My Findings - Chicken Grease and More!

  • Thread starter Thread starter JenniferMD
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I got tips in DR from every woman I talked to during my stay. Just imagine a place full of LHCF members....that’s what it felt like being in DR. :lol:

I asked the same questions…almost like a questionnaire to women with 2 – 4a/b hair, and I’m posting the most popular answers of about maybe 15 women.

Regular hair maintenance:

How often do you wash your hair? : Once a week

How often do you go to the salon? : Once a week

Do you use any American products? : Only Relaxers

How often do you relax? : Between 2-3 months

How often do you trim? : No schedule, only when needed (everyone there had nice ends, I’ve been inspired to keep my ends blunt)

What’s your best hair secret? :

- Mix B-complex vitamins in your conditioner for growth
- Mix birth-control pills in your shampoo for growth
- Apply mayonnaise to your hair 20 minutes b/4 shampooing for shine
- Apply chicken grease to your scalp for growth
- Use avocados on your hair as a moisturizer

I can’t stress enough how everyone’s ends were soooo nice and even. I was inspired to trim my ends a week after I got there.
Where in DR did you stay? Last time I went, we visited Santiago, and women were lined up with fresh blowouts :lol: . In all that humidity, I could not believe it, but you know I had to jump on that!

I'm wit you on the chicken grease challenge :lachen: ! Nah but really, mixing B-vitamins in conditioner might be a good idea...;)

Hope you enjoyed your time there!
Thanx for the info. You have been doing some good investigative reporting.:cool: Running to the grocer now for some avocadoes! I need a deep treatment.:)
JenniferMD said:
I got tips in DR from every woman I talked to during my stay. Just imagine a place full of LHCF members....that’s what it felt like being in DR. :lol:

I asked the same questions…almost like a questionnaire to women with 2 – 4a/b hair, and I’m posting the most popular answers of about maybe 15 women.

Regular hair maintenance:

How often do you wash your hair? : Once a week

How often do you go to the salon? : Once a week

Do you use any American products? : Only Relaxers

How often do you relax? : Between 2-3 months

How often do you trim? : No schedule, only when needed (everyone there had nice ends, I’ve been inspired to keep my ends blunt)

What’s your best hair secret? :

- Mix B-complex vitamins in your conditioner for growth
- Mix birth-control pills in your shampoo for growth
- Apply mayonnaise to your hair 20 minutes b/4 shampooing for shine
- Apply chicken grease to your scalp for growth
- Use avocados on your hair as a moisturizer

I can’t stress enough how everyone’s ends were soooo nice and even. I was inspired to trim my ends a week after I got there.

:eek: :eek: :lol: :lol: I just started a thread about this. The mother of a hatian friend of mine mixes birth control pills into her moisturizer and applies it to her scalp. Her hair grew out a very short cut to past her shoulders in less than a year.
OneInAMillion said:
Where in DR did you stay? Last time I went, we visited Santiago, and women were lined up with fresh blowouts :lol: . In all that humidity, I could not believe it, but you know I had to jump on that!

I'm wit you on the chicken grease challenge :lachen: ! Nah but really, mixing B-vitamins in conditioner might be a good idea...;)

Hope you enjoyed your time there!

I wanted to visit Santiago, but I stayed in Santo Domingo during the week but went to La Romana and San Pedro on the weekends.
RabiaElaine said:
:eek: :eek: :lol: :lol: I just started a thread about this. The mother of a hatian friend of mine mixes birth control pills into her moisturizer and applies it to her scalp. Her hair grew out a very short cut to past her shoulders in less than a year.

Sounds interesting, but I'd hate to waste BC pills in something I'd wash right out... How long did they used BC pill laden products before they seen results?
JenniferMD said:
What’s your best hair secret? :

- Mix B-complex vitamins in your conditioner for growth I take a b-complex daily
- Mix birth-control pills in your shampoo for growth I take these daily
- Apply mayonnaise to your hair 20 minutes b/4 shampooing for shine I mix it with my tuna or salmon that I eat daily
- Apply chicken grease to your scalp for growth I eat chicken almost daily
- Use avocados on your hair as a moisturizer I love guacamole

I can’t stress enough how everyone’s ends were soooo nice and even. I was inspired to trim my ends a week after I got there.

Does any of that count?:lol:
I guess not, 'cause my hiar would not stand up in comparison.

Apply chicken grease to your scalp for growth,

This I can say worked really well for my sister, her hair never seemed to grow, she had maybe 1 inch of hair, 1 day she took the fat from whole chickens, prior to my mom cutting them up, and would boil them and let the water and fat seperate, then place in a jar, it would turn a pretty yellow color much like hair food you see in stores, she would cornrow her hair and apply it nightly, her hair grew within a couple of months so much so that we all jumped on the band wagon, looking back I believe the growth came more so from the hair being protected with the cornrows, however it was a god send for her, and she believes to this day it came from the chicken fat,
About how many pills should you put in?
And do you crush them with a pill crusher?
( I got some B-complex ones from the dollar store i wasnt gonna take)
YAY FOR AVOCADOS! i swear these are excellent!!!!

i'm making my avoacado hair mask tomorrow and i remember once making a spray bottle out of the was strong soft and shiney.
Great tips, thank you! :up:
I really like the B-complex vitamins mixed in conditioner for growth idea. :yep: Some conditioners have these B vitamins but it may be a very good idea to add more.

I think Anky said she does the mayonnaise as a protein treatment also and Candi C does the avocado treatment (as she just replied).
Since there is iron as an ingredient in Wildgrowth Oil, I plan to get some of the liquid iron that they give to babies and add it to my conditioner. Alos add the liquid B vitamins to my conditioner. What ya think of that?
Interesting thread...

Has anyone tried adding B-complex to their conditioner. What about the chicken grease suggestion? My cousin used chicken grease on her hair a long time ago and it grew mad long and healthy. Ever heard of anyone using it?
missjoey said:
Interesting thread...

Has anyone tried adding B-complex to their conditioner. What about the chicken grease suggestion? My cousin used chicken grease on her hair a long time ago and it grew mad long and healthy. Ever heard of anyone using it?

Something is seriously wrong with me I'm actually thinking about doing this, but I wonder if after using chicken grease if the ladies who do this then become more concious about washing the hair and conditioning it properly, to sort of get the smell out?? and then maybe good conditioning and then later sealing in with an 'oil'(chicken grease) of some sort is the reason for the growth ? I don't know but i think I might try it, like maybe on my nape, edges and front hair line:look: ;) :look:? DESPERATE FOOL I am.
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tryingto said:
Apply chicken grease to your scalp for growth,

This I can say worked really well for my sister, her hair never seemed to grow, she had maybe 1 inch of hair, 1 day she took the fat from whole chickens, prior to my mom cutting them up, and would boil them and let the water and fat seperate, then place in a jar, it would turn a pretty yellow color much like hair food you see in stores, she would cornrow her hair and apply it nightly, her hair grew within a couple of months so much so that we all jumped on the band wagon, looking back I believe the growth came more so from the hair being protected with the cornrows, however it was a god send for her, and she believes to this day it came from the chicken fat,

Seems like the chicken grease would spoil?

B-complex comes in liquid form, I'll try that.
y'all know i'm about to try some chicken grease! :lol: :lol: :look: :look:
no really this post is too funny. i'm am too curious to pass this up. i wonder about rancidity though ... but some r.o.e should take care of that. i've been curious about animals fats for hair ever since learning about emu oil though. i don't know how it's processed & haven't looked into it, i just always get the picture of the poor little emu's running around and being herded so the fat can be squeezed out of them :eek: ... disturbing image, i know. that's why i haven't bought any. but chicken grease might present a suitable alternative. now, do i need chicken grease in my regime? -- no. i have one that works. but i have to know if this really works :lol: :lol: :lol:
I don't think I could do the chicken grease thing. That stuff spoils very quickly and I hate rotten-chicken smell. :barf:
Interesting thread, thanks for sharing the info!

I too like the B-Complex in the conditioner...will give this a try as well as the avocado.
is this using the fat off of the raw chicken before you cook it and then boiling it and letting it harden, then applying it to the scalp? or is this taking the grease from the pan after frying the chicken and applying that to the scalp?
Welcome back, lovely lady.

I have a question:

How would you mix B-Complex vitamins. I have B-Complex 50 but there are yellow pills in hardened form, not capsules. So, would I have to buy capsules or can I just crush the vitamins and then add them to the conditioner? Did they specify?

I like the idea of the mayonaise. I'mma have to try that one...


JenniferMD said:
I got tips in DR from every woman I talked to during my stay. Just imagine a place full of LHCF members....that’s what it felt like being in DR. :lol:

I asked the same questions…almost like a questionnaire to women with 2 – 4a/b hair, and I’m posting the most popular answers of about maybe 15 women.

Regular hair maintenance:

How often do you wash your hair? : Once a week

How often do you go to the salon? : Once a week

Do you use any American products? : Only Relaxers

How often do you relax? : Between 2-3 months

How often do you trim? : No schedule, only when needed (everyone there had nice ends, I’ve been inspired to keep my ends blunt)

What’s your best hair secret? :

- Mix B-complex vitamins in your conditioner for growth
- Mix birth-control pills in your shampoo for growth
- Apply mayonnaise to your hair 20 minutes b/4 shampooing for shine
- Apply chicken grease to your scalp for growth
- Use avocados on your hair as a moisturizer

I can’t stress enough how everyone’s ends were soooo nice and even. I was inspired to trim my ends a week after I got there.
tkj25 said:
y'all know i'm about to try some chicken grease! :lol: :lol: :look: :look:
no really this post is too funny. i'm am too curious to pass this up. i wonder about rancidity though ... but some r.o.e should take care of that. i've been curious about animals fats for hair ever since learning about emu oil though. i don't know how it's processed & haven't looked into it, i just always get the picture of the poor little emu's running around and being herded so the fat can be squeezed out of them :eek: ... disturbing image, i know. that's why i haven't bought any. but chicken grease might present a suitable alternative. now, do i need chicken grease in my regime? -- no. i have one that works. but i have to know if this really works :lol: :lol: :lol:

Reminds me of that jam by D'Angelo,"Chicken Grease." That was my jam!!!:lachen: :lachen:
Serenity_Peace said:
Welcome back, lovely lady.

I have a question:

How would you mix B-Complex vitamins. I have B-Complex 50 but there are yellow pills in hardened form, not capsules. So, would I have to buy capsules or can I just crush the vitamins and then add them to the conditioner? Did they specify?

I like the idea of the mayonaise. I'mma have to try that one...


I don't think Jen is back, this is from 06.

Um so the whole bcp thing wouldn't that be wasting your birth control?!:ohwell:
imstush said:
I don't think Jen is back, this is from 06.

Um so the whole bcp thing wouldn't that be wasting your birth control?!:ohwell:

thats what i thought too... and wouldn't that be kinda expensive?

the first thing i thought when i read about the bcp in the hair as a growth aid was, man if everyone did that... there would be a lotttttt of pregnant moms with georgous long hair runnin around town!:ohwell:
I got a 10 months supply of Ortho-tri BC pills in my drawer just chillin because I stopped taking them a few months ago...if someone can convince me I'll give it a shot :lachen: