My ends...


With Love & Silk
Remember I told you guys about the breakage of the bottom-most layer of my hair in the nape area...WELL there's about a 4 inch difference in that hair and the rest of the length of my hair. It causes the ends of the unbroken layers to look thinner (because there's no hair underneath to give volume) I sho' don't wanna cut off 4 inches, but I am going to trim an inch this Friday at my re touch--maybe 2 if I still don't like the look.

Anyway--is cutting it off the only way to remedy the situation?
Hair is a funny thing...

It's the day after I was looking at my ends and feeling blue. I just took my hair down from my night wrap and they don't look as thin and see through as they did yesterday after my hair was freshly washed and dried. Hmmm...Does the hair re-generate itself over night?

I'm still getting that inch taken off though. Here's another thought about hair ends. I'm thinking they look worse the longer you are into your relaxer because the hair is pushed outward (due to all the newgrowth) so the hair doesn't lay on itself and those ends don't stack. That makes sense

Anyway--thanks hair for looking better today
<font color="blue"> You know, I don't really know the answer to your question, but I do have a question for you about ends (don't mean to hyjack your thread...) Actually, as it turns out, I have trifiling ends! Or at least I think they're trifiling. See, the thing is, I'm texturized, so my ends are very curly - kinda like tight ringlets. Whenever I comb them out, they look frizzy &amp; more puffy than anything. Are they truly trifiling &amp; need to be cut? Is there a way to test or check the health of my ends? Any products I can use to make them look better (since you're the product guru)? Aaaah man

I think your assesments are all great explanations....

I also don't think you should cut anymore than an inch for now. If you only cut an inch or so every so often, your underneath layer may well catch up.

Did you cut the ends yourself at all?

I used to do my own trims until I found Tonya--my dream stylist. She does it for me now and she'll be doing it Friday
And yes--I think I'm going to do the catch up thing. I'll just have to guard against that bottom section breaking again. I have loosened up those protective styles and am also wearing my hair down more often,, so hopefully that will help and take some of the stress off. Hey, what's your main protective style? I ask because I notice your hair stays full and un-broken even with the color.

LOL @ you calling your ends trifling. I bet it has more to do with your hair being curly than anything. I like Profectiv Healthy Ends on my ends. I rub it in my hands and let it get milky then smooth it on to my ends. Jojoba and Avocado oils are also good on the ends.
Supergirl said:
Here's another thought about hair ends. I'm thinking they look worse the longer you are into your relaxer because the hair is pushed outward (due to all the newgrowth) so the hair doesn't lay on itself and those ends don't stack. That makes sense

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I was just thinking the same thing. Since new growth is thicker than our relaxed ends, it gives the appearance of thinner ends

Does that make sense
SG - my main "protective" style is a single braid....I don't secure it too close to my nape (cuz that's where I get my bottom layer breakage) probably about the middle of the back of my head. I use a bolita to hold top part of the ponytail (so I get it in and out easily) and I use the scunci hosiery thingies to secure the ends. I wrap it the scunci hosiery thingies around and around and around....and on the last time around I only pull my ends halfway through the loop so that my very ends aren't hanging down in the air and rubbing on my clothes.

I know this isn't fully protective as it doesn't take your ends completely out of the air, but I find it works just as well.

I wear my hair down about 3 days a week too, and I think that helps.

I almost never do a fully secured bun. When I'm doing a bun, I always do exactly what your stylist told you to sdo and just loosely gather my hair together and pull it up in a claw clip. It looks pretty and uncontrived, and I don't get a "bun headache".

This is what I mean by bolitas....


These are the scunci hosiery thingies


Both come in less fruity, more mature colors (like brown and balck) so you don't have to look like one of your students if you aren't up for that.

I think getting a one inch trim is a good idea. Before you know it, it will catch up. I had the same situation before my "big" trim in December which got rid of all of that (well, except for the really short nape breakage).

Good luck! I am sure it's not as bad as it seems sometimes. When are you going to post new pics?
Same concept different approach. I always thought my ends looked thinner the more new growth I had because the new growth caused the length of the hair to shrink (pulling it back toward the scalp) After a relaxer the new growth is stretched so the hair has more thickness along the length because the longer hairs are now mixed with more longer hairs.
Supergirl, I've had this problem soooo many times. I have big problems with the entire back of my head because I sleep on my hair without protecting it a lot, although I'm changing my bad habits now.

I cannot count the times I have cut my hair to be even with that nape hair. The thing is, once you cut it, you have to make sure it doesn't happen again...something I wasn't doing.

I was wearing a lot of ponytails with tight bands, and now I do not do that so things are improving. I still need to take about 2 1/2" off of each side of my head to get it even with the back again! I just decided this time to do the asymetric bob thing with the back being shorter than the sides, so I have not had to cut them.
ElizaBlue said:
Same concept different approach. I always thought my ends looked thinner the more new growth I had because the new growth caused the length of the hair to shrink (pulling it back toward the scalp) After a relaxer the new growth is stretched so the hair has more thickness along the length because the longer hairs are now mixed with more longer hairs.

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Yeah that--that's what I'm sayin'


Thanks for showing me what a bolita was--I had no idea that those were called that.
From my experience, it's better to get rid of them completely and then keep up with regular trims, rather than trim here and there. That's just with me though, because my hair will keep getting worse and I will end up losing more hair per trim.
I know it is the best remedy. If you can remember,My grandma chopped off four inches of my hair last June; and my hair grew back longer and stronger......And you were one of the ladies who told me that it will grow back in no time....
It never pays to hold on to thin/damaged ends....NEVER.......
SherryLove said:
I know it is the best remedy. If you can remember,My grandma chopped off four inches of my hair last June; and my hair grew back longer and stronger......And you were one of the ladies who told me that it will grow back in no time....
It never pays to hold on to thin/damaged ends....NEVER.......

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Yeah that was when it was you !
I know I said that, but I was crying inside for ya
--That's a big move, but I am pretty much at my hair goal (1/4 inch away) and so I feel comfortable with a major trim--I think...
Supergirl said:
Yeah that was when it was you !
I know I said that, but I was crying inside for ya
--That's a big move, but I am pretty much at my hair goal (1/4 inch away) and so I feel comfortable with a major trim--I think...

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Very true. It IS different when it's other people. But I think you will feel better with long, healthy hair rather than hair that you are disappointed with. I've been there and it does feel better!
I really appreciate you guys' sincere encouragement and not just wanting the long haired girl to chop all her hair off
hairlove said:
Supergirl said:
Yeah that was when it was you !
I know I said that, but I was crying inside for ya
--That's a big move, but I am pretty much at my hair goal (1/4 inch away) and so I feel comfortable with a major trim--I think...

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Very true. It IS different when it's other people. But I think you will feel better with long, healthy hair rather than hair that you are disappointed with. I've been there and it does feel better!

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It feels better and IT LOOKS BETTER......
I think it is horrible to hold on to thin/damaged ends....They look terrible.....when I had them, I did not want to wear my hair out. Someone would always say how I need to trim my ends... So to me, it was senseless to hold on to them.....When my grandma trimmed those ends, I received more compliments with my hair looking healthy as opposed to it being "real long" with thin/damaged ends....
Yeah--I will feel better. In fact--I can't wait 'til Friday. I wish my stylist worked during the week, but she doesn't, or I'd go NOW! Pictures are a great way to keep track of how your hair is really doin'--if it wasn't for the pic, I might not know.

I've decided on 1 1/2 inches or 2 at the most. Will post pics of course...
Tracy said:
SG - my main "protective" style is a single braid....I don't secure it too close to my nape (cuz that's where I get my bottom layer breakage) probably about the middle of the back of my head. I use a bolita to hold top part of the ponytail (so I get it in and out easily) and I use the scunci hosiery thingies to secure the ends. I wrap it the scunci hosiery thingies around and around and around....and on the last time around I only pull my ends halfway through the loop so that my very ends aren't hanging down in the air and rubbing on my clothes.

I know this isn't fully protective as it doesn't take your ends completely out of the air, but I find it works just as well.

I wear my hair down about 3 days a week too, and I think that helps.

I almost never do a fully secured bun. When I'm doing a bun, I always do exactly what your stylist told you to sdo and just loosely gather my hair together and pull it up in a claw clip. It looks pretty and uncontrived, and I don't get a "bun headache".

This is what I mean by bolitas....


These are the scunci hosiery thingies


Both come in less fruity, more mature colors (like brown and balck) so you don't have to look like one of your students if you aren't up for that.


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*smiles* those "bolitas" are my fav...i have to keep them "in stock"..on a side note, I love the Spanish language so keep it comin' girl. *waving*
Supergirl said:
Anyway--is cutting it off the only way to remedy the situation?

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Pretty much. When I was permed, I had this issue once. Basically, they are damaged ends. You NEED to cut them off...otherwise, you're probably going to look like a hot mess. What's your hair care routine? You REALLY need to pay attention to what you did to get to this point so that you won't repeat it...unless of you course, you just like cutting your hair off...

The "bolitas" you use have those metal parts on them? How do you escape breakage?
patience said:
Supergirl said:
Anyway--is cutting it off the only way to remedy the situation?

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Pretty much. When I was permed, I had this issue once. Basically, they are damaged ends. You NEED to cut them off...otherwise, you're probably going to look like a hot mess. What's your hair care routine? You REALLY need to pay attention to what you did to get to this point so that you won't repeat it...unless of you course, you just like cutting your hair off...

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I agree.
I'm not sure bim....I think it's because of how you put them in and take them out. But I get NO breakage with these at all and I got WAY WAY more with "ouchless" bands....


It's just one of those hair engimas I guess.....
I think that as long as you aren't wrapping them around th hair more than 2x you don't gt damage. At least that is what I find. Those ouchless cut into my hair like a knife.
patience said:
Supergirl said:
Anyway--is cutting it off the only way to remedy the situation?

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Pretty much. When I was permed, I had this issue once. Basically, they are damaged ends. You NEED to cut them off...otherwise, you're probably going to look like a hot mess. What's your hair care routine? You REALLY need to pay attention to what you did to get to this point so that you won't repeat it...unless of you course, you just like cutting your hair off...

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Actually, I take excellent care of my hair. I have a lye relaxer and have for the last 3 years, but I know the ends of my hair are still the hair that was on my head when I was getting a no-lye relaxer. That's my main explanation.
Bolita is a pretty name for them. I thought it would mean "little bow" but I looked it up and it means "small ball."

I'm trying to think of what we call those in the hood...