My first blow out!


New Member
Hey all!

I just blew out my hair (with the help of my mom, more on that later) and now I have this soul sista fro lol. I did this with the intention of twisting my hair (and actually wearing them out... we shall see).

At this point, I had cut my hair after transitioning for about a year in April. So this is about full 3 months of being natural.

Pics are all attached.

My grandma gave me the biggest side eye ever! :lachen: :rolleyes:

I used Elasta QP Mango and Olive oil moisturizer as my heat protectant :blush: because I didn't have something else in the house and on the jar it says that it is a thermal protecting treatment. A search on lhcf and google didn't yield anything that said otherwise so I went through with it.

When I was done I ran some Bee Mine Luscious moisturizer through my hair too :lick:

Only thing I am worried about it possible head damage from when my mom was blow drying at my nape. It was the first piece she did and the heat was high. It ended up being super silky, but I am noticing it that it is already less silky an hour later. The 4th pic I was trying to show you, but I can't really get a clear shot on the macbook. The space you are seeing is an awkward part.. i'm not balding lol.

Anyways, I'm enjoying my blow out. I told my grandma that I would straighten it (because she was side eyeing me so hard) when I reached APL. She said that would never happen. Well we shall see about that huh?! :drunk:

and now for the pictchas! Excuse the no make up face.... I'm chilling at home. :cool:


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you're adorable, and your hair is soo lovely and thick :love:
i'm also loving your nail color, care to share??
:D :D thank you so much ladies!!!! I think I'm going to be blowing it out more often because my full shrinkage is crazy ... My avatar.

oh rocky the nail color is NYC East village. It was like a dollar lol.
Beautiful! I would just baby the nape with extra moisture and next time you deep condition pay special attention to the nape area. Hopefully it's just slightly traumatized by the high heat. But anyway, your hair is super cute--love it! You are wearing that fro girl:yep:.
Beautiful! I would just baby the nape with extra moisture and next time you deep condition pay special attention to the nape area. Hopefully it's just slightly traumatized by the high heat. But anyway, your hair is super cute--love it! You are wearing that fro girl:yep:.

So do you think a protein DC? I usually DC with ORS replenishing pak... it seems to have enough protein for a regular dc for me. should i do somethng more heavy duty?
So do you think a protein DC? I usually DC with ORS replenishing pak... it seems to have enough protein for a regular dc for me. should i do somethng more heavy duty?

I wouldn't do any heavy duty stuff just yet. Do what you normally do, ORS is great, and see what happens.