My first Domincan Salon Experience


New Member
I know you guys are going to kill me, but I don't have pictures to show ya. But I did go to Lelia's in Norwalk. The experience went well. They rollerset me and sat me under the dryer, it was hot, but when they were finished, my hair was very straight! Then they did the blowout. Whewee that was HOT. I couldn't do it every week. But my hair was as straight as if I had used a blowdryer and then flatironed my hair. My hair was more fluffy, but it was very straight. She even got my edges straight, something I don't even bother doing at home because I can't.

The only downside is that these ladies don't seem to like to deal with natural hair (which they thought mine was because it was very thick, and very curly-kinky). They wanted to relax my hair bone straight. I'd rather pay extra then that.

It was 13 dollars for a wash set and blowout. I think if your hair is natural it goes up to 20 bucks, still not bad though for prices up here.
Don't talk to us unless you have pictures.
I'm sure your hair looked FABULOUS!!! Skegeesmb, sometimes I even forget you have a texturizer because I remember when you were natural how straight you could get your hair with a roller set.
When did you move to Conneticut? I thought you were on the West Louisiana. I'm glad you had a good experience. I can't wait for your next update "Ms. My Hair Grows At Amazing Speed"!
Honey01 said:
When did you move to Conneticut? I thought you were on the West Louisiana. I'm glad you had a good experience. I can't wait for your next update "Ms. My Hair Grows At Amazing Speed"!

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks girl. But I had to move because I was offered a much better job up here. I'm originally from Connecticut, so it wasn't too hard to move back up here. I'd rather live in Louisiana though!
I'm glad you had a good experience! The straight hair thing is what keeps me from getting a blow out done on my natural hair. Back when I was relaxed, my dominican stylist didn't even like to do my hair 5-6 weeks after a touch up. My best friend had the same experience. Her hair is trained unlike mine, but her stylist still nagged her about getting a relaxer on her unrelaxed hair.
I don’t know where they get those 5,000 watt blowdryers from. My first blowout was my last because my scalp felt so darn sore.
Hey Skegeesmb,

Glad you had a good experience! I wish I could find a dominican salon where I'm at
. I know your hair is very beautiful, and even longer
. I'm so ready to see your upcoming pictures.
I'm glad your experience went well! I got my first blow out a couple of months ago and they were not thrilled at all to be working on my natural hair and I think the stylist was shocked that she got my hair straight so easily. They bumped up the price on me too. Now get pics!
Hee hee, y'all my hair isn't that long (a girl can dream can't she).

Don't worry you guys the pictures will be here. I've been handling some things offline, and hopefully these new pictures will be a reflection of some serious self work I've been doing.