My ex


Well-Known Member
Finally taking out the trash the fact that my soon to be ex boyfriend wants to leave me because im not affectionet for him.I dont care anymore for the fact that he hasnt payed any bills since hes been here.
Here's sending you Hugs and the strength to "grow" on. Sounds like you'll be better off without him.

Next time get a "man" and not someone who needs to be "mothered"
Yea in the beginning he said I was now o you dont no how to be affectionat.i dont understand im feeling like I did something wrong and I hate when I feel like that.he went on vacation for thanksgiving for a week.when he got back u gave him a hug.he keep saying that I havent changed like I dont cuddle and he do I do some times but it gets hot.he said holding hands if for teen age kids.i dont hold his hand all the time like that.
Good morning,

I started to ignore this thread because I thought you were just "trolling" here. < I just learned that term>. BUT, after reviewing your other posts I do believe that you are serious.

Regarding your ex- my advice would be the following:
    1. In response to the affectionate issue. He's not happy with himself, so there's not much you can do to "keep" him happy. What works today, prolly won't work tomorrow.... Do you, Sweetie!
    2. You need a "M" "A" "N" that respect you, genuinely cares for you, and if he's living there is willing to do what it take to provide for you and your son (since thats where he has chosen to be) and take care of his other obligations. (working job #1,#2 ,& if necessary #3, and bringing the $$ home to your household)
    3. Right now he's there because he needed help, and you offered it. ....Any of his buddies could have fufilled the same role, EXCEPT in moving in with "you" he got a roommate that will give him the "cookie". (sex. Rommies with benefits, fu'c'ble roommate.....get it?)
    4. If you feel like you need him/that in your life, then in the words of Steve Harvey....."Find out where this man really wants to be in life (his goals)and(start work to) help him get there asap!!!! Till then you're just a "stepping stone". Something tells me that once he is more financially secure he's going to bounce.....

  1. You are the head of your household. Becareful who you turn the keys over to and what "they" bring in and/or take away!
  2. You are the head of your "Temple"(body/heart/soul). Becareful of who you let in, and what "they" bring in or take away from your temple.
  3. Find an Autism support group in you area, ASAP.
  4. I feel the real need for you to focus on personal growth. Not just in working on a relationship; I mean addressing possible self-esteem and mental and spiritual enlightenment
Focus on the 2nd half of my "advice" here and no matter how this relationship turns out YOU WILL BE A STRONGER person.
Take care

PS: I recommend you take the time to read Steve Harvey's: Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man. ..."get some standards"..... You need to reassess Your standards, cause the ones you "established" when he moved in ain't working for ya.......
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