My DevaChan experience.....


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OK so I really do not post much, but I've been on my hair journey for a little over 4 years now. I started off with relaxer broken off barely there SL/NL hair. In 2009 I decided to no loner relax and transition to natural. Yesterday morning after being natural for a little over 3 years, I was finally at my ultimate goal of BSL(I wear mine low, so it was about an inch or 2 past BSB)..... Ok let me get into my story.

I set an appointment with an "Advanced" stylist named Christopher for 3pm. Now I do not live in NYC, but I was going up there to visit family for the day. After taking the train I realized that I was going to have to walk a few blocks and connect to another train because it sat further down on Broadway than I had expected. I called to let them know I was running late, and the guy who answered the phone didn't even ask me my name! He rushed me off and then said ok I will tell him. This in its self should have been a red flag!

So once I get there, a half hour late, the lady at the front proceeds to tell me that Christopher had to leave for an emergency and I will now be seeing Melanie. This was a complete LIE!!!! Little do they know, I did my research and on their YouTube page they have videos of all their stylist and I knew what he looked like! Christopher was standing behind the wall stocking product glancing at me throughout the cracks! Truth be told I think they looked at my Facebook and one they realized I was black, they try to stick with the only black person working that day! Red flag #2!

Unlike all the review I read online, I was not whisked away as soon as I got there, I was sitting in the waiting area for almost 15 mins. Once Melanie finally comes to get me, I noticed she had a texture like mine, but does not wear it as defined as I like to wear mine. She takes me to the chair and asked me: How did I hear about them, what do I use in my hair, what I was in there for and have I read he book. I told her I was here to get a trim and maybe a little shaping but I wanted to keep my length. I mentioned I had a few different textures and a few random straight sections that don't curl. If you all did not know, they do everything with you facing the mirror. As I'm talking to her her expressions were that of disgust! When I comment on them, she turned on a fake smile and said it wasn't that and my hair looked healthy although I had a few straight pieces. Red flag #3!!!

As she begins to CUT I noticed that she was not cutting the Deva way! Instead of cutting curl by curl as I have seen in countless videos and read countless reviews and as the book states, she was cutting my hair as if it was straight without combing it! SMH Red Flag #4!! I noticed that she was cutting of A LOT of hair and tons of full curls were on the floor! Now I have a mixture of 3c/4a hair so it you cut a curl that wraps around 2-3 times and looks to be an inch when curled, it's most likely 3-4 inches when straight!!!! When she got to the font where my damn there straight section is, she cut like 6 INCHES off!!!!! (I feel like crying just typing this out!) I kept a blank stare on my face the hole time because I couldn't believe that this was happening. I specifically said in the beginning I will meet to be able to put it up in a ponytail for work! When'd she was don't cutting I asked if I still had enough for a ponytail and her reply was "yes you have plenty for a ponytail". I don't know what kind of ponytails she is use to seeing, but that was a bald face lie!!!!

She takes me over to the wash area (best part of the experience) and I was expecting her to tell me about each product and why she was using them and.... There was silence! I will add she was not friendly or talkative at all through this whole process. I observed her with her other clients that were not as pigmented as myself, and she would smile, laugh and talk it up with them. Ok now back to my wash. As some my know, they do not use combs or brushes here so it took here forever and tons of product to detangle my hair. The only thing she explained to me was the deep condition.

After my wash, she left tons of conditioner in my hair, a lot more then I would have likes. The takes me back to the chair and all she does is put some oils in it. I asked her about some gel because I like me hair to be defined. Her response was gel was not necessary. She stuck some clips in my head without even asking what side I like my part on and stuck me under the dryer. Reg Flag #5! She did however tell me that once I was dry, she will possibly trim me up a little more. At this point I have already hated my hair, but I wanted to let it dry so I could see the full effect. I did notice however that the length it was soaking wet was shorter than my length when it was bone dry.

So after being under the dryer for ~30 mins. She takes out the clips has me flip over my head and proceeds to blow dry the rest. The she began to cut off some more!! About another inch or 2 in some places!!!! As I feel my hair I noticed that it felt dry and coated. I contribute this to leaving entirely too much conditioner in my hair. There was little to no definition and it was extremely big and short! It was written all over my face that I did not like it, but refused to cry and or be rude. I go to check out and only one male stylist (Go figure it was Christopher) said they liked my hair. I honestly think he only said it because he could read the disappointment on my face. None the less at check out they then ask if I needed any of the products and handed me a bonus card. At this point when they charge me, I find out it was cheaper because she was a junior stylist! This in my mind explained why she did what she did.

After leaving I had no choice but to put on my game face and own this hair cut. I met up with my friends and family and they all gave that awkward smile. I will post a pic of what it looked like yesterday after spending $80+ on it.

So this morning I go to wash it because I do not like the feel of it and the lack of definition. This is where the tears came rolling. I realized that my beautiful hair they was BSL yesterday, is now barely even SL!!!! or it can't even fit into a ponytail like I asked!!! Now I have this little puff at the end where this big beautiful bun use to sit! All these years of hard work and progress is now down the drain because of yet another scissor happy stylist! I don't even want to start over, I'm ready to relax because I am so depressed about my lack there of ponytail and my barely there length! I don't want to go out or to work tomorrow. Im laying here thinking for all that money I could have just went to 125th street and have them twist my real hair for less and still had all my length without this stupid shape!

Would I ever recommend this salon to a curly girl? No not unless you have perfect curls or want to BC. Sorry for the long post, I just want anyone who my be contemplating going to this salon to be fully aware of what they maybe getting themselves into. Had I known they were going to butcher my hair they way they did I would have never wasted my time or money. I cold have jacked up my hair myself at home!

Now I have to future out how I am going to wear my hair tomorrow to work! I work in corporate America and me wearing a frizzy un defined fro is not going to cut it at my job.

In the picture I am the one in the middle. If to look at my avi from January you will see why I am so upset. I am open to suggestions as to what I can do to help it grow out quickly.



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Im sorry....but they would've gotten chewed ALL the way out by me!

AND sued. No way would they not know i didn't like it! I would've went off on that chick.

Sorry this happened to you but there are times to get hood on somebody and this was one of those times.

Sent from my N860 using LHCF
Um first thing you should do is go get your money back. Let them know you know they lied, put you with a junior stylist, you have before and after pics of your hair and that you already posted your experience on LHCF. Unfortunately, it's going to take months of TLC and patience to get your hair back but you WILL get it back. I'm sooo sorry, OP.
Im so sorry this happened! I have a fear of salons for this reason...Im pretty sure I will just trim my hair myself or go somewhere like great clips with my hair straightened and ask for a trim. I agree with the poster above, Im pretty quiet and nonconfrontational, but the older I get the more I speak my mind and I think I would have let them had it and refused to pay. You should have addressed that dude by name when you left so he knew that you knew who he was.

I would say take hair vitamins. A lot of people use hairfinity, but Ive been taking Andrew Lessman Hair Skin and Nails vitamin and it has everything hairfinity has and more.

So sorry they cut so much of your hair off! Dust yourself off and youtube some cute styles you can do with your current lengh. Im sure you can still wear a nice, defined twistout, it will just be shorter than you are used to.
I'm so sorry you had such a terrible experience. But you really should've spokne up waaayyyy before it got to all that. I've been you, and one thing this hair journey has taught me is to speak up and ask for what I want when it comes to MY hair.

When they were pretending the guy wasn't there, you should've said isn't that him right there I saw his videos -- pulled their card. And all that cutting she was doing uh, uh. I now carry my magic star combs -- and tell them don't come near my head with a little comb, conditioner, etc.

Dry your tears you will make it back to bsl I know it's a tough pill to swallow. And you deserved to flip out they had it coming.
I'm sorry to hear this. I would have walked out when she started to scrunch up her face at my products. I refuse to spend my hard earned money on a service that I do not satisfied with. :nono:
Thats a Crime what they did to your should definitely have asked for your money back. It will grow back though!! This is why I DIY...because it would be an INCIDENT if someone cut me from BSL to SL!! You would see it on the news!!
:nono: I'm really sorry that happened to you. I know that when you are in shock it's hard to get the words out. Im sure in retrospect you you wish you would have spoken up. I just hope that you take this as testament that you should trust you instincts, no one knows better than you what's best for you!!!
Honey, rather than pouring out your story to us, you need to fire off this letter to Lorraine Massey and stat! Go to the CEO, Pres, Queen of that company. Explain every single little nasty detail. And please include that Massey has a large African American following.

One more thing, though, and I hope I do not offend anyone, we need to get over the fact that a CUT is a CUT. They are not going to trim your hair 1/billionth when you might need 3 inches of trim. View in the self-mirror often differs from the stylist's view. Your hair will grow back and probably faster. I do hope you contact Lorraine and tell her about their nasty behavior, though. Document every face that was there based upon their website. Dates...etc. YOu know they are going to try to erase your visit, right? Get it documented right now.
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I'm sorry I wouldn't have paid and once she lied I'd say chris is right there but since you can't be honest I'll be going.
While you have had an absolutely horrendous and traumatic experience that undoubtedly you will learn from, in the future you will trust your first instinct and when the situation does not feel right, you will flee from the salon.

Unfortunately, I have been there had a hairdresser who was a hair assassin (who was very lethal with a pair of shears), she had uber stealth and I did not realize that she had cut of 6 inches until it was too late.

On the plus side, your foray into the salon gave Melanie much need practice, let's face it we all have to start somewhere, she will now proudly add expert at dealing with 4A/4B to her resume and move up as an experienced instead of junior stylists..
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They did some unprofessional things. I think everyone should be active participants when it comes to their hair and discuss what you want throughout the whole process. The great stylists I've had cut then ask me what I think, we talk about what area needs more cutting, whether the layers need to be deeper, etc...then they continue to cut. It should be a two person process.

Sorry this happened to you. You shouldn't consider relaxing. The hair will grow back. Try using a wide banana clip to get a more voluminous puff.
You need to put this on yelp and youtube and write to the owner of the company.

I cannot believe they passed you off to a junior stylist to *** up your hair while the stylist that was to cut your hair, Christopher, stood there and watched.

This is why I do not let anyone near my hair with scissors. I walked out on my last salon appointment since she was going to cut at least an inch of my hair, claiming it was damaged since she did not know how to blow out natural hair. And this was a natural blow dry bar salon!
Thanks everyone. I'm Going to put my review on yelp as well as email the salon. I'm going to see if I can get someone higher up on the phone on Tuesday when they open.

I guess I will have to grint and bare it and count this as my bog chop.
Well you can't make your hair grow faster but it will grow back.

Second....I would have raised hell up in there right then, not after the fact, right when she's doing something I don't want her to do. When I got my hair cut at Ouidad I was very expressive in what I wanted and how much hair I DID NOT want cut off, and I was very pleased because Sondriel listened to me.
I copied and pasted your experience to customer service @ Devchan with a note that I was planning to make an appointment but reconsidered in light of your experience.
I'm sorry this happened but take it as a lessons learned.

I went through a similar experience where I let a Dominican stylist cut m 3c/4a hair while it was wet. I went from bsl to shoulder.

After that day, anytime i see a stylist doing something they shouldn't I stop them dead in their tracks. Even if it's just incorrect detangling...remember you are the customer.

After seeing a couple large snips of hair fall to floor I would have stopped the session right there and called a manager over. It's your hard work at stake not there's.

But it will grow back and I'm sure your hair will grow back healthier then before
I'm glad you posted your experience. Hopefully after reading enough of these stories members will feel more comfortable speaking up when a stylist is cutting too much.

Sent from my HTC Evo
Wow. Sorry about your experience.
That was really sad to read :sad:

Def reach out to them on Monday and blast them on Yelp.
Thanks everyone. I'm Going to put my review on yelp as well as email the salon. I'm going to see if I can get someone higher up on the phone on Tuesday when they open.

I guess I will have to grint and bare it and count this as my bog chop.

Yes, definitely put it on Yelp, Google Reviews, heck if they have a Facebook page then post it on there. I have not had any issues with hair stylists, but I had an issue with Walmart and after my emails and calls were ignore, I very politely blasted them on their Facebook page and guess what: I had a response within MINUTES and my issue was remedied. Let everyone you can know about your experience.

I am so sorry that this happened to you, but you definitely need to make sure your voice is heard. I hope this doesn't happen to anyone else. Your hair will grow back to where it was before. Can you use some gel for a defined WnG, or maybe a defined twistout? You can possibly even wear a phony pony while you work. I'm sad that you even have to explore alternative options, but please keep your head up. :)
If people could hold off until she can contact the owner of the company with their communication with Devachan...she needs time to rectify it. Another thing, please do not call anyone unless it is at corporate. They are going to put in a bad word for you before you can get to Ms. Massey. These are all the games they play. Be smart about getting to them the best way you know how. Don't let your right hand know what your left is doing yet.
I am so sorry, OP. This is why I fear going to anyone to get my hair done these days. I honestly would have walked out if I saw Christopher there after already knowing what he looks like. I don't like people playing me a fool. If they knew what you looked like, did they not think that you could do your own research and find out what Christopher looks like too??

Honey, rather than pouring out your story to us, you need to fire off this letter to Lorraine Massey and stat! Go to the CEO, Pres, Queen of that company. Explain every single little nasty detail. And please include that Massey has a large African American following.

One more thing, though, and I hope I do not offend anyone, we need to get over the fact that a CUT is a CUT. They are not going to trim your hair 1/billionth when you might need 3 inches of trim. View in the self-mirror often differs from the stylist's view. Your hair will grow back and probably faster. I do hope you contact Lorraine and tell her about their nasty behavior, though. Document every face that was there based upon their website. Dates...etc. YOu know they are going to try to erase your visit, right? Get it documented right now.

I totally agree. I'm sure that Lorraine Massey knows too that there are a lot of hair dressers that can do Diva Cuts outside of DevaChan Salons and that we no longer "need" to go to DevaChan for a cut anymore...
OP why didnt you stop her as soon as you noticed how much she was cutting off?
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This is why I don't do stylists. It's like playing a slot machine....nine times otta ten you gonna lose your money.

Sorry that happened to you. Good news is it will grow back, thank goodness.
Leesh said:
OP why didnt you stop here as soon as you noticed how much she cutting off?

By the time I realized it was too late. If she would have stopped it would have been really jacked up. They cut one side at a time.
I'm sorry you had such a bad experience there! Keith trimmed my hair when I visited Devachan for the first time last October and it was very pleasant. I agree that you should utilize social media to express your dissatisfaction. It really does get results. :yep:
Moniquenuss said:
By the time I realized it was too late. If she would have stopped it would have been really jacked up. They cut one side at a time.

Sorta sounds like she was disgruntled because she was passed a client at the last moment and took it out on you...

OP, She would pay or whomever she works for would pay...One way or another.