My First Hair Journey Video!!!

Wow what a great video. Excellent Job. Your hair is beautiful curly and straight. Your personality goes great as a "Red Head." The texture of your curls are lovely. Were you relaxed? and if so what made you start? Needless to say, you look cute with your curls.

Aww, thank you so much ladies!!!! Yall have me cheezing over here, LOL. I was afraid to put one up because I've never done a hair vid before and didn't know what others would think. ♥ my LHCF sistas ♥♥

@ Bluetopia: it's corel videostudio12- my 1st time even attempting to use it- still trying to figure out how to make the clips stay up longer, lol

@India*32: The very first pic was of me being relaxed and actually I was texlaxing, but just didn't know there was a name for it, lol. I started because to be honest, I didn't make a self discovery or anything, but really because my scalp/skin was becoming wayyyy too sensitive to keep relaxing and I knew I'd eventually have to stop or continue with sore, aching, broken out skin. I had already stopped texlaxing and began to search for ways to care for it and how to style it and it was then that I realized that I really wanted to see what had been covered up with chemicals for so long and was it as bad as I thought. I'm glad I did!
Thanks ladies, but I am still seeing lots of shedding/ breaking on a daily basis even though it's growing great. I think it may be the constant moisture when wearing WNG's so I upped my protein. And when flat ironed it does not stay silky. I HAVE to put curls in it with rollers or it will be a mess. It's like the cuticle is frayed from a bad black hair dye. Anyone ever had this problem? Any suggestions?? I'm doing everything I can think of including blackstrap molasses, aphogee every 6 weeks, PC and the whole nine. Heeelpp!
Wow that was a mean rollerset you did close to the end! That was a nice timeline of beautiful hair, keep it up girl.

You look alot like lia81 on youtube. any relation?
Love your video!!! Kem is one of my favorite artist.

Your hair is beautiful!

I LOVE Kem. The dude is seriously underrated. I've been listening to this guy for almost 10 years since ... Love Calls, Matter of Time, Say .... ok, off to YouTube!!!
You had mad ballz to big chop that much hair off of your head lol. I love the video though mama, and you are beautiful. Congrats on your progress!
What a great video!!! I love that you included a picture of your mom. Very beautiful. I loved your hair colors. Very inspirationational to us transitioners!!!