typically apply to damp hair.