My December REVEAL!!

Your hair looks so silky, shiny and beautiful.
Great work!

I joined this site in March 2008 and my hair has really improved! I can't say thank you enough to all hairboard members for their knowledge and support!

I started this journey wanting healthier hair. In turn my hair is not only healthier it has grown tremedously. I got my hair relaxed Dec 12. My stylist is Dominican and she used Phyto 1, steamed treated my hair during my deep condish and used Moroccan Oil after my rollerset. My hair is still holding up really well.

My Reggie for 08 was:
HyH challenge
Relaxer Stretch challenge
I wore buns and W&G during the summer months
Low manipulation
Wigs and Falls
No trims
wash 1x a week
deep con 1x a week
Here is my progress below in Pikistrips!

Wow. Your hair is so pretty!
How do you use the Moroccan oil? Do you just put it on your hands and rub it through your hair?