My DD challenged me


New Member
Soooooooooo, I cut off my permed ends a couple of days ago. Now my 11 y/o DD is *SUPER* excited because she has the longest hair in the house. She and I have a running discussion about how proper hair care can help your hair to grow. So I made this statement to her "Enjoy it while you can, my hair will be longer than yours shortly." She looked at me and walked off. I told her that I put a lot of time and effort into my hair and that by the time she is in 10th grade, I will have WL natural hair. She thinks I am kidding.

Later in the day she comes back and says "I challenge you." My face::ohwell: What I am thinking::lachen:So I ask her what is the challenge. She says "I want to see your hair longer than mine by the end of the school year." Me: Ok fine. We shook on it.

Now, I only cut off at most 3 inches in the longest section. Before the cut, mine was longer. So I need to grow roughly 5 inches by July 1 (that's a little over 7 months). This is going to be interesting.

She is so sure that I can't do it. I feel as though I have too. Why??? I always tell her that I have the knowledge to help her with a variety of things, but that she will have to listen to what I say. This will show her that 1)I know what I'm talking about, 2)She should listen to me & 3)I only want to help her, we are on the same team.

So here is what it is: I will post up pics later today of my starting point. I will have to flat iron so that I can get an accurate measurement, then I will be in conrows for the duration of this challenge. I will alternate topical GA's monthly (thanks Nakia) to keep my growth at an optimal rate. I will DC weekly & wash every couple days. I will continue on with my daily vits: 2 Nioxin, 4 Garlic, 4 HF, 3 Hair Skin & Nails, 1 Multi, 1 Iron.

My DD will keep doing what she has been doing in an effort to out do me, lol.

Wish me luck ladies, I will update this thread at the end of each month to show my progress and help me stay on track. I will also tell what I did for that month to get the growth that I received.

This will be interesting.
I love the challenge! There is nothing better than a RL motivator to keep you on track for your goals. Good luck you show that young buck what's up!

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:lol: That's cute how she came outta no where talking about "I challenge you" :lol: Kid has Moxy! ... Good luck!
She's 11 she sounds older than that.. She does her own hair.. Don't be surprised if she is not secretly taking notes. You do buy her products right? What products do she use?
:lol: That's cute how she came outta no where talking about "I challenge you" :lol: Kid has Moxy! ... Good luck!

She has tooooooooo much Moxy! That's what gets her into trouble. But I can't really be mad at her, I am the same way. She gets it honestly, lol.

We shall see about this one.......
She's 11 she sounds older than that.. She does her own hair.. Don't be surprised if she is not secretly taking notes. You do buy her products right? What products do she use?

She is only 11, she will be 12 next year in June. Does she do her own hair.......... That depends on your definition of "doing" is. She wants the long hair, but would rather cut her dolls hair than to actually do something of substance to hers. She can style her doll's GREAT, but she won't do the same for her own head. It makes me sad.

Yes, I buy her products, but they end up on the doll and not on her hair. She has a mix of JBCO, MT & Aloe Gel that she is supposed to put on her hair. Then use a little JBCO on her scalp. I bought some Lenzi's Request that I will give to her to put on her scalp.

I am really hoping that this will show her that "mommy does know what she is talking about." We are about to hit those teenage years. I am doing whatever I can to show her that I am here to help her, but she needs to listen. If me wining this challenge will get my point across, then that's what has to be done.

I will be busting my tail to make it happen......... At all costs, lol

*exits to take vits*
i love it! she is about to hit her teen years too? :lachen: i burned the front of my hair out when i was 12 messing around with a Gold n Hot curling iron. i turned that baby up to 10 and the rest is history! :lachen:

Good Luck OP. can't wait to see your hair in the summer!
How awesome! Go get her momma! It will be great to see your progress over these next few months!

I'm secretly in a length war with my sister. She doesn't know yet. But she has always had "long hair". She's about an inch from APL and has been for years. I'm coming for her arse tho...

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Ok Ladies!!!!

As promised, here are both of our starting pics. We did bangs and the back. Her bangs are right under her bottom lip. Her back seems to be brushing SL. My bangs right under my nose. My back seems to be brushing SL as well. So it seems that we are close in the length in the back.

I may just make this after all. The funny part for me is when I look at my pics where I was last year in April ( when I first got started with my hair journey & where I am now, there is not a really big difference in the lengths. The biggest difference that I know of is: April 2010 I was permed, November 2011 I am ALL NATURAL!!!!!! In roughly 16 months as a natural head, I have achieved what took me almost 3 years to do as a permed head. I may be 1 inch or so off.

I am so proud of myself. I did not realize this until just now when I was uploading the pics and looking at where I was last year in April and where I am now.

I am so excited to see how this challenge unfolds.

BTW, I will be helping DD *a tiny bit*. I will be mixing her hair stuff myself and keeping her hair braided as well. As she has to do is oil her scalp daily with Lenzi's Request & tie it up. I, on the other hand, will be taking hair vits and using my hair magic and getting back on my total body reggie to make my point.


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Your daughter is your mini-me and both of you are beautiful! I love your hair and can't wait to see it long. Sometimes us ole folks gotta teach them young'uns they don't know everything. In any case, both of you will have healthy hair when this challenge is over!
Your daughter is your mini-me and both of you are beautiful! I love your hair and can't wait to see it long. Sometimes us ole folks gotta teach them young'uns they don't know everything. In any case, both of you will have healthy hair when this challenge is over!

I am hoping that this challenge will save some of her hair. Right now, her ends are all different lengths. I dont want to cut it if I dont have too. She would be crushed and cry a lot. I know the feeling as I had to cut ALL my hair when it started to fall out from hair color. I would not wish that on her. Hopefully keeping it braided and moisturized will fix it. If not, they will have to be cut when this is over. :perplexed
It's so wonderful that this challenge will teach her to take care of her hair at an early age, when I was 11 and started doing my own hair my hard headed butt took my bsl hair to sl hair wanting perms and manipulating it every which way smh
I must say that I'm concerned with the amount of vitamins you're taking. According to the list, you're taking 9 vitamins for hair specifically. I don't believe our bodies can absorb that many minerals, so you'll be wasting a lot of those minerals in the restroom. You'll also need a ridiculous amount of water a day to aid those vitamins in breaking down. How about choosing one of the hair specific vitamins, the garlic, multi, and iron, and drinking at least a half gallon of water a day?

Either way, Good Luck on your challenge!
I must say that I'm concerned with the amount of vitamins you're taking. According to the list, you're taking 9 vitamins for hair specifically. I don't believe our bodies can absorb that many minerals, so you'll be wasting a lot of those minerals in the restroom. You'll also need a ridiculous amount of water a day to aid those vitamins in breaking down. How about choosing one of the hair specific vitamins, the garlic, multi, and iron, and drinking at least a half gallon of water a day?

Either way, Good Luck on your challenge!

I didn't think about that. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I do drink a gallon of water each day. The Nioxin I just recently added, so I could probably alternate on a monthly or bi-monthly basis between the Nioxin and HF vits. The Hair Skin & Nails, I love them because they address more than 1 issue.

So, thanks for your suggestion. I will alternate them. That's what this board is good for........ A Helping Hand.