My Doobies Don't Last Long.....


New Member
I have fine hair and it's really hard to get volume in my hair to last. I wet set my hair in rollers under the dryer this weekend, and then wrapped it to get a doobie. Came out good but the thickness from that literally lasted for like two days.

Any suggestions for a good volumizing leave-in? I would prefer one that's not drying and doesn't contain alcohol, one that I could use everyday.

If anyone has any tips on making my doobies last longer, that'd be great too. :yep:
I have fine hair also. Wrapping my hair makes it too flat and lifeless. I recently started pincurling and my hair is fuller and lasts longer than when I wrap. I just do four big pincurls and put my scarf on and I'm good to go.
Make large circles and do not make too many curls or they'll come out straight crazy. When done right, they give you a straight look with volume.
Do you have to make all of your pincurls going in the same direction? because my hair never looks good if I do pincurls:ohwell:
I have fine hair as well and doobies last no longer than a day for me. The next day it is flat as ever. A great tip that I picked up from here is a dry "mohawk rollerset". I use these Hype Hair Rollers-large foam rollers covered in satin (from Walmart or Walgreens) to set my shoulder length hair in 6 rollers. I part my hair down the middle and do three rows in the center from the top of my head to the back. If your hair is not quite long enough to fit the sides into the rollers on top of the head-just use 2 rollers on the sides for a total of 8. This gives me a lovely bouncy full head of curls that last until i comb them out and set again for the next night. It has saved me so much time in the morning-as I used to curl my hair with a flat iron (on low) in the morning. And not to mention it has decreased my heat usage. My leave-ins are Giovanni Direct, Sunsilk TLC, or Redken Butter Treat (small amount). These leave-ins are great for fine-haired women. Hope this works for you! I know it has worked wonders for me!
^How do you do the pincurls? I've tried to do that before and must have did it wrong, cause it was way too curly.

I had to log off at work, sorry for the delay. I am not really good at using my fingers to do the curls so I use a roller to get the shape, hold the curl and use a pin to secure it to my scalp. Not the best way but it gets the job done. I used to make the mistake of making too many curls and it was a hot mess, LOL! Now I just do four for some nice body.

I think I might try the dry mowhak think someone else mentioned.
Do you have to make all of your pincurls going in the same direction? because my hair never looks good if I do pincurls:ohwell:

Yes, the two in the front should be in the same direction or when you take it down you'll notice the difference. The ones in the back should go in the same direction but don't have to be in the same direction as the ones in the front. Hope that makes sense.