My First Dominican Experience

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
Well, I finally did it. Took, long enough...hehe!

I have to say I was a little nervous at first. The place I went to is really large inside and lots of women doing hair. It was smokey too, from all the blow drying. That had me a little concerned and I was ready to walk out, but decided that since I was there, let me just try least once.

The owner was very sweet to me and knew her stuff. She talked with all the patrons while getting their hair done and she spoke to the stylists as well while they were doing the heads. I liked that interaction with everyone. She didn't just sit in her office and collect the money, she was right up in there with everyone and it was refreshing to see that.

They took me pretty much right away. They washed my hair and gave me a deep condition. The girl kept saying to me.."oh, mommy....your hair is so beautiful and so soft...I love your hair, mommy." I kept cracking up inside...she was too sweet!

After coming out from under the dryer and rinsed, the girl put a leave in in my hair and combed my hair gently. I was pleased at that:yep:

When she began to blowdry, I was intently watching her. She kept saying...."don't worry, mommy....I'm going to make your hair fabulous." I smile and didn't say anything, just wanted her to hurry up.

I have never felt such heat on my head before. I did pull away a couple of times because it got a little to hot. But, I endured to the end. She then said..."oh, mommy....I have to give you a cut because you need it, ok mommy?" I said, "well, how much are we talking about?" She said 1 inch only so I said "ok, just an inch ok?" She said "ok, mommy". (I'm getting a kick out of saying mommy....:lachen::lachen:)

She did cut only an inch and my hair was fierce. She gave me the mirror and I looked at the back and was very, very pleased. She told me to never, ever get a relaxer...."you don't need one mommy, your hair is beautiful!" She got my hair straighter than a relaxer and I couldn't believe it. I thanked her and gave her a nice tip. She was happy, and so was I. My hair has grown so much and I am pleasantly surprised!

I got many compliments that night when I went to a conference. My hair flowed and was bouncing all over the place! And here it is Monday morning and I have gotten compliments from so many people here at the office about how nice it looks.

Anyways, here are some pics from the day after. I even used my Flexi-8 hair clip (which I love) in two of the pics:

BTW: I wish I had my camera to take pics right after she did my hair. It looked so beautiful!

It looks great. I would love to get and dominican blowout but i don't think they have one in the st.louis area.:ohwell:
aww shoot!! I only see red x's instead of pics...I bet it is lovely...

I missed you on Saturday...
So pretty sis. I love it and just as I was getting ready to reach for my ORS relaxer for a touch up. Maybe I will try the dominicans first before I give up on going natual. You hair looks so shiny and healthy.
Very pretty hair, most importantly i am happy that you had a pleasant experience! Refreshing to know she enjoyed your natural beautiful hair.
So pretty sis. I love it and just as I was getting ready to reach for my ORS relaxer for a touch up. Maybe I will try the dominicans first before I give up on going natual. You hair looks so shiny and healthy.

Thank you, lil sis. Yes, please try them. I can't get over how straight my hair is, with just the right amount of body too. I will not get a relaxer/texlax now after this. I don't need too.

I hope this will encourage others to at least try it. I won't do it all the time, but when I want it straight, I will go to them.

I did forget to say that she did rollerset me first before she blowdryed my hair. Sorry about that.
Very pretty hair, most importantly i am happy that you had a pleasant experience! Refreshing to know she enjoyed your natural beautiful hair.

Thank you, so much. A very pleasant experience indeed! I saw so many women there with long and short hair. Everyone's head I saw came out beautiful!

I was refreshed to know that she enjoyed my natural textures as well. Guess I was taught a lesson on Friday....luv my natural hair too!
Hey mommy , your hair looks purr-tee :yep: . Where did you get your hair done ? where do you live ? I went to the dominicans sat and although they did a wonderful job the humidity here in houston killed it . My friend went over it with a pressing comb on sun evening and I think that i would prefer the dominicans over a press. My hair is fine and for some reason the pressing comb takes the body out. Sat my air was swinging . I'll try again in Dec. either with our beloved Balisi or the dominicans. please give me your salon info. Tried to pm you but ....
Hey mommy , your hair looks purr-tee :yep: . Where did you get your hair done ? where do you live ? I went to the dominicans sat and although they did a wonderful job the humidity here in houston killed it . My friend went over it with a pressing comb on sun evening and I think that i would prefer the dominicans over a press. My hair is fine and for some reason the pressing comb takes the body out. Sat my air was swinging . I'll try again in Dec. either with our beloved Balisi or the dominicans. please give me your salon info. Tried to pm you but ....

Why couldn't you pm me? Please let me know!

Thank you so much. I live on LI and I got it done at a salon named Magdelina's.

I was so happy that this weekend was nice and warm with no humidty. I was able to wear my hair with ease.
It really looks like relaxed hair, you have nice hair natural or straight.

Thank you, Soun. When my dh saw my hair he said...."oh, no you didn't get a relaxer, did you?" I was happy to say "no" and he breathed a sigh of relief.