My first compliment!


New Member
Today as I was walking in Target looking for the Pantene Relaxed and Natural a lady can up to and told my hair was just beautiful, shiny and full of body and that the reason she was watching me was to see what I was buying for my hair. Althought I have super thick hair that has been many lengths over the years this was my first compliment. yeah!

I told her that I wash with dove, relax every 3-6months, and only use coconut oil on my hair once a week. She was like wow! My hair is prob messed up ecause of all the junk I put in it. Does anyone think this could be true?
Wow, Adrian, that is the ultimate compliment. I know that made you feel really good. Whatever you're doing is abviously working soo keep it up.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Adrian3bc said:
Today as I was walking in Target looking for the Pantene Relaxed and Natural a lady can up to and told my hair was just beautiful, shiny and full of body and that the reason she was watching me was to see what I was buying for my hair. Althought I have super thick hair that has been many lengths over the years this was my first compliment. yeah!

I told her that I wash with dove, relax every 3-6months, and only use coconut oil on my hair once a week. She was like wow! My hair is prob messed up ecause of all the junk I put in it. Does anyone think this could be true?

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Doesnt that just make your day to hear something like that?!
Congrats to you!!!
Good for you Adrian3bc!!!
I look forward to a day like that.
You know your hair must be lookin' good when you have paparazzi (sp?) following you around in stores watching to see what you buy!!
congrats, adrian! doesn't it feel good when people actually notice the results of your hard work? it will happen more and more too!

ny2atl, LOL @ paparazzi!!
Thanks to the board. LoL at paperatzi???. The whole day i was swing and slapping my boyfriend with my hair. I thought I was it that day.