I think he will be so happy that you talked him into going natural! Good for you! I know the progress will be great!
I'm about to send my DH to you so you can do his hair LOL Unfortunately on my end, I don't know how to braid so his hair was a hot mess when it wasn't braided. I would just shake my head and get mad LOL Poor guy, I forced him to BC ahahaha

You should post a picture of your DH's hair!!!! If its drool-worthy I wanna see it! How long is his hair BTW? I guess if my DH was a woman *LMAO* He'd be considered BSL. He takes horrible care of his hair too.
Stop putting everything on the South. Relaxers on men in the South are very uncommon. Presses on men in the South are very uncommon. Maybe in one town in the South but I havent seen it. I actually have seen it more in the Midwest if I had to pick an area. Every city in the South is not the same. Please stop the stereotyping.

Maybe doing a BKT will help during his transition.

A stereotype is a commonly held public belief about specific social groups or types of individuals.Stereotypes are standardized and simplified conceptions of groups based on some prior assumptions.
A lot of men in the South wear perms. That's not a steroptype it is an observation. If I said "ALL men in the south wear perms", that would be a sterotype.
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Relaxers on men in general are uncommon. Period. I forget what it's called in psychology, when you assume something is the norm just cause you know like 10 people doing it. *shrugs*

Nevertheless, glad to see another man doing the right thing. Good luck, and hope to see pics soon.
Relaxers on men in general are uncommon. Period. I forget what it's called in psychology, when you assume something is the norm just cause you know like 10 people doing it. *shrugs*

Nevertheless, glad to see another man doing the right thing. Good luck, and hope to see pics soon.

I agree with this. Though, living in North Texas i haven't seen a man with a relaxer but I haven't been all over this state either. One think is that we are moving to FL in 3 weeks and I hope he doesnt back out of going natural because of the humidity! As long as he stays in braids I think he will be okay, but its the flat ironing once a year that I'm nervous about! His hair will revert as soon as he steps outside.
Ok maybe the word is generalizing. The south as if it is one unit. I see alot of inaccurate comments about the north, west, east, and south. I think there is some stereotyping involved. But this post is about your sweetie so good luck to him in his transition.
I agree with this. Though, living in North Texas i haven't seen a man with a relaxer but I haven't been all over this state either. One think is that we are moving to FL in 3 weeks and I hope he doesnt back out of going natural because of the humidity! As long as he stays in braids I think he will be okay, but its the flat ironing once a year that I'm nervous about! His hair will revert as soon as he steps outside.
What part of FL? Northwest, Central, South, etc....and yes, it's very humid. I live in Northwest FL.
Congrats to your hubby! :D

I'm confused on one thing though; if his hair grows about 1/2 an inch per month and you're trimming 1/2 an inch a month anyway, wouldn't that be eliminating his progress? :o
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Congrats to your hubby! :D

I'm confused on one thing though; if his hair grows about 1/2 an inch per month and you're trimming 1/2 an inch a month anyway, wouldn't that be eliminating his progress? :o
No it wont. The goal is to get him natural first. TheN focus on length retention. Since he wont do a BC, Ill be cutting out the relaxer little by little. Then when hes fully natural we'll focus on length retention.
hope that makes since....
West, I know Central but not west Central, lol. It's all good. Welcome to Florida! The humidity is a beast but you'll learn how to cope with it once you become climatized. I'm a native Floridian so I'm use to it (sorta).
West, I know Central but not west Central, lol. It's all good. Welcome to Florida! The humidity is a beast but you'll learn how to cope with it once you become climatized. I'm a native Floridian so I'm use to it (sorta).

I meant (East) Central.. I'm so used to saying 'I live on the West Coast' then 'The MidWest' But yeah, not far from Cocoa Beach. I can't wait to feel that humidity on my hair. Maybe it will help with retaining moisture! LOL jk
He will love it when his hair is natural. His braids will be even better looking too. The guys I work with that has braids they be cute with it and when they dont comb it and just have it out hoping some girl hook them up LOL the natural look be still cute. Keep us posted and I know you will have to jokes about his progress.
He couldn't hang! Went back to relaxing again. BUT he's cutting it off next year he promises. (We'll see)