My fiancee stole my stuff.

We had discussed going "green" and I actually did agree but I thought that would happen when I moved in and that it would be gradual - we didn't really discuss a timeline for that.

As for him, he's always been "green" - partially because he has very sensitive skin and is forced to use products that are free of dyes perfumes etc or his skin tends to break out. :perplexed

He did say he thought I needed to replace my conditioners and shampoos but he was too scared to throw them out since he didn't know what I used to make my hair so love-elly and he didn't want a gang of "big hair club members" (that's what he calls ya'll) banging down his door in retaliation since he knows I try some products based on your say so. :lachen:

I get the sense that he is trying to "train" me before we start cohabitating in April because we recently had a conversation this week concerning finances in which he inquired about my shopping habits, what types of stores to I buy clothes from, how much do I think I spend a month on clothes, shoes, etc. He wants us to work on a budget together so we can begin building our savings and retirement accounts more expeditiously. :look:
It's really a good idea. I like that he's so responsible. I just don't really need anyone micromanaging my purchases though - not that it's gotten to that. :grin:

I just know one of his guy friends told me his ex used to go to Star Bucks EVERY day and by a 7 dollar coffee or was it tea....anyways he told her she was spending 1800 a year on coffee/tea and he thought that was ridiculous. I think that was one of many things that ended their relationship. They do say MONEY is a big marital issue.
At least he knew better than to touch my hair products. :lachen:There's hope for him yet.

I was going to ask you if he had sensitive skin ! :grin: As for the green bolded, now, you know that is an important question for him to ask before you get married. Wasn't it on your list ?!? I think it sounds like you picked a great guy. You don't want him suffering when he's wrapped in your blanket or sheet full of perfume or dye ? :lachen:
I understand him wanting to use things free of dye & perfume. I had the same allergy as a child. However, I still think he should have talked to you first about what products will be "green". Just because he has to have "green" things doesn't mean that you do too. I mean, what if you really liked your Listerine? LOL. But seriously, why did your things have to get taken out of the house? Why can't you have your own sets of things? And just use the "green" products on community property (bed linens, etc)?
I wouldnt be too concerned but I would caution him to talk to me first next time. I'm not married to my mouthwash or body lotion but had he crossed the line into leave in conditioner territory, it would have been curtains!
I understand him wanting to use things free of dye & perfume. I had the same allergy as a child. However, I still think he should have talked to you first about what products will be "green". Just because he has to have "green" things doesn't mean that you do too. I mean, what if you really liked your Listerine? LOL. But seriously, why did your things have to get taken out of the house? Why can't you have your own sets of things? And just use the "green" products on community property (bed linens, etc)?

He claims he's not just worried about just himself. - He does tend to break out in hives if he spends too much time around my tide doused linens. He says even though my body may react differently than his - if they are causing him to break out like that they cannot be good for me either.
He thinks our liberal use of all the chemicals is why everyone's getting cancer of this that and the other.

Yesterday, he sent me this article to back himself up. :lachen:

Do Skin Care Products with Dangerous Chemicals Ruin Our Health?


I just read an article that said women absorb five pounds of chemicals through their skin care products every year. The author of the article interviewed several women and rummaged through their bathroom cabinets to see what skin care products they were using. None of the women interviewed had even thought to look at the ingredients and were quite shocked to find that they were, basically, poisoning themselves. While it’s true that body can detoxify some chemicals, some of these products are loaded with about 30 of them. And, truthfully, your skin would probably be in better shape and you would be healthier if you cut it down to just a few skin care treatment products that aren’t dangerous.

After her interviews, the author of the article contacted several skin care product manufacturers to get their comments on her findings. Every single one of them denied that there was any danger in the chemical ingredients – despite the many studies that prove otherwise. There is so much vested interest in this market you can be sure there will be plenty of allegedly valid studies that nullify any that make the products look unsafe.
Unlike the regulations on food which, judging from the ever-increasing incidence of obesity and other conditions in the U.S., are sorely inadequate, skin care products and cosmetics are not controlled by stringent law. After all, we’re not eating it, we’re putting it on our face. What’s the problem?

The problem is that America is one of the unhealthiest countries in the world – even skin conditions like eczema, one of the precise conditions some of these skin care products profess to treat or prevent, are galloping up the charts at record speed. And if someone doesn’t think that has anything to do with the chemicals we eat, live in, and absorb, it’s time to wake up and smell the sodium lauryl sulfate. Time after time it’s been proven that natural skin care products and a natural lifestyle win the day. Make the change and you will feel better, and look better.

You know, I just love him. :lachen:He's too sweet to be thinking about my well-being all the time. Now it he starts trying to confiscate my shampoo and conditioner or my peanut m&m's we are gonna have a problem.
I think its really cute and funny myself....:lachen:
Big ups to you for being open to going green...I just dont think I could do it. The problem would be if he was asking u to do something u werent willing to do. Seems like all is good and
Quite's not a big deal. Pick and choose your battles. I think it was a sweet gesture. Maybe he should've executed a little differently. But I think it's great that he cares about your health!!
And if he just gave it to probably would've continued to use your own until it ran out...further poisoning your body (in his mind). Otherwise....I don't think you should be mad. Just mention that you would've liked a heads up next time but that you really appreciate it. Sounds like he's a good man!:yep:
I would be flattered and would give his stuff a try. I would tell him that I will give a couple of weeks to see how it works out and thank him for thinking of me.
He claims he's not just worried about just himself. - He does tend to break out in hives if he spends too much time around my tide doused linens. He says even though my body may react differently than his - if they are causing him to break out like that they cannot be good for me either.
He thinks our liberal use of all the chemicals is why everyone's getting cancer of this that and the other.

Yesterday, he sent me this article to back himself up. :lachen:

You know, I just love him. :lachen:He's too sweet to be thinking about my well-being all the time. Now it he starts trying to confiscate my shampoo and conditioner or my peanut m&m's we are gonna have a problem.

Now, see ? Tide has way too much perfume in it ! :lachen:
I'd kill for a man who would go out of his way to replace all my stuff with organic items! most guys don't give a flying... :wallbash: i say be grateful for what you got cause not many people are caring about your health for you these days! you are luck adequate. :yep: