My first & LAST Domincan salon experience (extremely long)

Man! What an awful experience! My first and LAST visit went pleasantly enough, just can't take the heat..

I think your plan of transing to a texlaxed state will greatly increase your ability to go natural. Taking care of hair totally contrast of relaxed really is a chore...I'm glad you see that and is willing to put aside the time for it when the time will take just that...TIME..:lol:

Your hair looks great! I laughed thru most of that story, but I'm so glad you stood your ground. More proof that just because they graduated from hair school, stylists don't know everything.
Wow thanks for posting! Well back to the drawing board. Finding a Dominican salon in California is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. I still want to try one at least once. But it won't be Clara!

Honestly, after the "black women have a hard time growing hair" and, "what do the blacks charge" comments I wouldn't have been nearly as nice as you. AND a tip? Please, you're a better person than me:lol:
secretdiamond said:
I remember when I was on a 12 week stretch. I went to the salon for a blow-out.. I prob was about 10 weeks or less...

"Don't come back next time if you don't have a relaxer." :eek: LOL. I simply nodded my head and went out the door and told myslef, "she ain't seeing me in a WHILE"

So now, I only go to her IF I've had a fresh relaxer and HAPPEN to want a blow-out (if at all). So the last few times I went (the last time was in Nov.), she keeps telling me, "Mami, long time no see. You never come anymore." I just smile and say... "Oh I'm too busy to take care of my hair these days." :lol:

No offense but after those comments she couldn't have paid ME to do my hair. Disrespect me and I come BACK? Oh hell to tha naw! And you fulfill her wish by going with a 'fresh' relaxer, like she told you too! Please, the back of my head leaving her shop would have been the last she ever saw of me. :lol:
Aww...I'm so sorry to hear your hair horror story DI. :nono: I swear, some "stylists" need to be revoked of their licenses! :mad:

That deal about $55.00 for the relaxer ONLY is just balogna. What a load of crock. :rolleyes: Who goes to a salon JUST to have the relaxer in and rinsed out, and NOT styled?? :nono: Is she CRAZY??

FURTHERMORE, what stylist in their right mind decides to do a blow-out (with that hotter than hot dryer mind you) the SAME day as a relaxer treatment?? :confused: As if the scalp isn't already sensitive enough? :mad:

Anyway, I agree with Hairphoenix. You acted in the best way possible, and I think you handled the situation well. :up:

Yeah, I've learned my lesson with Dominican Salons long time ago. I went to many different ones too, on different occasions. But each and every time, there was just something a bit "off". Plus, my hair always came back feeling thinner and thinner with each visit. :nono: So, I don't do dominican salons anymore. Maybe they are better in other states or cities, but near where I live, they aren't all that (at least...not to me!).

Anyway DI, I hope your luck changes and that you can find yourself a nice salon and stylist in LA, and when you do...hook a sister up! ;)
onepraying said:
I think your plan of transing to a texlaxed state will greatly increase your ability to go natural. Taking care of hair totally contrast of relaxed really is a chore...I'm glad you see that and is willing to put aside the time for it when the time will take just that...TIME..:lol:

Yeah. I definitely think it will be easier this way. I would love to transition now, but I know that Spring is gonna be busy for me so I want to make sure I do this right b/c I really don't want to BC.:look:

@msbrown: Thanks for the compliment!!! :kiss:

@Crystalicequeen: Girl, I'm about to give up on LA stylists! I had 2 stylists the entire time I lived in Huntsville, and I've had over 20, count em, 20 stylists since being in LA...I'm going to self-relax in March and be done. My patience is entirely too thin at this point. :nono:
sylver2 said:
Hey girl..sooo sorry about your experience. That is crazy.
I grew up on Dominican stylists, thats all that I let do my hair and thats the only ones I will allow to touch it now. U get use to that HURT from the
of course not all can't be good..sigh. I only started having bad experiences when I left NYC.
What a horrible experince to go thru. That was crazy for her to say she is charging seperate for washing/con. Thats included in a touchup. U def held your ground telling her you'll go wash it yourself..:lachen:
Were they dark Dominicans??

First, DI, I'm sorry you had such a horrible experience, but I'm glad you were able to tell her exactly what YOU wanted. I feel like all stylists need to hear that.

ITA with your comments Sylver. I've had Dominicans doing my hair since I started getting relaxers, so they're the only ones I can really trust with rollersets & blowouts, except my childhood hairdresser (African American) who applies my relaxers. However, the two times I let Dominican stylists relax my hair I was thoroughly disappointed, so NEVER AGAIN. I say this because YES, their hair is very similar in texture, BUT--they like to relax bone straight. My hair is fine, and can't take that. Honestly, when I see Dominican women coming in for relaxers, they want a bone straight look. NOT everyone wants or needs that though.

It's sad, but I had an experience very similar to yours when I moved down south and went to an African American stylist. She screamed on me for going 5 months w/o a relaxer, left it on while doing her own hair, and was angry when I told her to wash it out. Then, when I asked for a rollerset and blowout, she accused me of wanting to be like "the white girls" :lachen: . I walked out of there with no tip.

So, all this to say, you just have to find a stylist you trust and who knows your needs. If I find any stylist that can texturize and rollerset how I like, then I'm there.

Sorry about your experience.

I'm so sorry to hear your story. My cousin goes to an Egyptzian Salon and they charge for everything just like the stylist tried to (relaxer and wash and condition are separate prices). But I must say I had a horrid experience at the salon yesterday and I'm just as livid as you are. I mean she shampooed then combed my hair so rough she had strand of MY HAIR in HER RING. Now that was just ridiculous and I had to tell you more than 5 times she was not being gentle enough. Then she had the nerve to ask "Well, are you tenderheaded?" GRRRRR.....
Oh I didn't even she your horrid stylist experience. Well the stylist yesterday actually called me a white girl. And I left with no tip. Str-8 Hate
OneInAMillion said:
First, DI, I'm sorry you had such a horrible experience, but I'm glad you were able to tell her exactly what YOU wanted. I feel like all stylists need to hear that.

ITA with your comments Sylver. I've had Dominicans doing my hair since I started getting relaxers, so they're the only ones I can really trust with rollersets & blowouts, except my childhood hairdresser (African American) who applies my relaxers. However, the two times I let Dominican stylists relax my hair I was thoroughly disappointed, so NEVER AGAIN. I say this because YES, their hair is very similar in texture, BUT--they like to relax bone straight. My hair is fine, and can't take that. Honestly, when I see Dominican women coming in for relaxers, they want a bone straight look. NOT everyone wants or needs that though.

It's sad, but I had an experience very similar to yours when I moved down south and went to an African American stylist. She screamed on me for going 5 months w/o a relaxer, left it on while doing her own hair, and was angry when I told her to wash it out. Then, when I asked for a rollerset and blowout, she accused me of wanting to be like "the white girls" :lachen: . I walked out of there with no tip.

So, all this to say, you just have to find a stylist you trust and who knows your needs. If I find any stylist that can texturize and rollerset how I like, then I'm there.

Sorry about your experience.

Yeah, I've gotten the white girl thing quite a bit too...very annoying. They think you're trying to be white in the first place if you have long hair, but then if you want it done a certain way, then you're "stuck up" or "siddity." I thought things may be BETTER going to a stylist of a different race (less jealousy of hair length, looks etc), but I guess a bad stylist is a bad stylist regardless of what color they are. :ohwell: The next salon I visit will be Divine's Daring Do's that uses ALL the right products and does EVERYTHING right and I NEVER have to wait AND it's FREEEEEEE :lachen:

Sometimes I just wanna go back to some of the old stylists, walk in the door, turn around, flip my hair over my shoulder, and walk back out. :lol:
sylver2 said:
...Dominican stylists, thats all that I let do my hair and thats the only ones I will allow to touch it now. U get use to that HURT from the

I agree with Sylver....other stylists don't work for me any more, but I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience.
WOW!!!!... you are too brave for me... i would have never let that woman apply a chemical treatment to my head... NO WAY!!!! she seemed to exude too much negative energy... amazing.......
Divine Inspiration said:
Yeah, I've gotten the white girl thing quite a bit too...very annoying. They think you're trying to be white in the first place if you have long hair, but then if you want it done a certain way, then you're "stuck up" or "siddity." I thought things may be BETTER going to a stylist of a different race (less jealousy of hair length, looks etc), but I guess a bad stylist is a bad stylist regardless of what color they are. :ohwell: The next salon I visit will be Divine's Daring Do's that uses ALL the right products and does EVERYTHING right and I NEVER have to wait AND it's FREEEEEEE :lachen:

Sometimes I just wanna go back to some of the old stylists, walk in the door, turn around, flip my hair over my shoulder, and walk back out. :lol:

:lol: @ "Divine's Daring Do's"! I dont blame you...sorry you had a bad experience there. I was practically covering my mouth w/my hand the whole time I was reading your entry. :(
I'm so sorry 'bout that. You sound like a woman who can handle her biz though. I don't let styists push me around either. I bug the heck outa mine with questions about what she is using and how I prefer my hair.

I, too, am ready to self relax. Last time i went to the salon for a touch up, the stykist commented--wow, your hair is long. Now usually, I make her give me a mirror so I can watch her trim and she only takes off like 1/4 inch. But I got lazy and since she usually does such a great job, I didn't ask for the mirror. Well, well, wouldn't ya know, my hair feels much shorter than it was prior to the touch up and I had like 2 inches of new growth. It looks much shorter than when I looked in the mirror after the touch up and before the trim.:mad: :mad: :mad:

Girl, that was a horrible story! How dare she??? What is wrong with some of these stylists? I thought going to African-American stylist was a chore all its own, but that was just too much. My stylist, who is dominican, would never do that--she is so compliant. But I guess you can't find good help these days. Keep your head up though, you doing your own relaxers would definitely be a plus!

You mentioned that you do your own trims. How do you do it? I have been too scared to try that one! TIA
@ Chosen...Girl I can't wait til my first appt. on Divine's :lol:

@ Melodee, that sucks!!! You should come over to Divine's and let us hook you up! :lol:

@CinnaMocha, girl the only place that I can find good help is Divine's DAring Dos. :lol:

LizLeila, I'll PM you the link and my methods. :)
girl do i KNOW about the heat!!! it's INSANE! i have a sore scalp for a whole week after getting one those blowouts :eek:
That's why i dont get them often, only when it's necessary, and I go to places that charge $25. They might charge more now, with the length of my hair. I dont know. Last time I went was in July.

I'm 8 weeks post today and i'm considering getting a relaxer during the weekend, b/c I dont want to use heat until May 06. The thing though, is that prom is in 9 weeks, so it's either i stretch for 16 weeks and use heat for the couple of things that I"ll have to do *i'm dreading the dominican blowout now :lol:*, OR get a relaxer during the weekend, and then get another one the week before prom. What should I do?
Carlita, I say stretch and use heat a couple of times. I think using heat two or three times will be less damaging than doing two relaxers in 16 weeks.
WoW DI...I'm so sorry that you had such a horrible salon experience...but it's wonderful to see that you stood up for yourself and didn't allow her to do whatever she pleases...personally, I would have done the same.

What ticked me off the most about this...was the comment that was made by the dominican lady "I know how hard it is for you black women to grow your hair"...What the heck was all of that about?...As far as I know most dominicans have the same texture as "black women" I really didn't get that...I guess she was just being ignorant.

But you kept it cool but yet firm...and your hair still looks lovely...Good luck mami in finding a new salon if you do.
Girl, 3 of her black clients came in while she was workin on my head, and they all had NAPE length, DRY hair. I was like :nono: After seeing them, I understood why she said what she said...she's not used to seeing a black woman w/ long, thick hair that's not "broken off" I knew I wouldn't be goin back anyway, but I definitely didn't want my hair to look like theirs! :eek:
You gotta love it when stylists tell you what they're gonna do to YOUR hair whether you like it or not. :ohwell:

I'm so glad you stood up for yourself!
So sorry you had such a bad experience Divine. I have never been to a Domini salon and have been reading good and bad things about them. I don't know if my head can take all that heat. I really admire you for "handlin" her in a very professional, lady-like manner as you would have been justified in telling her off for trying to flim-flam you, as well as her ignant racist remarks about black women. Thanks for sharing your story.
Divine Inspiration said:
Girl, 3 of her black clients came in while she was workin on my head, and they all had NAPE length, DRY hair. I was like :nono: After seeing them, I understood why she said what she said...she's not used to seeing a black woman w/ long, thick hair that's not "broken off" I knew I wouldn't be goin back anyway, but I definitely didn't want my hair to look like theirs! :eek: that's a damn shame...Good for you girl..leave that lady is her hair by the way?...Does it look healthy?'re lucky that she didn't try to mess up your hair.
Divine Inspiration said:
Stylist: Ok, ok, just relax. We'll just see how it goes. Don't worry girl, I'm not gonna cut all your hair off. I know how hard it is for YOU BLACK WOMEN to grow your hair.
Me: :mad: Um, just apply the relaxer, please.

First of all, NO SHE DIDNT GO THERE!!!

And secondly, I am sooo glad you stood ur ground!
classimami713 said:
You gotta love it when stylists tell you what they're gonna do to YOUR hair whether you like it or not. :ohwell:

I'm so glad you stood up for yourself!

OK?! I was thinking, "This crazy woman is *really* trying to TELL me what she's gonna do to my head...she has NOOOOO idea who she's dealing with.":lol:

Lady_Lioness said: that's a damn shame...Good for you girl..leave that lady is her hair by the way?...Does it look healthy?'re lucky that she didn't try to mess up your hair.

Well she had 1a hair...:lol: I mean it was straight and didn't look like it had or needed any chemicals. It appeared healthy from what I could see but she had it up in a clip so I couldn't see her ends or the length.

I think she new better than to jack my hair whole countenance screamed "I MEAN BUSINESS." :lol: