My Dominican Salon Experience...(LONG)


Well-Known Member
I finally got up the nerve to go to a salon. I went to Manuela's II in Baltimore City. I had been agonizing over this for months because I was afraid of all the "salon horror stories". So I went in after work yesterday.

When I got there, there were three other people in the salon, one in the process of getting her natural hair blown out (a 12 year old with BSL natural hair :eek: ) and two under the dryer. So I went immediately to the sink. She shampooed my hair twice and put some kind of rinse in it. It was in a Keraphix bottle but I doubt that's what was in the bottle.

Then she proceeded to roll me. She used the large gray rollers which seems to be the standard because all the other ladies had the gray rollers as well. I went under the dryer for about an hour. Smooth sailing so far. While I am under the dryer I am watching this other girl get her hair blown out. The smoke from the dryer was INCREDIBLE. It had to be at least an 1800 watt dryer and the stylest was using the concentrator nozzle right up against the hair. Touching the hair.:eek: :eek: At this point I was thinking to myself "what the H*** am I doing here?"

When I got out from the dryer, the stylest Josephina proceeds to unroll my hair. She say's it's still damp. So I am like I only want the roots blown out. She says, "the heat will bring out the shine, It's not going to hurt your hair." So at this point, I realize that I am so daggone nervous that I have been clinching my teeth and begin to have a horrible headache. So I agree to the blowout like a dummy.

She starts blowing out my hair and I feel sick. I am so tensed up and nervous I am making myself sick with worry. As she is blowing out my hair she says "you need your ends trimmed." I ask her to show me how much. She says "ten dollars". I am like no, how much do you want to cut "she shows me about an inch. In my mind, I know that my hair is really uneven and the sides are alot shorter than the ends and I haven't had any kind of cut or trim in 2 years at least. So I say ok.

While I am in the chair I can feel her cutting and begin to realize what she is doing. She is trying to even up the sides with the back. She does the blowout and pincurls my hair. The total is $38.00 :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: .

I leave my hair up for the night and take it down in the morning and I am shocked. My hair is now shoulder length because she tried to make my whole head even. She took at least 3 inches off the back and an inch off of the sides. My hair is flat and because she didn't leave any curl in it, it looks like a mushroom from the 80's. My hair is reallly thick and heavy an she put absolutely no style to it. It's bouncy though. I want to cry. But I know my hair is even now and I can start fresh with the information that I have learned. My goal is to get to BSL by the end of the year and I know I can do it.

Ladies, listen to your gut instincts. They are there for a reason! Don't ever shortchange yourself and put your trust in someone else's hands. I am on a mission now to get my length back and I KNOW that I am going to get where I want to be.

I went from this


to this

I'm sorry about your experience. You're right though, listen to your gut feeling. Was this first time ever going there? If I'm trying a place out, I only get a wash and set. Chemicals, blowers, trims, cuts are things I need to feel out and observe how they do it on others before I'll let them touch me. This takes more than one visit. You didn't know her or her methods and she didn't know you and your likes. Well, you won't need another "trim" for the rest of the year now and you can concentrate on retaining length.
I am so sorry you had that experience. I have fallen victim too many times to not going with my gut instinct...only to end up myself. I am very skeptical about letting them cut my hair. The last time I let them cut my hair, I ended up with an asymmetrical cut. Of course I didn't notice it until I got home. Never again.

But keep doing what you were doing before and you will reach your goal soon. HHG!
I'm sorry you had to go through that. The bright side is that now you'll have more even hair.

Sad though.

ohhh...I would have went crazy! Then I would have cried. They would have had to call the cops on me because she would not be getting MY money. I would have been too busy trying to pick up my hair from off the floor and doing a comparison.:lachen:

But, your right. Your guts instincts rule!;)
Bosslady1 said:

ohhh...I would have went crazy! Then I would have cried. They would have had to call the cops on me because she would not be getting MY money. I would have been too busy trying to pick up my hair from off the floor and doing a comparison.:lachen:

But, your right. Your guts instincts rule!;)

:lol: :lol: @ the bolded!
I am so grateful when u ladies post bad experiences from salons...that pushes my temptation of wanting to go to one far down on my to do list. I haven't been to a stylist in about 2 years. But sometimes I just want to go once to let someone else shampoo and rollerset my hair! but I will just stay my tale at home and continue to do it myself!!;)

Your hair was longer before but on your second pict. it's not short IMO.. it is still longer than mine. That second pict your hair is still a few inches past shoulder length atleast that is what it looks like to me. You can get your hair back to its original length (especially since it was there before..)it can happen again:) .. and sorry for your experience at dominican.:(
I'm sorry this happened to you. You should've PMed me. I would've gone with you.

I NEVER let them cut or perm my hair. I had a bad experience with them and would never let them do that. Other than that, I do like them for styling and hair growth.

Your hair will grow back longer and stronger.
Awww I'm sorry hun! I've been there before with no problems. Well despite the fact that the building caught on fire last time and we had to evacuate. :look: Somebody's apt upstairs over that carryout was on fire. This is the reason why I wouldn't let anybody trim my hair except my old stylist. The last few times I went they told me I needed a perm and a trim. I just ignored them. I knew my hair was uneven and if they were to try to even it out, I'd be bald headed. The one further down Highland (near Eastern Ave) is better though and less crowded. I let them relax my hair the last time (back in April) and they did a good job. Still wouldn't let them trim it though.
I'm so sorry this happened to you crlsweetie! Your hair is still gorgeous, as always. It will recover!:yep:

I'm also glad you shared this experience. Definitely makes me 1000 times more wary of stylists.:perplexed
Sorry you didn't have a good experience at the Dom Salon. Your hair looks healthy and you still have length to it. Don't worry, You'll reach your goal!
OMG I am so sorry this happened to you. Your hair is strong and beautiful and I am sure your lenght will come back very quickly and even better than before. We need a buddy system so no one goes alone to the salon. Strenght in numbers!
eajaye2u said:
OMG I am so sorry this happened to you. Your hair is strong and beautiful and I am sure your lenght will come back very quickly and even better than before. We need a buddy system so no one goes alone to the salon. Strenght in numbers!

That is actually an EXCELLENT idea.
Yall I am ok. I will get over this and my hair will be FIYAH in a few months! I talked to my big sis and she helped me look at it for what it was!
Thanks Marie170 :rosebud:
I'm sorry to hear about this :hugs. This is one of the main reasons why I've cut beauticians/stylists out of my life -- they don't know when to stop...Haven't been to one since 2004. Grl, I know hair grows but damn, and it doesn't even look like she evened this up much....Now, this is what you call a set-back and I'm not into setbacks so I stay away from them. Next time have somebody you trust trim your hair i.e. mom, sis, friend etc..
I am so sorry... I am going to cry for you. You know what I will handle your lightweight. I have my pink blade in the car and I am about to cut a ______________________ yeah fill in the blank:mad: .

But if I get caught, just said you don't know me.:lol:
Im so sorry to hear about this experience. :mad: It really sucks to get a major CUT when you are only looking for a dusting, or trim, at best. :( I know you must be so frustrated and angry.

Thanks for sharing this story. It definitely has a good moral: Go with your gut instinct always!

As others have already stated, at least now your hair is blunt and the ends are fresh and healthy.... so you are starting again from a GREAT place and will regain that length soon! I have no doubts about that. :)
crlsweetie912 said:
That is actually an EXCELLENT idea.
Yall I am ok. I will get over this and my hair will be FIYAH in a few months! I talked to my big sis and she helped me look at it for what it was!
Thanks Marie170 :rosebud:

You are most certainly welcome...we are all in this together:)
Daaaaaaaang! That's bogus. I hate that feeling of sitting in the chair knowing that something just ain't right. I'm sorry you had to experience that. The good part about it all is you're starting fresh:)

I had a very similar experience on New Year's Eve when I went in for a regular shampoo and set with my beautician of 9 years. I was just looking for a good trim and she cut a good inch or more off..

I still get heated up when I think about it, but it motivated me to get back to taking care of my hair better..

I'm sorry you had that experience, but I promise you it will grow back better than before. And I pray faster than ever too.

And you are so right, I have learned now to listen to my gut instinct-even with my own stylist.
I am sorry to hear about your experience.
I remember the same thing happening to me when I got a “trim’ from the Dominicans but at the time I wasn’t upset since I wasn’t trying to grow my hair out and they had cut me from mid-back to just above bra strap. What works for me is when you are trying to grow your hair out do just that grow it out and don’t let a stylist with scissors near it. Since I haven’t gotten a trim since my hair is nearly waist-length now. So keep your head up and it will grow back
I am against how much she chopped off but look at the good side u have nice healthy ends now.

If u hold on to them split ends u headin for a disater later on so u did wha i need to do righ now so cheer up it will grow back quicker.
So sorry you had a chop against your wishes. I agree, on the bright have a nice cut, wonderful, healthy ends.
Next salon trip just keep your eyes on the mirror and if you get twirled around ask for a hand mirror. Better yet, say no scissors and mean it. My hair from left to right is so uneven but I refuse that 'even you up' cut everytime 'cause I know the sides will eventually be more even as I baby the left side.
I had a bad expeirence at the same salon on my birthday last summer - I wanted to "treat" myself to my first blowout and they tried to make me feel like my natural hair was much too and I HAD to get a perm. :mad:

After I reaching my length goal this summer, I may try to go to NYC for a blowout!
Ok ma first I send you a big hug and I come offering baggies and coconut oil. If I had some mtg I would bring it too. The best part is it will be ready to go when you get to BSL (not if but when) this year
Again, I'm sooooo sorry for you. I know the feeling too well to get a cut when you only want a trim. Happened to me in Dec and I get p*ssed to think about. From now only this white stylist that waxes my brows will do my cuts. She has always done just what I ask for. As a matter of fact, I was by her shop a couple of weeks ago and she was shocked when she saw the length of my hair, knowing I was growing it out. I just can't trust a sista again with scissors. Don't mean to offend but it has happened too many times.
I think you guys are all really supportive and sweet. I really hope your hair grows back and longer than it was before. I'm really sorry this happened to you. I know what it's like sitting in that chair thinking "the stylist knows best" when they don't know "you". I hope you get used to your new hair style, but not for long because it's already growing. I'm sure of it.
Misseyl said:
I'm sorry to hear about this :hugs. This is one of the main reasons why I've cut beauticians/stylists out of my life -- they don't know when to stop...Haven't been to one since 2004. Grl, I know hair grows but damn, and it doesn't even look like she evened this up much....Now, this is what you call a set-back and I'm not into setbacks so I stay away from them. Next time have somebody you trust trim your hair i.e. mom, sis, friend etc..
Thanks for looking at the bright side...

Thanks ladies for all the support. I wasn't going to post this cause I was so upset this morning. But I thought, if somebody else can be helped from this situation than it's worth it. I have read too many horror stories so I should have known better. I am taking responsibility for my part in this. I have learned a valueable lesson.