My daughter's hair emergency- please help!


Well-Known Member
hello all,

I don't post often but I'm in a bit of a dilema her and I need advice. My daughter will be 20 months this week and I've gotten her hair to grow from 1" to 4 1/2 " in 4 months. My problem is that one side of her hair line and nape area is falling out! I have noticed since December that her hair would shed a little ( maybe about 10-15 strands) whever I braided her hair ( 1x per week). I'm not sure if she's too young for the hair shed or not but I figured it was due to the weather. She has also been scratching the hell out of her scalp which is leaving "hair bumps", hence the reason why her hairline and nape is thinning. No matter how loose I braid her hair, she's scratching towards the braided area. As of yesterday, I have stopped braiding her hair, started to moisten the scalp area with witch hazel and have resorted to 2-strand twists so that her scalp is not stressed ( used Curly butter, the peppermint soothed her scalp immediately and created great moisture). Last week, I started putting a small amount of Dr. Miracle's Temple and Nape balm and have seen a small amount of improvement, the heat seems to sooth her scalp and creates less itching. I also bought Sulfer 8 for children 2-12 and I hope this helps! If the constant itching continues and the hair bump spreads, I will end up taking her to a dermatologist.

Am I being too much of a worry wart guys? I know she's only a baby but I want to get the best possible care for her hair! If anyone has any home remedies or words of advice, it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Maybe she is sensitive to something she is coming in contact with. Like some detergent, perfum, etc. Or something in one of the hair products.. Also are u sure she doesnt have ezcema? My daughter had a small ezcema patch at the back of her head. She used to scratch it all the time. The dr had me put some hydrocorizone creme on it and it cleared up.

Also, can u tell us how u got her hair to grow over the last couple of months? :D
carmend said:
The dr had me put some hydrocorizone creme on it and it cleared up.

Also, can u tell us how u got her hair to grow over the last couple of months? :D

i did the same thing my daughter had a patch and the hydrocortisone cleared it right up

is she wearing a hat maybe the fabris rubbing is bothering her?

does she sweat alot.

my kids sweat alot right before they fall asleep and i noticed my daughter would scratch alot.

maybe she is allergic to one o f the products your using.

maybe her hair is growing in that spot,causing a sensation and causing her to scratch it????
It's great that you got her hair growing so fast.

I don't have kids however I know of a few kids that had problems wearing braids, and after wearing 2 strand twists their scalp problems cleared up. I think you are on the right path. Find a product that works well for her scalp and hair and stick to it. I believe that is one way that you can get your child on the right track.

My aunt used one grease (ugh I hate grease) on my little cousins hair since she was a baby, it's called La India. I think the only place you can get it is in Jamaica, so my aunt always had someone bringing her a supply when they went there. Anyway my little cousin always had very soft (even though she's 4a) hair that was always in good condition. My aunt never used another moisturizer in my cousin's head until she let her get a relaxer at 14. My cousin's hair has always been long and part of it is due to my aunt's consistency with hair care. Now the unfortunate thing is that midway through last year some idiot hairdresser did a bad job giving my cousin touch up and she lost a lot of hair near the root, I think some of the relaxer was left in :eek: :mad: and ate away at her hair in the back. And get this she was between armpit and bra strap when this happened!!!!!! She is 16 years old now and when this tragedy happened she had a relaxer for 2 years. I was soooooooo mad. Her hair was on the right track. Even with the relaxer my aunt still used this stuff on her scalp, and while I don't like grease, this stuff worked for my little cousin. She is now seeing a new hairdresser that is helping to regrow the hair with tlc, she's wearing braids now that are not small or tight to help her hair regrow. The hairdresser wants to keep her in braids for a year (no relaxer in between) to help her regain the hair she lost. I like this new hairdresser she's also helping my aunt transition to natural without doing a big chop. My aunt's doing well too, she probably has 4 to 5 inches of natural hair already (her hair grows like a weed). I should measure, but I think she naturally grows an inch or more of hair per month. My aunt could do a big chop and have no problem because her hair grows sooooooooooooo fast. I wish my hair grew that fast, but that's where my HF 37 comes in;) .

Anyway it sounds like you are doing the right things now for your daughter:) .
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Thanks for your replies everyone! To answer some of your questions:

1. Eczema: I know what eczama looks like and I don't think my daughter has it but I won't know that until I go to a dermotologist. And I will try the hydrocortisone creme. It's definately "hair-bumps or pimples" the type you get if your extentions are too tight. LOL!

2. Sweat: Delilah sweats profusely ( head only) since she was a newborn! So yes, I think sweat is also a major culprit, it causes her hair to get dirty quickly. Where she sleeps is always soaked with sweat in the head area; I've resorted to putting a blanket over the sheet so she could sleep. I need to invest in a satin pillow case so she won't rub her hair. Then again, she sleep wild- I find her sleeping atthe end of her crib at times. Sometimes I fear that the night sweat will mildew in her hair and cause it to fall out. that's why I put witch hazel on her scalp.

3. Allergy: I'm trying a process of elimination right now.

4. Hair growth: since she was about 10 months old ( and rubbed all of her beautiful hair bald) I have been using Carol Daughter's hair butter and this is what caused the tremendous growth and thickness. I also used Wild Growth oil 2 x per week ( haven't been using it lately, need to get back on the wagon). Her hair is like mine, 4a/b but still baby fine. When she lets me, I massage her hair a lot and I've recently staring using a nylon stocking cap ( ok, knee hi stockings) to keep her hair neat. My hair itself grows about 1 inch a month but nomatter how many times I oil my ends, they still split so every month, I cut 1/2 inch off. So right now I'm at 12 inches, bra-strap will be 15-16 inches. Time to put some braids in.:)

5. Last but not least- thanks everyone for not thinking I'm a crazy lady over this!:))
RabiaElaine said:
It's great that you got her hair growing so fast.

My aunt used one grease (ugh I hate grease) on my little cousins hair since she was a baby, it's called La India. I think the only place you can get it is in Jamaica, so my aunt always had someone bringing her a supply when they went there. Anyway my little cousin always had very soft (even though she's 4a) hair that was always in good condition. My aunt never used another moisturizer in my cousin's head until she let her get a relaxer at 14. My cousin's hair has always been long and part of it is due to my aunt's consistency with hair care. Now the unfortunate thing is that midway through last year some idiot hairdresser did a bad job giving my cousin touch up and she lost a lot of hair near the root, I think some of the relaxer was left in :eek: :mad: and ate away at her hair in the back. And get this she was between armpit and bra strap when this happened!!!!!! She is 16 years old now and when this tragedy happened she had a relaxer for 2 years. I was soooooooo mad. Her hair was on the right track. Even with the relaxer my aunt still used this stuff on her scalp, and while I don't like grease, this stuff worked for my little cousin. She is now seeing a new hairdresser that is helping to regrow the hair with tlc, she's wearing braids now that are not small or tight to help her hair regrow.

I am mad at the other hairdressers for you- I don't trust them, not even the ones at Curve Salon, been there, done that, not again. I know that hair grease you are referring too! I know a few hairspots on Flatbush Ave. that sells that. Iwill purchase it but will not put it in my daughters hair yet because I think she has product overload already..:)
Bklynqueen said:
Thanks for your replies everyone! To answer some of your questions:

1. Eczema: I know what eczama looks like and I don't think my daughter has it but I won't know that until I go to a dermotologist. And I will try the hydrocortisone creme. It's definately "hair-bumps or pimples" the type you get if your extentions are too tight. LOL!

Yeah... you may want to get her an appt w/the dr asap. B/c I thought the same thing which is why I let it go on WAY too long before I took her in. And then when the Doc told me it was eczema. I was like "are u sure?" she gave me that look like "Im the Dr I know what Im talking about". Which is not true they dont always know what they are talking about but this time she was right. :D
Bklynqueen said:
I am mad at the other hairdressers for you- I don't trust them, not even the ones at Curve Salon, been there, done that, not again. I know that hair grease you are referring too! I know a few hairspots on Flatbush Ave. that sells that. Iwill purchase it but will not put it in my daughters hair yet because I think she has product overload already..:)

Really you didn't like Curve Salon. I thought about going there once when I was texturized. I guess I did myself a favor by forgetting about it. What happened??
Bklynqueen said:
I've recently staring using a nylon stocking cap ( ok, knee hi stockings) to keep her hair neat.

i found that my duaghter and her hair did not like the nylon cap so close to her head. the nylon traps in the moiusture so when she would sweat when she falls asleep she would scratch and rub the nylon against her scalp causing irritation.and rubbing her hair out

maybe you could use a satin cap or you could try to buy one of those satin scarfs and cut it down to fit her head(since its so much fabric)

or heres a better and tj maxx usually sell silk neck scarves real cheap. that should be small enough for her head but still do the trick


I don’t normally post but this topic hit home for me because just yesterday I noticed my daughter’s hair was breaking off. She is natural and her hair is about arm pit. My daughter is very tall for her age, she is around 49 inches tall and she is only 5 years old. Every one is always saying how pretty her hair is and I would like to keep it that way. I am interested in ordering the La India wonder hair crème by Madame Thompson. I found it on the under pharmacy and then click on hair care link, you should see the picture. Sorry, I don’t know how to post pictures. I wanted to know if RabiaElaine could tell me if this is the same as what her aunt is using on her cousin’s hair.

Thank you for your help.
The less manipulation the better. I barely did anything to my daughter's hair in the way of styling when she was that young. People kept telling me to buy barrettes, balls, etc. But all those things were choking hazards as far as I was concerned so she had little cloth scrunchies that I used to put her hair in no more than 5 ponytails. When she turned 2, one of the girls at her daycare braided her hair up into a ponytail and that was the first time and one of maybe 4 times in her 5 3/4 years that she has had cornrows. (using only her hair).

Her hair is at her imaginary bra.

I know it may be hard to break habit or tradition, but I really don't like to see little girls' fragile edges and scalp being tortured in braids. (Sorry, that's just the way I see it). I don't think their scalp can handle what ours can.