My edges



Last year from April -July I thought I was doing my hair justice by switching from my regular micro braids to cornrows with the parted design going back. Well, unfortunately it murdered my temple area which had just grown in nicely prior to this. As long as I can remember, pre-braids my hairline has never been thick. So to date my hairline is growing back in much thicker I must add, but at snails pace. It's definitely not growing nearly as fast as my entire head. Also, the strangest thing is my hairline which never receded grew in further up like a 1/4 of an inch more towards my face completely around the front. Has anyone encountered this? /images/graemlins/kiss2.gif
A 1/4 inch TOWARD your face?? Legs you sure you haven't awoken some demon hair follicles that only appear every 20 years or so have you? You stated that it's growing in much thicker. Do you think that this is giving the illusion that it's growing further down your face.
LOL, you are so funny!!! /images/graemlins/grin.gifMaybe I have gotten the hair demons angry for disturbing the fate of my hair. The hairline around the perimeter of my face has grown further out especially from the temple areas down to where my ear begins(I hope that makes sense). When I removed my braids in December to get them redone my mother even commented how it was growing in much further towards my face than usual. I'm cool with it though because my pet peeve as many of us is people with a head full of hair and no edges or balding ones. My major beef is how S-L-O-W they are growing in. I can't complain though because when they grow in completely which should be in 2007 by this rate(/images/graemlins/censored.gif)they are going to be nice and thick.