My Dear Aubrey Organics GBP almost gave me a setback


Well-Known Member
this might come off as blasphemy to a lot of you AO lovers. so my apologies :)

and let me start off by saying i LOVE AO GBP. i've been using it on a regular basis for the past 3 months following the instructions on the bottle. I'd apply it on dry hair for no more than 20 minutes, rinse, and enjoy soft, fragrant hair.

but nooo, last night, I decided to go the extra mile and leave it on overnight! I applied the product to my dry hair in sections, put a shower cap on, *fell asleep*, and woke up to a mild headache and mushy, spongy hair that was entirely TOO soft to detangle!

i must have been in the shower for an hour, gently detangling tiny clumps of tangles that hadn't been in my hair before. my hair had no slip, and felt overmoisturized. i ended up having to do a protein treatment (Aphogee's Keratin 2 min.), and letting it dry fully so my hairs wouldn't keep snapping from being too mushy.

i managed to somehow get it into 2 french braids, but i just wanted to pass along the warning:

if you have fine strands, leaving Aubrey Organics GPB on for significantly longer than the instructions dictate may lead to mushy hair that easily snaps and breaks.

so don't be lazy like me! :wallbash:
I think leaving any DC in overnight is a bad idea. IMO, leaving a DC in for 20 min is more than enough. Too much of anything is never good. Hopefully your hair recovers.

Wow, I'm sorry that happened to you. I went to bed with GPB and Giovanni Magnetic Restucturing the day before my press and my hair was fine. Maybe the Giovanni undid any damage that overnight GPB might've done. I also shampooed with strengthening Garnier so maybe that helped a bit. :scratchch

Thanks for sharing though. I'll keep this in mind and never take that chance again.
I have never been able to DC or baggy overnight without the same thing happening. Glad you were able to avoid some serious trouble...
Joico K Pak set me back. I am off protein now. What bothers me is that I had NO breakage until I had to go and use K Pak. I couldn't leave well enough alone.
I'm sorry that happened to you.

I normally use AO GPB on dry hair. I apply it and sit under the heating cap for 15 minutes. Then I shampoo. I don't follow it up w/ any other conditioner b/c it's super moisturizing.

I don't leave conditioners or moisturizing products on overnight anymore. I did it when I started my healthy hair journey & my hair liked it. Then, my hair started breaking and getting overly mushy. I think it was because my hair was overly dry when I started taking care of my hair (all I ever used was grease). The overnight treatments helped my hair get the moisture it needed, but I took it too far.
I tried to sleep in conditioner one time and my hair was a tangled mess the next morning. I promised myself to never do that again no matter how tired I am and made my DH promise to yell at me if he saw me attempting to try that again. LOL

I hope your hair is okay now.
I think leaving any DC in overnight is a bad idea. IMO, leaving a DC in for 20 min is more than enough. Too much of anything is never good. Hopefully your hair recovers.


I have to agree. My latest experience tells me :nono: no-no never again...
WOW:grin: ! We just talked about GPB in another Thread, because I was going to use it under a Heat Cap for about an hour and then Steam with a Moisturizing DC Treatment.

And a Couple of Posters(in the Beloved Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge Thread) Warned me in that Thread that GPB is actually more moisturizing than people give it credit for being and always couch it in as a "Protein Based Product" when actually the Properities in it mimic "moisture":look:

So, now seeing this Thread today, again sheds light on, IMO: even if it has some protein in it, it should be treated like a moisturizing conditioner to avoid over moisturization.

OT: I Cannot Sleep or Rest Well with Damp Hair, therefore, I Cannot Overnight Condition. It just feels yuk to me.:blush:
I'm happy to see this post since I always thought GPB was a protein conditioner. I have not ordered it yet, waiting to run out of AOHSR, but I will keep this in mind once I do order GPB.

WOW:grin: ! We just talked about GPB in another Thread, because I was going to use it under a Heat Cap for about an hour and then Steam with a Moisturizing DC Treatment.

And a Couple of Posters Warned me in that Thread that GPB is actually more moisturizing than people give it credit for being and always couch it in as a "Protein Based Product" when actually the Properities in it mimic "moisture":look:

So, now seeing this Thread today, again sheds light on, IMO: even if it has some protein in it, it should be treated like a moisturizing conditioner to avoid over moisturization.

OT: I Cannot Sleep or Rest Well with Damp Hair, therefore, I Cannot Overnight Condition. It just feels yuk to me.:blush:
I slept with this product in my hair last night (cause I was lazy and it was 12am; I woke up at 6am and rinsed it out) and woke up to totally healed hair. My ends were dry, snapping, breaking, and downright gross before. They are so smooth and soft now. I :love: this product!! Yay Aubrey Organics!!
That's why I always read the directions, and try to follow them. Sorry you fell asleep, and woke up to mushy hair. At least you knew how to correct it.